Origins of Finisher Names


Feb 7, 2011
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Tired has just made his 5,000th post. If I wasn't a staff member, I would have just graduated to OSR Legend. But I am content with just being the law around here.

I decided to do something a little bit special with my latest post. Wrestlers try to come up with cool names for their finishers. Sometimes they succeed, and sometimes they don't. Here is a list of 151 real-world origins of move names. Why did I pick 151? None, of your business, that's why. A lot of the time, they just picked the move name because it sounded cool or it fitted their current gimmick.

1. 14:59 is a reference to Andy Worhol’s famous “15 Minutes of Fame” theory. Worhol believed that at some point, everybody will be famous for at least 15 minutes. Once a person reaches “14:59”, it means that they are about to lose their fame and relevance.
2. 305 is the area code for the city of Miami, Florida.
3. 5 Stone Spud… basically means a 70lb potato. A ‘stone’ is British unit of weight measurement. And a “spud” is a potato.
4. 619 is the area code for San Diego, Califonia.
5. Ah Funk It is a little known phrase from the disco era (you didn’t see that coming, did you?). It means to dance your cares away.
6. Apocolypse Now is a famous war movie.
7. Axehole is a play on the term “a*****e”, as well as a reference to Larry ‘The Ax’ Hennig.
8. Backstabber is someone who betrays you.
9. Bible Black is a song by heavy metal band Heaven & Hell. The ‘Bible Black’ is a non-existent book that teaches the exact opposite of what the Holy Bible teaches.
10. Bicycle Kick is named after the exercise move that uses a very similar motion.
11. Big Ending is a dramatic ending to a story.
12. Black Hole… is a region of spacetime. If an object travels fast enough, it can escape gravity. A black hole’s gravitational pull is so strong that even light cannot travel fast enough to escape it.
13. Blackout is a power cut that disables all sources of electrical light.
14. Blonde Ambition is a term used when a person with blonde hair tries to challenge the stereotype about them by taking on a challenge that requires determination and intelligence.
15. Bone Crusher is literally something that can crush bones.
16. …Crab moves are so called because when someone preforms the Boston Crab, the attacker resembled the shape of a crab.
17. Breakdown happens when a machine or device ceases to function due to wear. .
18. Breaking Point is the point where an object can no longer resist the pressure placed upon it, and so it will break.
19. Bull Hammer is a fictional tool that allows the wielder to strike something with the same force as a charging bull.
20. Camel Clutch is so called because it resembles someone riding on the back of a camel. It was invented by Mexican wrestling legend Gory Guerrero. However, it has been adopted by a number of Middle-eastern wrestlers.
21. Cattle Mutilation is disfiguring a cow. Some of these are just really obvious.
22. Closing Statement is a lawyer’s final chance to address the jury before they leave to make their decision.
23. Closing Time is when a bar closes for the night.
24. …Cloverleaf describes the shape of the defending wrestler’s lower legs when the move is applied. It loosely resembles the shape of a single clover.
25. Code Breaker is a person or device that can decipher a code.
26. Coronation is a ceremony where a new King or Queen is officially appointed.
27. Curtain Call happens at the very end of a play.
28. Darkness Falls is the title of a horror movie. It is also the name of a fictional town which has a number of urban myths and legends tied to it.
29. Death Valley… is a desert valley situated across the border between California and Nevada. It was named this because it was assumed that any traveller who got lost or stranded out there was certain to die. They would either die of dehydration, exposure (to cold at night), or killed by animals or robbers. Today, Death Valley is becoming populated and there is even large golf resort there now.
30. Death Penalty still exists as a form of criminal punishment in some states and countries. This is when a criminal is considered to be too dangerous to be returned to society or rehabilitated. The convict is then put to death by the state.
31. Deviant is someone or something that is different from the normal.
32. Die Hard is a well-known movie starring Bruce Willis. It was the first film to coin the OSR catchphrase, “Welcome to the party, Pal.”
33. Dirty Deeds is a reference to the song ‘Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap’ by AC/DC.
34. Discus… is a reference to throwing a discus. Discus punches and clotheslines were popularised by ‘The Texas Tornado’ Kerry Von Erich. Von Erich was due to represent the United States in the Discus throw. But he did not get to compete due to the U.S.’s boycott of the games.
35. Dominator is an action that allows one animal to exert superiority over another.
36. Downcast means to feel discouraged.
37. Dragon Sleeper is a facelock variation made famous by Ultimo Dragon.
38. Drive-By… refers to ‘Drive-By Shootings’, which are common in some poorer cities in American ghettos.
