Possible reasons why Kane is back to his mask...

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Nov 27, 2011
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His best mask & attire was the first one. The current - not much. However it's better this way, than what we've seen the last 8 years. I hope that the whole conception of gimmicks will be changed to what it was at the Attitude Era and before - to make the wrestling exciting. To make wrestlers look and behave like tough men of steel, not kids next door wearing short tights (not Kane, but many others). Also the NXT must go away. A superstar debut must be complete surprise to the fans. That's exactly what ruined the Brodus Clay's gimmick, for example. He was supposed to be a monster. But how can we accept him as a monster, when just few month ago we have seen him week after week compete in that show like a regular guy from the neighbourhood among other regular guys?


Feb 7, 2011
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I only got here, and there was so much to read through.

There are FIVE reasons for Kane returning with the mask.

1) The record attempt. The WWE needs a masked wrestler who is really over to promote this. Rey Mysterio is injured. Sin Cara could have made it, but suspensions and injuries mean that he can not be promoted enough. There is not enough time to bring in someone new. And Kane is the only person left who can suddenly adopt a mask. And what connection does masks have with WWE? They need a few masked guys who are over (and could compete at 'Mania) to make the attempt work. Expect to see the return of Mankind before Juan Cena.

2) Mil Mascaras is going into the Hall of Fame. You may not remember Mascara's run in the WWE, but it was poor and short. However, he is THE biggest star in Mexican wrestling history. A masked wrestler at Mania will help American fans appreciate a masked wrestler going into the HoF. So they need Kane to compete with the mask on.

3) To promote the Rock's return. Have you noticed that the biggest stars of the last 5 years were big stars 10 years ago? Apart from Cena and Orton. The Undertaker? Shawn Michaels? Stone Cold Steve Austin Triple H? Brock Lesnar? Mick Foley? Booker T? I vaguely remember the repeated return of a group called DX... and especially the Rock. Ten years later, the Attitude era is STILL a huge seller. Rock, Stratus and Austin have brought so many fans back. Surely masked Kane will bring old fans back too.

4) To make Kane 'fresh'. Despite his age and size, Kane is still one of the best workers left in the WWE. Triple H can barely hop, but the 300lb Kane can perform a diving lariat into a roll, and running dropkicks! And he may actually be the strongest guy on the roster. Anyone who can perform multiple slams on Big Show without destroying their own spine is STRONG. But he has been doing the same gimmick since 2003. Heel or not, fans will always cheer for him. They cheered for him when he turned on Mysterio. They cheered for him when he feuded with Undertaker. They cheered when he threatened to kill Orton. He has become to likeable. They had to completely rebuild Kane.

5) They need a monster heel. All of the biggest stars are firm fan favourites. And the one exception (Triple H) is more popular as a heel. They have repackaged him, so why not use him? He is already over.

As for the other stuff, I agree with Phil. Because of the internet, fans now think that they can run wrestling companies better than the people who are actually employed to do so. In some cases ( :russo ), they do. The problem is, people with no wrestling experience are brought in the run wrestling companies. But fans with no experience would not do a better job. Because they do not have to deal with the script writers, wrestlers, lawyers, etc.

The attitude era IS the most succesful. But could it work today? Hell no. That is because that stuff was fresh 13 years ago. It isn't fresh now. Wrestling has had to change. And sadly, it did not change for the better. But it had to change. Some good did come out of it. TNA in the pre-Hogan years. Ring of Honor and Chikara. The rise of Eddie Guerrero, CM Punk and the X-Division. Women's wrestling that is watchable!

As a child, you are not aware of the the internet and dirtsheets. So the wrestling you see then is the best you ever will see. But as you watch more, and gain more awareness of the product, there are fewer surprises. Those who grew up in the Hul-a-mania era think that was the best because it was new to them. HOGAN WAS IMMORTAL. Those who grew up in the 90's thought that was the best (Heartbreak Kid era). Those who grew up in the attitude era think it was the best. Those who grew up in the brand extension era think that that was the best. Why? Because that was when EVERYTHING was new to them. It was when they were marks.

Why do we hear so much about the Hogan and Attitude era? Because those fans are in their 20's and early 30's now. The age where they are able to talk on sites like this about wrestling.

I have a friend who never reads dirtsheets or watches WWE. But he does watch TNA Impact. And he marks out at EVERYTHING. Because everything is new to him. He has no idea of the company's past, WWF, WCW or ECW. He doesn't know what ROH, CZW and Chikara are. He didn't even know that they had professional wrestling in our country until he met me! But his ignorance really allows him to enjoy what is essentially an inferior product.


