Multiple Specials (4 specials)


Young Lion
Mar 26, 2018
Reaction score
  D115AF50 0003
  D1064880 0400
  8109102C 0852
  D115AF50 0003
  D1064880 0200
  8109102C 065E
  D115AF50 0003
  D1064880 0800
  8109102C 0852
  D115AF50 0003
  D1064880 0100
  8109102C 06FE

The code let's The Undertaker have 4 different specials
1. Last Ride x2
2. Tombstone Piledriver
3. Punching Combination 3

I made two last rides because I couldn't find any other special that fits in
Below is the breakdown of the code with values and addresses

Credit: D2A
D115AF50 XXXX <= When P1 is... (wrestler ID)
D1064880 0400 <= Presses D-pad Down
8109102C aaaa <= P1's Front Special is Move 1(Move Value)
D115AF50 XXXX <= When P1 is...(wrestler ID)
D1064880 0200 <= Presses D-pad Left
8109102C bbbb <= P1's Front Special is Move 2(Move Value)
D115AF50 XXXX <= When P1 is...(wrestler ID)
D1064880 0800 <= Presses D-pad Up
8109102C cccc <= P1's Front Special is Move 3(Move Value)
D115AF50 XXXX <= When P1 is...(wrestler ID)
D1064880 0100 <= Presses D-pad Right
8109102C dddd <=P1's Front Special is Move 4(Move Value)
XXXX=P1 Wrestler ID
aaaa=MMM Value for Move #1
bbbb=MMM Value for Move #2
cccc=MMM Value for Move #3
dddd=MMM Value for Move #4
wrestler ID credit: JamStubbs
0001 - Rock
0002 - SCSA
0003 - Undertaker
0004 - Kane
0005 - Richards
0006 - Mankind
0007 - Cactus
0008 - Mick
0009 - HBK
0101 - HHH
0102 - X-Pac
0103 - Mr. Ass
0104 - Road Dogg
0201 - Benoit
0202 - Malenko
0203 - Saturn
0204 - Guerrero
0301 - Jericho
0302 - Angle
0303 - Tazz
0304 - Test
0305 - GodFather
0306 - D`Lo
0307 - Venis
0308 - Shamrock
0401 - Rikishi
0402 - Sexay
0403 - Scotty
0404 - Edge
0405 - Christian
0406 - Matt
0407 - Jeff
0501 - Faarooq
0502 - Bradshaw
0503 - D-Von
0504 - Buh Buh
0505 - Hardcore
0506 - Crash
0507 - Bossman
0508 - Albert
0601 - Al
0602 - Blackman
0603 - Bulldog
0604 - Henry
0605 - Viscera
0606 - Andre
0607 - Buchanan
0608 - Rios
0609 - Taka
0701 - Chyna
0702 - Stephanie
0703 - Tori
0704 - Debra
0705 - Trish
0706 - Lita
0801 - Jacqueline
0802 - Linda
0803 - Kat
0804 - Moola
0805 - Ho
0901 - Vince
0902 - Shane Move
0903 - Hebner
0904 - Jim Ross
0A01 -> 0A12 = CAW 1 -> 18
Master Move Modifiers
Format : Address / Value / Move : For the move listed, you would use the Address to change that move to some other move / you use the Value at a different address to make the move replace a different move.
