{Spoilers} MITB Results


Main Eventer
Jun 10, 2013
Reaction score

WWE Money in the Bank Results – June 20, 2014

- The 2014 WWE Money In the Bank pay-per-view kicks off with a video for tonight’s ladder matches. We’re live from the TD Garden in Boston as Michael Cole welcomes us.

WWE Tag Team Title Match: Luke Harper and Erick Rowan vs. The Usos

We go right to the ring and out come WWE Tag Team Champions The Usos. The lights go out and out comes Erick Rowan and Luke Harper. They’ve got another new theme song.

Harper starts off with Jey Uso and they go at it. Jimmy Uso tags in and they double team Harper to bring him to one knee. Harper comes right back with a big dropkick. Rowan tags in and drops Uso with a big shoulder for a 2 count. Rowan with a boot to Uso’s face now. Rowan beats Uso up in the corner now. Harper tags back in for some double teaming. More tags from Harper and Rowan and they control the match. Jey finally tags back in and staggers Rowan with a kick and right hand. Jimmy joins in for the double team. Jey covers for a 2 count. Jey tries to mount some offense but Rowan catches him. Uso slides out of a slam and dropkicks Rowan out to the floor. Jey runs off the barrier and nails a big forearm.

Back in the ring, Uso nails a crossbody for 2. Jey decks Harper on the apron. Jey goes up top to splash out onto Harper but Rowan shoves him off the top. Uso flies face first into the barrier and goes down. Harper comes back in to keep Jey down. Harper yells and slingshots Uso under the rope for a 2 count. Rowan comes in and drops an elbow to the heart for a 2 count. Rowan applies a claw and tosses Uso with it. 2 count by Rowan. Rowan misses a big leg drop as Jey rolls out of the way. Harper runs in and knocks Jimmy off the apron. Harper nails a big boot on Jey for a close 2 count.

Rowan comes back in with a big slam but misses a splash. Rowan charges but Jey moves and Rowan hits the ring post. Harper and Jimmy tag in. Jimmy unloads on Harper. Rowan gets on the apron but gets knocked off. Jimmy hits a big Samoan Drop on Harper and one on Rowan. He then hits the Rikishi splash on Rowan and a splash off the top on Harper for a 2 count. Jimmy sends Rowan to the floor and superkicks Harper twice. 2 count for Jimmy. Jey leaps off the apron but Rowan catches him. Jimmy leaps over the top and takes them both down. Harper is left alone in the ring. Harper knocks Jimmy down on the apron with a big boot. They go for a double team move but Jey blocks it. Jimmy rolls Harper up for a close 2 count. Harper with a sitdown powerbomb for 2. Fans chant “this is awesome.” Harper leaps out onto Rowan and Jey. Jimmy leaps out but Rowan takes him out. Harper and Rowan stand tall as both Usos are down on the floor. Rowan and Jimmy are the legal men now. They hit a double chokeslam and Rowan covers but Jey barely breaks the pin. Harper gets kicked out to the floor. Rowan takes out Jey. Rowan goes to the top for a big splash but Jimmy crotches him. Jimmy climbs up for a superplex but Rowan fights him off and to the mat. Jimmy comes right back. Jey comes in now. They both climb up and nail a huge double superplex on Rowan. Jimmy comes in and nails the big splash. Jey comes right behind him with a second splash for the win.

Winners: The Usos

- Cole talks about the former members of The Shield. We see a backstage promo with Dean Ambrose cutting a promo on Seth Rollins. He says “daddy” (Triple H) is going to be mad at Rollins when he loses tonight.

WWE Divas Title Match: Naomi vs. Paige

We go to the ring and out comes Cameron and Naomi. Out next comes WWE Divas Champion Paige. They lock up to start and tumble out of the ring, still locked up. They tangle all over the floor before breaking the lock. The referee brings them back in and they both nail a dropkick. Paige plants Naomi on her face. Naomi rolls to the floor to catch her breath.

Naomi yanks Paige off the apron and slams her on the floor. Naomi runs the ropes and leaps over the top, taking out Paige on the floor. Paige barely makes it in before the 10 count. Naomi decks her again for a 2 count. Naomi hits a crossbody from the top but Paige rolls through for a 2. Naomi rolls through that for a 2 count. More back and forth. They trade close roll-ups a few more times. Naomi gets Paige in a sick submission. Cameron looks on from ringside and she’s not impressed.

Paige breaks the hold and crotches Naomi. She climbs up and they both fall out of the ring to the floor and land hard. They make it back in and Paige applies the submission before turning it into a 2 count. Naomi makes a comeback and nails a dropkick. Naomi with an uppercut and the Rear View for a 2 count. Naomi with a big kick to the head. She goes for the split-legged moonsault but Paige gets her knees up. Cameron smiles when Naomi gets hurt. Naomi counters Paige with a roll-up for 2. Paige counters a move and drops Naomi with a big DDT for the win.

Winner: Paige

- We go back to the panel to talk about tonight. They air the Money In the Bank by the numbers video again.

Adam Rose vs. Damien Sandow

We go to the ring and out comes Damien Sandow, dressed as Paul Revere. He rips Boston and says they will always live in the shadow of New York. Adam Rose and his Rosebuds are out next. Rose says Boston is the place to party. He tells Sandow to not be a lemon, be a Rosebud. Sandow charges and Rose backdrops him to the floor in front of the Rosebuds. Fans begin humming Rose’s theme as we get ready to go.

Sandow gets the offense going early on. Sandow keeps control and drops the elbow for a 2 count. Rose makes a big comeback but Sandow runs over him with a clothesline. Sandow nails his finisher for a close 2 count. Sandow misses a springboard finisher and Rose nails his finisher for the win.