Main Eventer
Mar 26, 2011
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I Think that Its Related to The return of TV14 Era in 2012 (I hope so)


Jan 1, 2011
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DAMN IT!! I was going to post something , but El Marrueco's sig distracted me. :blink:

Deleted User

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Me, too.



Nov 10, 2011
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If masked kane doesn't win 2012 Royal rumble,then WWE will always continue their PG winner(john cena,randy orton,or the miz) :yawn:
Hopefully someday WWE has WWE VS TNA storyline,just like 10 years ago when WWE VS WCW storyline(the invansion) :star wars:


Nov 10, 2011
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that's will happen if WWE won't make john cena as royal rumble winner :yawn:
it will be more HELL if undertaker is return in royal rumble and the rock participating in royal rumble (hope it will be the time for the return of the attitude era :yes: )


Oct 30, 2010
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Attitude Era will never return.

There is no BLOOD! In current WWE programming! That kills it for me.

I don't want to see a bunch of attitude era guys take center stage at the Royal Rumble. Its about the current generation. The WWE just don't know how to get the new talent over! That's why we are seeing all the greats of yestersay return!


Main Eventer
Mar 26, 2011
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WildForce67 said:
DAMN IT!! I was going to post something , but El Marrueco's sig distracted me. :blink:
Glad To See That My Sig Has That Kind Of Effect Over You Guys! :B-)


Main Eventer
Dec 12, 2011
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<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>AKI Man</dt><dd>Dec 16 2011, 05:41:13 PM</dd></dl><div>There is no BLOOD! In current WWE programming! That kills it for me.[/quote]I just can't bring myself to watch PPV's with titles that are completely based on false advertising. There's nothing 'hellish' about Hell in the Cell and if I have to listen to brain dead announcers go on and on about the 'carnage' when there isn't a drop of blood in the building...

Oh well, PG forever - it's all good... ^o)


Nov 10, 2011
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PG will slowly become attitude era in PG version.
just look out at the rock return,stone cold return,kevin nash,masked kane etc........they slowly bring back attitude era wrestler into the PG era......many rumours also says that the undertaker will back in his ministry of darkness gimmick.WWE must be crazy now :wall:

KG 24

Main Eventer
Jun 18, 2011
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I know i'm going off topic, but I really want to put in my two cents on WWE and blood.

I think it really sucks that WWE has banned all blood in their current programming, but can you blame them? 6-7 years ago, you pretty much saw blood everywhere. Blood on Raw, blood on SmackDown, blood on the lowest PPV matches, and etc. So WWE thinks that blood is bad, right? WRONG. WWE tries to make it as real as possible, but how real is it to get hit so many times in the face or head and not shed a single drop? Not really fair. Some matches need blood (Hell in a Cell, Steel Cage, Elimination Chamber), but that's where the WWE freezes. They think it should be all blood or no blood, even though there can be a balance. And since blood has been banned, more people go into shock when Cena or Miz or Orton or anyone start to shed that red stuff. It makes the match interesting, but there are loads of matches that are great WITHOUT blood (Bret vs Owen SS 94, Taker vs Edge SS 08 for examples.)

And to these era's talk, all era's have their positives and weaknesses. IT IS FACT THAT NO ERA IN WRESTLING IS OR EVER WILL BE 100% PERFECT, and it is also true that no era is ever 100% negative. I got into wrestling in 2006, then fell in love with the Attitude Era in '08, then the 80s and early 90s wrestling in '09, then indies in '10, and now i'm exploring NWA/WCW. I read the dirt-sheets from time to time, but I still want to be surprised by some of the things WWE or ROH or even TNA does. It's all part of the wrestling cycle, as Phil said.

As for the return of TV-14/Attitude Era, it's not gonna happen. WWE has proven that a PG show can be just as good as a TV-14 show time and time again. I don't want a damn rehash of something from 13 years ago, I want something totally new. And we can get something totally new with all the new talent. Let's face it, 2011 has one of the biggest selection of future World Heavyweight/WWE Champions since 2002(we got Bryan, Ziggler, Rhodes, Barrett, and more)! It's all about how WWE wants to use them and if those guys can keep themselves in the top for a good enough run so that they can stay for a long time.

And finally, Kane. I really want to see him do well with his new gimmick and mask(and yes, I believe that his new attire sucks ass). For whatever reason he has for bringing back that thing, all I hope is that WWE doesn't screw it up and have him jobbing in 2-3 months after this.