Weak Front Grapple A-button
810445B6 / 000A / Armdrag
810445B8 / 0014 / Chop 01
810445BA / 001E / " 02
810445BC / 0028 / " 03
810445BE / 0032 / " 04
810445C0 / 003C / Club 2 Neck
810445C2 / 0046 / X2 Ax handle
810445C4 / 0050 / X2 Leg Takedown
810445C6 / 005A / Elbow Stk
810445C8 / 0064 / Elbow 2 Back of Head
810445CA / 006E / European Uppercut
810445CC / 0078 / European Uppercut Spin
810445CE / 0082 / Eye Rake
810445D0 / 008C / Fireman Carry
810445D2 / 0096 / Headbutt 01
810445D4 / 00A0 / " 02
810445D6 / 00AA / " 03
810445D8 / 00B4 / Headlock & Punch
810445DA / 00BE / Headlock & Thrust
810445DC / 00C8 / Jumping Front Kick
810445DE / 00D2 / Knee Lift
810445E0 / 00DC / " Strike
810445E2 / 00E6 / " Sweep
810445E4 / 00F0 / Mini Shin Kicks
810445E6 / 00FA / Overhand Punch
810445E8 / 0104 / One Handed Scoop Slam
810445EA / 010E / Scoop Slam
810445EC / 0118 / Slap
810445EE / 0122 / Snapmare
810445F0 / 012C / Throat Thrust
810445F2 / 0136 / Underhand Hook Punch
Strong Front Grapple
810445FA / 0140 / Bearhug
810445FC / 014A / Backslide Pin
810445FE / 0154 / Belly 2 Back Flip Suplex
81044600 / 015E / """ Spin Suplex
81044602 / 0168 / """ Suplex
81044604 / 0172 / Belly 2 Belly Suplex 01
81044606 / 017C / " 02
81044608 / 0186 / Body Press Drop
8104460A / 0190 / Body Press 2 Front Slam
8104460C / 019A / Brainbuster
8104460E / 01A4 / Canadian Backbreaker
81044610 / 01AE / Capture Suplex
81044612 / 01B8 / Chicken Wing Suplex Pin
81044614 / 01C2 / Chokeslam From Hell
81044616 / 01CC / Chokeslam 01
81044618 / 01D6 / " 02
8104461A / 01E0 / Choke Takedown
8104461C / 01EA / Climb up Wheel Kick
8104461E / 01F4 / Clinching Slam
81044620 / 01FE / DDT 01
81044622 / 0208 / " 02
81044624 / 0212 / " 03
81044626 / 021C / DVD
81044628 / 0226 / X2 Arm Chokelift
8104462A / 0230 / X2 Chokelift Slam
8104462C / 023A / Dragon Screw 01
8104462E / 0244 / " 02
81044630 / 024E / Falcon Arrow
81044632 / 0258 / Fallaway Slam
81044634 / 0262 / Falling Hip Toss
81044634 / 026C / Falling Backbreaker
81044636 / 0276 / Fireman Carry 2 Pancake
81044638 / 0280 / Fire Thunder Driver
8104463A / 028A / Fisherman DDT
8104463C / 0294 / Fisherman Suplex
8104463E / 029E / Front Face Pancake
81044640 / 02A8 / Front Powerslam
81044642 / 02B2 / Giant Headbutt
81044644 / 02BC / Guillotine Choke
81044646 / 02C6 / Headlock
81044648 / 02D0 / Hopping Rolling Pin
8104464A / 02DA / Hopping Sunset Flip Pin
8104464C / 02E4 / Hurracanrana Pin
8104464E / 02EE / Judo Front Slam
81044652 / 02F8 / Knee Smash
81044654 / 0302 / Manhattan Drop
81044656 / 030C / Michinoku Driver
81044658 / 0316 / Military Press
8104465A / 0320 / Northern Lights Suplex 01
8104465C / 032A / " 02
8104465E / 0334 / Oklahoma Slam
81044660 / 033E / Powerbomb Pin 01
81044662 / 0348 / " 02
81044664 / 0352 / " 03
81044666 / 035C / " 04
81044668 / 0366 / " 05
8104466A / 0370 / " 06
8104466C / 037A / " 07
8104466E / 0384 / " 08
81044670 / 038E / " 09
81044672 / 0398 / Powerslam
81044674 / 03A2 / Reverse Armbar
81044676 / 03AC / Reverse Suplex
81044678 / 03B6 / Rolling Leglock
8104467A / 03C0 / Rope Drop Clothesline
8104467C / 03CA / Running Knee Stk
8104467E / 03D4 / Running Powerbomb Pin
81044680 / 03DE / Sambo Suplex
81044682 / 03E8 / Scoop Piledriver
81044684 / 03F2 / Shoulderbreaker Thrust
81044686 / 03FC / Sidewalk Slam
81044688 / 030F6 / Small Package
8104468A / 0410 / Snap Powerbomb 01
8104468C / 041A / " 02
8104468E / 0424 / " 03
81044690 / 042E / Somersault Kick
81044692 / 0438 / Spinning Leg Takedown
81044694 / 0442 / Standing Armbar
81044696 / 044C / Standing Clothesline
