Permanently hide wrestlers


Jun 18, 2016
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Permanently Hide Wrestlers.
<small>Difficulty = Very Easy
Reason 1 = To remove wrestlers with out needing code enabled later on for game saves
Reason 2 = To remove wrestlers faster rather than inputting individual codes per slot.
Reason 3 = Prevent Problems of users trading wrestlers with the (temporary) code enabled.
Temporary Hide (not my code/method)
1. Head over to Use Mempak Caws Directly.
2. Find the list of stables. For example to hide All Japan 1 its 810A4530 0000. The 0000 in the code is the number value of slots in the stable making it 0, so the stable is hidden.

Permanently Hide Wrestlers (my method)
3. Choose a stable that is full, lets assume all japan 1 is full, use the previous method code to hide that stable.
4. Anyone you want to permanently delete, trade to the empty stable (All japan 1).
5. Uncheck the code to hide all japan 1 and they will reappear on a hard restart. Now anyone you traded into that stable is unselectable/hidden no matter what you do.

<small>Other Uses:
Story mode unselectable boss/wrestler: Hide a wrestler that is popular or used a lot in story mode. Edit them to a new character like hulk hogan for example and hide that wrestler in the stable using this method. Then he will only be seen in story mode and unselectable in game.
New project with no wrestlers: Lets say you want to start a new save/project. You can use this method to permanently delete all the wrestlers except for 1 stable and pick and choose slowly who you want to add back in. Using the method below.</small>

Bringing them Back
Oops you permanently deleted a wrestler and hes gone!
Just go back to Mempack caws link and add them back manually.
GLITCH - Be careful with adding them back manually, you may end up duplicating slots by accident, so back up and test it out before messing up your project.