39. Ego Trip is the term given to someone who acts out the inflated sense of self-importance they have about themselves.
40. Eight Second Ride is not actually a reference to rodeo bull-riding. It is actually a reference to execution by hanging.
41. E Minor is a musical note.
42. Eye Of The Storm is the central part of a tornado where things seem calm, but the storm is only half over.
43. F5 is a reference to military aircraft.
44. Fall Of Humanity / Man is a Bible reference. The first man and woman created a separation from God by eating the forbidden fruit. This allowed the potential to commit acts of evil to enter mankind. This event was known as the Fall of Man.
45. Figure Four Leglock is so called because the defending wrestler’s legs are twisted into the shape of the cardinal number 4.
46. Final Cut is the final decision on how a movie will look before it is released.
47. Fisherman… moves are so called because when they are performed properly, the attacker and opponent loosely resemble a fish hook. However, a fish hook was already the term for an illegal move (using your fingers to tug the face of your opponent). The more pleasant term “fisherman” was introduced.
48. Flatliner is something that causes a heart to stop. When a patient is hooked up to heart monitor, their heart rate is depicted on a spiky line. If the line becomes straight, it indicates that the patient’s heart has stopped. So flatlining is when a heart stops.
49. Foot Pump is a play on the term ‘Fist bump’, which is an informal greeting and a dance move.
50. Frog Splash got its name from the position the attacker is in during execution of the move. He loosely resembles a frog.
51. From Lust To Dust is a phrase that describes a casual, sexual fling that is now over.
52. F.T.D. is an acronym for “Fresh To Death”. This is something that is inexplicably good.
53. Future Shock is a fictional psychological condition invented by science-fiction author Alvin Toffler. It describes the sense of panic caused when a person cannot accept a large number of changes in a short space of time.
54. G… – A “G” stands for Ganster, or Gangsta.
55. Ghetto… is a district where a minority lives, especially because of social, legal or economic pressures. Contrary to myth, most ghettos have been inhabited by white minorities.
56. Golden Age is a classic era of Hollywood cinema. During this period, the movie industry experienced a major boom that has never been recreated.
57. Gory… refers to Gory Guerrero, the father of Eddie Guerrero and grandfather of Chavo Guerrero, Jr. Gory invented a number of complicated moves including the Gory Bomb, Gory Stretch and the Camel Clutch.
58. Greetings From The North is a casual reference to Erick Rowan’s Norwegian heritage.
59. G-Spot – Theorised to be a part of a woman’s genitals that brings sexual pleasure when contact is made. It is named after Ernst Gradenberg, the gynaecologist who claimed to discover it.
60. Guillotine – A guillotine is an old device used for executions. The victim would have their head locked in a stock. Then a large blade would be dropped onto them in order to sever their neck, thus decapitating them.
61. Gun Rack is a play on words. Most people know it as items of furniture designed specifically to hold firearms. However, a gun rack may also refer to a muscular man’s arms and shoulders.
62. Gut Check is a test of will-power or fortitude. It is not normally associated with physical contests, but has been more and more in recent years.
63. Hanger 12 is part of the temporary military base that Gunner once served in.
64. Heat Wave is a long period of warm and dry weather.
65. Hook and Ladder is part of a fire engine.
66. Ice Pick is used to chip and hack blocks of ice.
67. I.C.U. is the acronym for a hospital’s Intensive Care Unit.
68. Idolizer is someone who worships something physical.
69. Impaler is something that impales a person’s body. Told you some of these were really simple.
70. Irish Car Bomb was a very common feature during “The Troubles”, a thirty year long civil war in Ireland. Many of the attacks involved people rigging bombs to civilians’ cars. The single bloodiest incident was caused by a car bomb.
71. Irreversible Crisis is a catastrophe that cannot be recovered from.
72. Jacknife is the term given whenever a truck crashes head on into another vehicle.
73. Killswitch is a safety mechanism that appears on large machinery or in some buildings. It is a simple switch or button that cuts all of the electricity, forcing everything to come to a complete stop.
74. Knox Out – A play on the term “Knock out” that fits Mike Knox’s name.
75. Last Call – The final chance for punters to order drinks from a bar before it closes.
76. Last Ride happens during traditional funeral services. The body is taken from the church or a funeral parlour to the grave in the back of a hearse. This car journey is called the last ride.
77. LeBell Lock – A tribute to Gene LeBell who also used the move.
78. Lion Tamer – An animal handler who works and performs with lions. They may also work with other breeds of big cat too, but they must include lions for them to still be classed as lion tamers.
