OK, my bad i thought that this is already the final version of the save.
After i played this save for a while i have to say that if this save had the Showdown presentation ti could be easily the best save ever made because as for gameplay goes the save is absolutely outstanding! I have already played a plenty of saves and in regard of pure gameplay this one rules hands down. Particular movesets are as accurate as is possible and move hacks are just brilliant and makes this save really special. Makes me feel that i playing for a perfect virtual counter parts of specific wrestlers. Of course there are few glitches (f.e. after opponent sustained Ushi Goroshi he lands on his feet with any damage or Shibata doesn't connect with his Penalty kick - which opponent ironically sell even so
and few more like some punches and kick suddenly teleports opponent to the other side of the ring...) but it's more or less inevitable. Only thing what i missing is Nakamura and AJ presents but i understand that this save reflects actual NJPW roster and besides i downloaded the Climax save which include both of them. Anyway from gameplay perspective is this save a real masterpiece and showcase of awesome work! Bravo Man!