Menu Modifiers

S.K. Stylez

Backstage Worker
Jun 2, 2011
Reaction score
I'll be posting any addresses relating to Menus in here. As soon as I find more, i'll update the post.

This tells you what on the Main Menu is currently selected.


0000 - Exhibition
0001 - Royal Road Succession
0002 - League
0003 - Tournament
0004 - Pay Per View
0005 - Ranking
0006 - Edit
0007 - Options

Main Menu Movements

802ADDF0 - Exhibition
802ADE78 - Royal Road Succession
802ADF00 - League
802ADF88 - Tournament
802AE010 - Pay Per View
802AE098 - Ranking
802AE120 - Edit
802AE1A8 - Options

0x00 - X Movement (Left, Right)
0x04 - Y movement (Up, Down)
0x20 - Change the text
0x24 - Pointer to something that affects what options are selected
0x28 - Another set of pointers

Values to use at 0x20:
0600 - Exhibition
0601 - Official Game
0602 - Royal Road Succession
0603 - Tournament
0604 - League
0605 - Ranking
0606 - Pay Per View
0607 - Data
0608 - Edit
0609 - Options

You can also find addresses for the other menus after that. The offset between each option is 0x88. After the Main Menu, you'll get the Stadium/Arena names.

All menu movements

This affects all the menus


0x1C - Compacts options along X
0x20 - Skews the menu up or down
0x24 - Angles the text
0x28 - Similar to above
0x2C - Skews across
0x30 - Compacts options along Y
0x34 - Kind of Star Wars effect
0x38 - Similar to above
0x3C - X Movement
0x40 - Y Movement
0x44 - Zooms out
0x48 - Zooms in
0x4C - Another X Movement?
0x50 - Another Y Movement?
0x54 - ?
0x5C - Another Zoom

Movements for the metal border around the text (Same offsets as above)


Movements for just for the Main Menu


With the next one, you can change the size of each set of items from 0x00 - 0x0C.


There's a difference of 0x10 between each set of items. Again it seems to affect all the menus.

This looks to be the pointers to the individual images used on each screen. It will change based on what screen you're on.


The next set of addresses seem to have an affect on the number of options (I think) and the background of the menu. The difference between menus is 0x08. I haven't gone through all of them. I'm thinking it might follow the same pattern as each of the individual menu movements.

8016DFC0 - Start Screen?
8016DFC8 - Main Menu
8016DFD0 - Arena Select

0x00 - Pointer to something that affects what options are selected.
0x04 - Number of options
0x05 - Background

Values for backgrounds:
0000 - Black
0001 - Blue "YOU NEVER BEAT ME!"
0002 - Red Main Menu Background
0003 - Options Background
0004 - Blue "YOU NEVER BEAT ME!"
0005 - Options Background
0006 - Options Background
0007 - Blue "YOU NEVER BEAT ME!"
0008 - Wrestler Edit
0009 - Blue "YOU NEVER BEAT ME!"
000A - Blue "YOU NEVER BEAT ME!"
000B - Vs Screen
000C - Vs Screen
000D - Black
000E - Vs Screen
000F - Wrestler Edit
0010 - Wrestler Edit
0011 - Blue "YOU NEVER BEAT ME!" (Used on Arena Screen)
0012 - Pay Per View
0013 - Pay Per View
0014 - Royal Road Succession (AJPW)
0015 - Royal Road Succession (AJPW)



Dec 11, 2013
Reaction score
<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>S.K. Stylez</dt><dd>Dec 19 2014, 03:33:02 PM</dd></dl><div>0601 - Official Game[/quote]Awesome stuff, I wonder what "Official Game" is.

S.K. Stylez

Backstage Worker
Jun 2, 2011
Reaction score
I have no idea. That's what I got when I translated the text.

Aside from not being able to change the belt textures, so that we can have custom Triple Crown titles, the menu is also causing problems. AKI has left some unused menu textures in the game. The pain is trying to find out how to find the values or the location that sets the background for each of the menu options. Below are some concepts of what I'd like to do with those textures. Not every menu option/match type seems to have a texture though. Also on another note about belts, AKI also have left the Smoking Skull texture in the game.

Remember these are only concepts and those are the only menu textures there are.




Dec 11, 2013
Reaction score
This is interesting...

Combative Rules? how very Fire Pro of them.

What are the values for the unused menu label textures?
The dimensions look extremely useful for various texture replacements.

The belt textures must be somewhere, its a shame we have so many values to go through.

Max Jack

Young Lion
Oct 7, 2014
Reaction score
hey guys I am new in this forum .. I like to find some solution from you guys about hacking titatrons on svr 2011 many softwares like Super converter and viritual dub mod it's not working and all the softwares than I downloaded like " Super converter " and viritual dub and many others are useless I want a methode or a software for converting video and put them into a titatron I think it's all about to convert video to another video format playable in the game that's is the secret help me please

S.K. Stylez

Backstage Worker
Jun 2, 2011
Reaction score
That's the thing, I have no idea what the values are. I only found these textures whilst decompressing the ROM using midwaydec.
<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>Max Jack</dt><dd>Dec 19 2014, 04:58:41 PM</dd></dl><div>hey guys I am new in this forum .. I like to find some solution from you guys about hacking titatrons on svr 2011 many softwares like Super converter and viritual dub mod it's not working and all the softwares than I downloaded like " Super converter " and viritual dub and many others are useless I want a methode or a software for converting video and put them into a titatron I think it's all about to convert video to another video format playable in the game that's is the secret help me please
[/quote]I think the guys in the SvR11 forums will be able to help you out.