79. Lone Star State Of Mind is something that only people from Texas can appreciate or understand. No, this actually is what it is.
80. Lung Blower is an impact to the midsection that causes one or both lungs to rupture.
81. M14 is a type of rifle.
82. Mercy Kill refers to treating animals. When an animal is injured or sick, and it is beyond medical help, it may be “put down” in order to stop its suffering. Contrary to movie myth, the term does not apply to killing humans.
83. Mic Check used to refer to a simple microphone test to ensure that it was functioning properly. It has sense become a slang term meaning to impress someone with your impromptu performance on a live microphone. It is most commonly used by rappers.
84. Midnight Special is a song by Creedence Clearwater Revival.
85. Miller’s Crossing is the title of a popular gangster movie.
86. Mizard Of Oz is a play on the movie title ‘The Wizard Of Oz’.
87. Moonsault is so called because when certain wrestlers performed it, they appeared to be in reduced gravity, like they would be if they were on the moon.
88. Neutralizer is something that forces an end to conflict between two other entities. The country of Switzerland is well-known for being “neutral” because it refuses to get involved with any other countries conflicts. But yet Switzerland has one of the best trained and equipped militaries in the world.
89. Northern Lights… is a natural illusion that happens in certain areas of the Northern Hemisphere. It is a light display that appears in the sky. It is most associated with Canada and Alaska, even though a number of European countries regularly sees the Northern Lights too. It is also known as Aurora Borealis.
90. One Hitter is a single punch that ends a fight.
91. One Percenter is a member of the wealthiest 1% of the world’s population. For what it is worth, the Carter family are a long way from being in this group.
92. Oyasumi is the Japanese word for “Goodnight”.
93. Pay Off either means the reward for successfully taking a risk or finishing hard work, or it is a bribe to ensure a certain event happens or a specific decision or ruling is made.
94. Party Foul is an action that ruins the enjoyment of a party for everyone.
95. Piledriver is named after a piece of heavy machinery. It is designed to create holes in hard ground using solid force.
96. Playmaker is the person on an American Football team who determines which play they will attempt next.
97. PTSD is the acronym for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. It is known to affect soldiers who have experienced military combat.
98. Reality Check means to give someone a more realistic sense of their own importance. This name was chosen as a reference to the Miz’ frequent appearances on reality television shows.
99. Red Alert is any warning system that notifies you to guard against imminent danger.
100. Red Sky is a common phenomenon in nature. It is caused by some sunrises or sunsets. If a red sky is visible in the evening, it indicates that the next day will be dry. However, a red sky in the morning suggests that it will be rainy.
101. Regal-plex is a suplex invented by William Regal.
102. Royal Decree is an official proclamation made by the ruling monarch of a country.
103. Royal Flush is a powerful hand in poker which is difficult to beat.
104. Sabretooth… is a reference to sabre-toothed mammals. All sabre-toothed mammals are extent now. But they are believed to be the ancestors to a number of species living today. For example, modern tigers and lions are believed to have evolved from sabretooth tigers.
105. Schizophrenic is the term for someone who has schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a very broad category of psychiatric disorders. It is most commonly associated with split personalities, but this is actually one of the rarest forms.
106. Scorpion Death Lock is so called because the attacker and opponent resemble the basic shape of a scorpion.
107. Sharpshooter is someone who is particularly effective at using a gun.
108. Shattered Dreams is a crushing disappointment.
109. Shawshanked is an informal term meaning to be stabbed in prison. It became popular after the movie ‘The Shawshank Redemption’, even though it featured no stabbings at all. It can also refer to being put into a difficult situation when you have done nothing wrong.
110. Shock Treatment is the informal term for electroconvulsive therapy. It is a form of psychiatric treatment that involves using small amounts of electricity to relieve patients of psychiatric illnesses.
111. Shooting Star… is a piece of space debris that burns up as it enters the earth’s atmosphere. In addition to looking pretty, seeing one is believed to bring good luck.
112. Shore Thing is a double play on words. It refers to the coast line in New Jersey, and is a play on the phrase “Sure thing” (a guarantee).
113. Showstopper is quite different from what the name suggests. It is the single biggest event during a show that takes the attention away from every other part.
114. Silencer is an accessory for guns that reduce the loudness of them being fired. In contrast to films and television shows, they do not cover up the sound of guns being fired. The most effective silencers only reduce the loudness by a quarter.