Enough of my short rant, let's all watch at El Marrueco's sig!

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There are a lot of really good responses here. Wowza.

Concerning the whole "PG sucks!" mind-set, I would ask a question: Why?

Many would answer with things like, "Well, in the attitude era we had blood, tits and swearing!"

Well, so does TNA, I don't see them as a great wrestling product.

The PG part of this era doesn't suck at all, like k said, it just makes blood more special. Case in point: WM13. Austin's crimson mask that night has become one of the most iconic images in wrestling history. That era was "PG", too. The "Austin" era wouldn't begin for another year.

I think that at least since Survivor Series, we are seeing a new generation bloom. WWE is doing it right. Cody Rhodes, Ziggler, Ryder... these guys are getting tremendous pushes right now in (imo) the right ways. Some may say Ziggler is long over-due, but honestly, that guy has sucked on the mic until a few months ago.

For every Sin Cara there are at least two new guys getting the right kind of exposure. This time in the WWE is something really fresh, in a lot of ways. At the same time, it is very old school, like WWF 80's old school.

The Attitude era is gone, and it will never return. Are we seeing a lot of guys from that era making appearances to help boost the company? Of course. But it doesn't mean that WWE doesn't know what to do with the young guys. I think they're doing some damn interesting stuff with them, right now.

CM Punk is WWE champ, Rhodes and Ziggler are bring credibility back to the U.S. and Intercontinental titles, things are going in the right direction. Vicki no longer is the most effective heel in the company, that says something. We actually have wrestlers now with HEAT, and they get great pops.

I can't wait to see what happens. [/rant]


Oct 30, 2010
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Oh sure, I agree that WWE does not need to relive the attitude era as they have done a great job in creating new, credible talent and the WWE is in a heathly place with the roster.

I just look at the current storylines WWE are delivering! They generally last like a month and they move onto something else! Look at the whole CM Punk angle with him leaving WWE! They screwed up what could have been something very special. Instead they pushed CM Punk back within a matter of weeks when he won the title at MITB, and they whole HHH, Nash stuff was terrible!

I'm not saying that they need to go back to the attitude era to be successful or bring blood back. They just need to build storylines for longer and get the fans more intised into a angle instead of killing it within a matter of weeks!

Looks at Del Rio! He really could have been handled better.


Lower Midcard
Aug 15, 2011
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<iframe type='text/html' width='250' height='320' src='
' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen=''></iframe>

Here's something for every Kane fan out there! I want THIS kane back. Best part, crowd went crazier everytime he showed up. Hope the new "Predator" gimmick is deadlier :p


Feb 7, 2011
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I love the fact that WWE has banned intentional bleeding. It got to the point where wrestlers were getting busted wide open by walking into the announce table on Superstars broadcasts.

These guys are in an environment where they are constantly hurting their bodies. Accidental bleeding will happen. As long as the bleeding isn't too heavy, let them finish the match. And if they can't continue with the cut, end the match and declare the other guy the winner.

I get that professional wrestling isn't a real sport. But one of the charms to it is when the in-ring performers act as if wins and losses matter. If a boxer is too hurt to continue, he forefits the match. But if the WWE wants us to believe that their matches are actual fights, then let them fight.

But I do not support ANYONE who intentionally cuts thems themselves for drama. This does genuine harm to them. And only a small number of matches need blood. I say it should be natural, or not at all. Remember a few months ago when Orton left Rhodes in a bloodbath? That was major because the injury was legitamite, not just because there was blood.

And besides, the attitude era should never come back. It only worked because all of that stuff was new when it happened. If it happened now, it would look like a desperate attempt to recreate the past. Like much of TNA now.

But I still believe it should be better than it currently is.


Lower Midcard
Aug 15, 2011
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Also LOVE how WWE Put up this kane return recap video. It's taken from slammy recap. Gotta love kane laughing.

<iframe type='text/html' width='320' height='250' src='
' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen=''></iframe>


Nov 10, 2011
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I admit that the likeness of cody rhodes,dolph ziggler,zack ryder and CM punk is being pushed into main event superstar.......maybe they tired of always use john cena in the main event.

about blood,i admit they will not having blood again(except for cody rhodes match with randy orton,that was the real blood).but now they start something painful without blood,like using chair,sledgehammer etc..

about kane,his attire is sucks.but maybe he use it because he doesn't want to use his old attire as it's limiting his ability to talk,move freely,etc.so he use new attire which is suck.
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