Showdown 64


Feb 14, 2015
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membball84: Read the directions in the first post. I already wrote about what you are doing wrong in the FAQ section.

hulkster: I can not do that because the creators of Project 64 don't want the program to be redistributed by anyone other than themselves. Also, distributing N64 roms to other people is not allowed on this forum.


Young Lion
Apr 13, 2017
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I want to keep hulk hogans move replacement for the leg drop, but I also want to change some of his moves. Is there a way to do this? I am trying to change his front grapple special move, but it either reverts back to the clothesline or it changes to a powerbomb depending on what cheats I have selected. I cant get it to keep the one I selected at all.


Deleted User

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hulkster said:
You might as well make a custom windows .exe portable file for this game that includes the rom, textures, and all the settings configured for the noobs.

It's easy enough to learn.


Crowd Member
Hello everyone. I have this strange problem that I cannot seem to fix.

I'm running Showdown 64 in PJ64 2.1 with the "showdown 64" box checked in codes and it runs GREAT! Everything is going so well...

Except some of my wrestlers have shared moves. For example, the Rock, Stone Cold, Brian Pillman, and D'lo are all in the same group...but each one has the Rock's moveset! I have tried inserting code, different ROMs, everything that I can think of. Still, Stone Cold is gonna hit that Rock Bottom every time.

Could someone please give me some insight into what is going on and how to fix it? I can't enjoyed this while Stone Cold is doing the People's Elbow! lol

Thank you so much, in advance.


Dec 28, 2015
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Does this happen on 1vs1 or is it only in other game modes ?
I remember noticing something like this happening when i was trying a royal rumble, but in 1 vs 1 it always seemed to work correctly, Austin AI always did the stunner when the AI had the special.

edit : just gave a try on 1vs 1 and the AI worked , after a WM 17 moment ;)



Crowd Member
Hello everyone. I'm having a problem where the game freezes anytime I select running moves in the edit/create superstars menus.


Young Lion
Apr 13, 2017
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EtherealEidolon said:
Hello everyone. I'm having a problem where the game freezes anytime I select running moves in the edit/create superstars menus.
I have that too. I figured it's a side effect of modded running moves like Hogan's leg drop.


Young Lion
Apr 14, 2015
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whats going on with ric flair (i hope he isn't drunk...)


Feb 14, 2015
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dmc83 & EtherealEidolon: The game freezes because of all of the codes that are turned on. If you want to view the moves, turn all codes off while you are in the CAW menus. Instead of using the menus to change movesets, you can change wrestlers' moves using WldFb's moveset editor tool.

Mini_Goat_King: Make sure that the Showdown 64 cheats have a black check mark next to them instead of a gray check mark. If that still doesn't work, try running Project 64 as an administrator. In addition, moveset codes sometimes glitch when playing in matches such as Royal Rumble or Guest Referee. There is less of a chance of it glitching if you are playing a normal match.

doonoo: Make sure that the Showdown 64 cheats have a black check mark next to them instead of a gray check mark. If that still doesn't work, try running Project 64 as an administrator.

With some help of Flashman, Jushin Thunder Liger has been given a improved (more 3D) mask to wear.



Dec 28, 2015
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I think i said it before in that thread, but after playing a new match tonight, i must say it again :

I really really really like the "random spirit boost" cheat that comes with Showdown64.

Just came from playing a Steiner Brothers vs the Road Warriors for the tag title match and got a long 15mn match filled with back and forth, i was really exhausted in the end.

And it was so fun thanks to the random boost that did wonders for both teams, at some point in early match Hawk was dominating both Rick then Scott by countering and reversing much better than me and just when i thought it was going to end badly as my spirit gauge was going to the blue side, got a momentum boost and Hawk ended in Rick's Steiner Driver that got the Steiners Brothers back in the match.

Mid-match Rick got some trouble after facing Animal that tagged to Hawk and just after managing to take him down with a clothesline, Hawk got a momentum boost while i wasn't ready for that.
Managed to clothesline him down again (i was worried about him blocking or reversing it in that state, as it happened in early match) and finally threw him out of the ring until his special finally went away, but it was close.

After that Hawk was back at trashing Scott, when tada ! another random spirit boost comeback from the depth of certain defeat and Big Poppa Pump got Hawk into a serious Steiner Screwdriver

And Scott went for the pin !

Animal obviously wasn't happy and rushed to save his partner, but it was time for Rick Steiner to show that he still got his good clotheslines

New tag team champions, the Steiner Brothers !

While he was the one that ended pinned, Hawk was a real beast in that match, he was really dominating in early match and got very dangerous with his blocks and reversing in each of his tag in, Animal wasn't much lucky when he was in the ring and wasn't in position to be a problem.