115. Sister Abigail has no meaning.
116. Skull-Crushing Finale is only a term because The Miz thought it sounded cool.
117. Sky High is an unspecified point up in the air. It is rarely meant literally.
118. Smash Hit is a music industry term for a record that sold really well quickly after release.
119. Spine Line is your spine. Simple as that.
120. Spineshaker is something that rattles your spine.
121. Splash / Splat. This move is so called because the entirety of the move resembles someone diving into a pool.
122. Stir Of Eckos is a play on the movie title ‘Stir Of Echos’ to include Rob Ecko’s name.
123. Submission Impossible is play on the title of the popular television and movie series ‘Mission: Impossible’.
124. Swanton Bomb is a combination of two different move names, because the move is a combination of two moves; a swan dive and a senton bomb.
125. Sweet Chin Music is a boxing term for a punch that knocks someone out. It is a bad comparison to lullabies. A lullaby is sweet music that slowly lulls a person to sleep. A strong punch to the jaw may cause someone to lose consciousness. Shawn Michael’s finisher may be a kick, but it follows the same principle.
126. Sweet Meat Sizzler is a popular meat dish served at a certain restaurant somewhere in America. It was used by Ethan Carter III to describe himself.
127. Sweetness is an affectionate term for someone you love dearly.
128. Swinging Noose is a reference to an item used for executions by public hanging.
129. Terminus is the Latin word for the end of something.
130. This Is It is a common phrase used to indicate that something is now over.
131. Tiger… is a reference to Tiger Mask. Moves with the word ‘Tiger’ in them often involve lifting someone by their arms while they are behind their back. Tiger Mask popularised the ‘double underhook’ lift.
132. Tombstone Piledriver – The tombstone piledriver was a new name given to the inverted piledriver. No matter how the move was performed, it usually ended with the opponent lying on his back with his arms on his chest, much like how a body would be placed within a coffin or grave. The attacking wrestler would be sitting at the opponent’s head much like a gravestone would.
133. Tormentum is a word that actually has no meaning.
134. Torture Rack is named after a medieval torture advice.
135. Triangle Choke is so called because of the triangular positioning of the attacker’s legs.
136. Trouble In Paradise indicates that something has gone bad in an otherwise ideal situation. It was also a short-lived television show staring Hulk Hogan.
137. T.T.B. is an acronym for “Take it to the bank”. This is an expression which means it is guaranteed, or it is certain to happen.
138. Turning Heads is a term meaning that you are gaining attention.
139. Twist Of Fate is an event that causes a good situation to have a bad outcome, or a bad situation to have a good outcome.
140. Unprettier was a name given to Christian’s finisher by Michael Cole. Christian quoted the TLC song ‘Unpretty’ in a promo. Cole mistakenly thought that Christian was announcing a new name for his finisher.
141. Velvet Noise is an album by metal band Raunchy.
142. Veera… – Veera is a reference to a very popular television character in India. The character name appears in very many TV shows and films, and even in some TV channel names.
143. Walls Of Jericho is a Bible reference. The city of Jericho was protected by large walls that needed to be broken down before the city could be captured.
144. Warrior’s Wrath is a warrior’s act of anger inspired by the desire for revenge.
145. Wasteland – An uninhabitable place that once sustained life.
146. What Da Funk? is a little known disco era phrase. It means what you think it means.
147. White Light Experience is a near death experience in which the survivor claims to have witnessed a “white light”.
148. W.M.D. is the acronym for Weapon of Mass Destruction. Most WMDs are believed to take the form of missiles.
149. Youngblood describes younger people who get involved with a profession.
150. You’re Welcome is a general term that acknowledges gratitude.
151. Zig-Zag is a pattern. It is a line that has perpendicular points.


Feb 7, 2011
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Yes... but indirectly. The F5 is named after fighter planes. However, the fighter planes are named after hurricanes and cyclones, etc. The idea is that the 'F5' resembles a fighter plane dropping a bomb/missile. But some countries call the move the Cyclone.


Main Eventer
Mar 26, 2011
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Nice thread Rob, I really enjoyed reading this. :)


Nov 6, 2013
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I remember back in the early 90's when vince would have all the top stars work jobbers just to show there finishers. Piper used a bulldog back then instead of the sleeper. For some reason on Saturday morning it was big deal for that 2 minutes jober match to showcase all the finishers back in the day. I'm dating myself

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Crowd Member
Zig Zag is also the name for rolling papers in America. For weed. And stuffs.