81044698 / 0456 / Stalling Brainbuster
8104469A / 0460 / Stalling Piledriver
8104469C / 046A / Strong Sambo Suplex
8104469E / 0474 / Super Shoulder Breaker
810446A0 / 047E / Sweep with Mounted Punching
810446A2 / 0488 / Tiger Driver
810446A4 / 0492 / " with Pin
810446A6 / 049C / Tilt a Whirl Piledriver
810446A8 / 04A6 / Trapping Headbutts
810446AA / 04B0 / X3 Powerbomb Pin
810446AC / 04BA / Two Handed Chokelift
810446AE / 04C4 / T-Bone Suplex 01
810446B0 / 04CE / " 02
810446B2 / 04D8 / Underhook Backbreaker
810446B4 / 04E2 / " BTB Suplex 01
810446B6 / 04EC / ""02
Front Special Grapple
810446BE / 04F6 / Big Swing
810446C0 / 0500 / Brainbuster DDT
810446C2 / 050A / Burning Combo
810446C4 / 0514 / Butterfly Lock
810446C6 / 051E / Censor Kick
810446C8 / 0528 / Chicken Wing Jawbreaker
810446CA / 0532 / Continuous Powerbomb/DVD
810446CC / 053C / Cradle DDT
810446CE / 0546 / Cross DDT
810446D0 / 0550 / Cross Heel Hold
810446D2 / 055A / Dominator
810446D4 / 0564 / X2 Dragon Screw 01
810446D6 / 056E / " 02
810446D8 / 0578 / Downward Spiral
810446DA / 0582 / Emerald Fusion
810446DC / 058C / Fameasser
810446DE / 0596 / Figure 4 Combo Pin
810446E0 / 05A0 / Fireball
810446E2 / 05AA / Fire Thunder
810446E4 / 05B4 / Flipping Armbar
810446E6 / 05BE / Flowing DDT
810446E8 / 05C8 / Front Russian Sweep
810446EA / 05D2 / Hangman's DDT
810446EC / 05DC / Helicopter Pin
810446EE / 05E6 / Hiptoss 2 Sub.
810446F0 / 05F0 / Huge Chokeslam
810446F2 / 05FA / Insider Edge
810446F4 / 0604 / Inverted DDT
810446F6 / 060E / Iron Claw
810446F8 / 0618 / Jackhammer
810446FA / 0622 / Jackknife Powerbomb
810446FC / 062C / Jericho Powerbomb
810446FE / 0636 / Jump Swinging DDT
81044700 / 0640 / Kicking Combination 01
81044702 / 064A / " 02
81044704 / 0654 / Kohyta-otashi
81044706 / 065E / Last Ride
81044708 / 0668 / Leg Sweep/Strong Punching
8104470A / 0672 / Linda Slap
8104470C / 067C / Mac Stunner
8104470E / 0686 / Mandible Claw
81044710 / 0690 / Mu-ken
81044712 / 069A / Old Man Flop
81044714 / 06A4 / Olympic Slam
81044716 / 06AE / Orange Crush Pin
81044718 / 06B8 / Pedigree
8104471A / 06C2 / Poison Mist
8104471C / 06CC / Powerbomb Pin with Slide
8104471E / 06D6 / Powerbomb 2 Facebuster
81044720 / 06E0 / Power Clothesline
81044722 / 06EA / Punching Combination 01
81044724 / 06F4 / " 02
81044726 / 06FE / " 03
81044728 / 0708 / Rikishi Driver
8104472A / 0712 / Rios Driver
8104472C / 071C / Rockbottom
8104472E / 0726 / Rushing Armbar
81044730 / 0730 / Russian Neckdrop
81044732 / 073A / Scoop Reverse DDT
81044734 / 0744 / Screwdriver
81044736 / 074E / Shake, Rattle & Roll
81044738 / 0758 / Sidewalk Slam 2 Sub.
8104473A / 0762 / 6 Seconds Magic
8104473C / 076C / Sky High
8104473E / 0776 / Small Package DDT
81044740 / 0780 / Snowplow
81044742 / 078A / Spinning Falcon Arrow
81044744 / 0794 / Spiral Bomb
81044746 / 079E / Stephanie Slap
81044748 / 07A8 / STO 01
8104474A / 07B2 / " 02
8104474C / 07BC / Stone Cold Stunner
8104474E / 07C6 / Striking Combination
81044750 / 07D0 / Strong Lariat
81044752 / 07DA / Sumo Attack 01
81044754 / 07E4 / " 02
81044756 / 07EE / Super Knee Stk
81044758 / 07F8 / Super Powerbomb Pin 01
8104475A / 0802 / " 02
8104475C / 080C / Super Snap Powerbomb 01
8104475E / 0816 / " 02
81044760 / 0820 / Sweet Chin Music
81044762 / 082A / Tazzplex
81044764 / 0834 / The Morality Check
81044766 / 083E / Tiger Driver
81044768 / 0848 / TKO
8104476A / 0852 / Tombstone Piledriver
8104476C / 085C / Twist of Fatew
8104476E / 0866 / 2 Handed Chokeslam
81044770 / 0870 / Ultimate Armbar
81044772 / 087A / X Factor
81044774 / 0884 / 3/4 Turn Neckbreaker