I just love that "random boost" cheat code, it simulate incredibly well those sudden comebacks that makes wrestling matches more interesting when it creates some impredictability and make the matches in that No Mercy engine so much better not only in sim but even when playing yourself.

That said, near the end of the match i got a bug that i think i posted about several months ago.

I'm not sure what exactly started it but my wrestlers became "locked" to a specific opponent at some points, i couldn't switch anymore with the key i use for Select , i had to tag to my partner in order to be able to face the current road warrior in the ring if he wasn't the one my wrestler was locked to.
I think the bug started after i got in a fight outside of the ring (it was the Royal Rumble arena) as Scott and the 2 Road Warriors were on me.

edit : found where i reported the bug, it wasn't for Showdown64 but for the mod Forever Indy :
but i guess there's a lot of cheat codes shared between mods so it's very likely a similar problem, though it wasn't on the same arena.


Young Lion
Apr 13, 2017
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Ok, I got the moveset editor and edited Hogan's front grapple finisher. It only works for some arenas though. Smackdown for instance, he has the strong lariat still. I thought the hollywood nitro cheats in movesets could be doing it, but I turned them off and that didn't fix it.

Also, some wrestlers have 1-8 in their move replacements. Why do they have 8 and do they all have to be edited?


Oct 23, 2015
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I know you are busy most of the time, but are can we get any ideas on what new codes or mechanism you are planning to do for the next version? what can we except to see in the near future? any previews?

* sorry if i am annoying, i enjoy the updates and previews we get in this thread by the modders.


Feb 14, 2015
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dmc83: The move replacements have 1-8 because the codes are so long that we split it into multiple parts.

hulkster: Right now I am experimenting with importing models from other AKI games such as the VPW2 Liger mask that I just showed a preview for. I would like to import a few other masks, attires, and weapons into the game too. Other than that, S.K. Stylez mentioned that he might be able to eventually add many more unique roster slots into the game. If this is possible, I was thinking about redoing/reorganizing the wrestler slots so that each wrestler no longer has to share their slot with 3 other wrestlers.


Young Lion
Apr 13, 2017
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I am trying to modify Buff Bagwells moves in the editor, but whenever I click read I get an error. I have tried copying just the first code, codes 1 and 2, and all 8 together into the editor, but I always get an error when I click read.


Young Lion
Apr 14, 2015
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Chuckiepk said:
dmc83 & EtherealEidolon: The game freezes because of all of the codes that are turned on. If you want to view the moves, turn all codes off while you are in the CAW menus. Instead of using the menus to change movesets, you can change wrestlers' moves using WldFb's moveset editor tool.

Mini_Goat_King: Make sure that the Showdown 64 cheats have a black check mark next to them instead of a gray check mark. If that still doesn't work, try running Project 64 as an administrator. In addition, moveset codes sometimes glitch when playing in matches such as Royal Rumble or Guest Referee. There is less of a chance of it glitching if you are playing a normal match.

doonoo: Make sure that the Showdown 64 cheats have a black check mark next to them instead of a gray check mark. If that still doesn't work, try running Project 64 as an administrator.

With some help of Flashman, Jushin Thunder Liger has been given a improved (more 3D) mask to wear.


:withflair: Still isn't working for some reason.


Dec 28, 2015
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Hmm, got a freeze when playing a Jushin Thunder Liger vs Great Sasuke on the NJPW arena, it happened after Great Sasuke threw Liger outside (to the right of the ring), having him reaching the "Danger" level of spirit while he was doing a taunt and when Liger came back on his feet and was ready to walk again to the ring, the game just froze.

It's been a while it didn't happened and i thought the arena fixes had solved the problem but obviously there's unfortunately something else going on, though i had a lot of matches with people throwing outside since the fixes without the freeze happening so it's hard to reproduce, maybe there's a combination of Liger reaching the "danger" level while being outside and coming back on his feet.

Mentionning Liger, is it possible to have one of his taunt when he has when reaching the "SPECIAL" level of spirit to use his more iconic taunt :

He had it when he was reaching the special in VPW2 , first moving up his arm then doing it :)

Oh and for the trivia : did you know that Jushin Liger is now 52 years old, still having a hundred of matches by years and can still do the whole work ?
At some point of his career he even had a surgery to remove a brain tumor but it never stopped him and in the incoming BOSJ tournament for NJPW he's still there !
Here's him last year vs Chris Hero

What a guy, he wrestled more than 2300 matches in his career and is still going and able.


Main Eventer
Aug 29, 2012
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here's another epic match for you guys:

Hope to see this one some day!!


Feb 14, 2015
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Fizanko: I might eventually change his taunt to that one.

I just finished importing the pointed shoes from VPW2 into No Mercy so they can be used by guys like The Iron Sheik and Abdullah the Butcher.