Winner: Adam Rose

- The announcers talk about Bad News Barrett. They don’t know when he will be out but he won’t be in action tonight. We get comments recorded earlier today from the rest of the Money In the Bank competitors.

Money In the Bank Contract Ladder Match: Seth Rollins vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Jack Swagger vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Dean Ambrose

We got to the ring and out first comes Seth Rollins as we see the briefcase hanging high above the ring. Rob Van Dam is out next to a pop. Jack Swagger is out next with Zeb Colter. Kofi Kingston is out next after Dolph Ziggler. Finally, Dean Ambrose is out last. He hits the ring and goes right at it with Rollins, brawling out of the ring and into the timekeeper’s area.

It’s chaos already. Kofi goes at it with RVD. He brings a ladder in and takes him out. Kofi dropkicks Swagger and positions him on top of a flat ladder. Kofi nails a Boom Drop with Swagger on the ladder. Kofi sends Swagger out of the ring with a ladder shot. Kofi is the only one in the ring. He sets up a ladder, which has a spotlight shining on it, and climbs up. Ambrose tips the ladder over but Kofi uses that to springboard off the ropes and land on RVD, Swagger and Ziggler on the floor. Ambrose climbs up but Rollins pulls him down. Rollins goes up but Ambrose stops him and works him over. Ambrose leans a ladder in the corner. He goes for a suplex on it but Rollins blocks it. They try to suplex each other onto the ladder but Ambrose finally nails it and Rollins lands hard.

Ambrose and Swagger take turns going up the ladder and pulling each other down. Ziggler and Kofi run in for the ladder now but they keep pulling each other off. Kofi and Dolph meet at the top, trading shots. Ambrose sends Swagger to the floor. Kofi and Dolph send Ambrose to the floor. Kofi and Dolph run back up the ladder and trade shots in front of the briefcase. They fall to the mat and continue fighting. Rollins takes them both down with a ladder shot. RVD kicks Rollins into a ladder. Fans chant for RVD as he unloads on Rollins. RVD catapults Rollins out of the corner. RVD stands a ladder up in the corner and whips Rollins’ back into it. RVD follows up with a big kick and the ladder falls on Rollins. RVD lays a ladder across the bottom rope now. RVD slams Rollins on it and goes to the other side of the ring, nailing a Rolling Thunder onto the ladder that was on the bottom rope. Ambrose comes in but RVD sends him to the apron and kicks him to the floor. Ziggler comes in but RVD kicks him down. Swagger also runs in but gets taken out by RVD. RVD goes to the top and nails a Five Star Frogsplash on Swagger.

RVD climbs up alone but Kofi meets him before he can grab it. Swagger tips them both over. They take out Swagger and Kofi goes to work on RVD. RVD fights back. RVD goes to the top but Kofi cuts him off. RVD blocks a superplex and Swagger runs up with a ladder to Kofi’s back. Swagger knocks Kofi to the floor with a ladder. Swagger stands a ladder up in front of the turnbuckles, which RVD is still sitting on hurt. Swagger climbs the ladder and pulls RVD on to it by his hair. Swagger goes for a massive superplex from a tall ladder but RVD headbutts him, sending Swagger to the mat by himself. RVD goes to leap out for the briefcase or nail a high Five Star but Rollins stops him. Rollins climbs up and they trade shots. They struggle with a suplex attempt. Swagger comes and powerbombs RVD from high up on the ladder, all the way down to the mat. Ambrose climbs up now. Ambrose nails a massive superplex from the top of the tall ladder. Rollins is out.

Ziggler runs in and dropkicks a ladder into Ambrose. Swagger takes Ziggler out and catapults him into Ambrose and a ladder. Swagger tosses Kofi across the ring. Swagger slams a ladder on top of Kofi. Swagger runs the ropes and nails a Swagger Bomb on Kofi and the ladder. Kofi rolls to the floor. Swagger pulls a ladder under the briefcase as Zeb cheers him on. Swagger climbs up but RVD runs in and meets him. Ambrose pulls Swagger down. Rollins pulls RVD down. Ambrose and Rollins run up the ladder now and trade shots. Ambrose unloads and knocks Rollins down to the mat. Ambrose reaches but Swagger runs in and slams Ambrose but Ambrose counters into a DDT. Rollins slowly climbs up now. Ambrose tips the ladder over, sending Rollins to the mat. Ambrose is selling a shoulder injury from the DDT and referees check on him with a medic. The medic says it could be dislocated but Ambrose wants back in. He’s upset and pushes the medics off. Medics tell Ambrose he can’t compete and fans boo. Ambrose walks to the back pissed off.

Rollins climbs up but RVD meets him and they trade shots. Kofi makes a bridge from the top rope to the ladder with another ladder. He climbs up but RVD fights he and Rollins off at the same time. RVD’s leg gets hung up and he falls to the mat, clutching his hamstring. Medics and referees tend to RVD now. Rollins reaches for the case but Kofi backdrops him through the ladder bridge for a sick bump. Kofi has the case but Ziggler pulls him down and unloads. Ziggler blocks a SOS with a big DDT. Swagger runs in but Ziggler takes him out. Ziggler with a big splash in the corner and right hands on Swagger. RVD comes back in and goes at it with Ziggler. We see a replay of Rollins’ fall and it was bad. Zig Zag on RVD. Swagger also goes down. Ziggler misses a ladder shot on Kofi. Ziggler ducks Trouble In Paradise and nails a Zig Zag on Kofi on top of the ladder. Ziggler stands a ladder up under the briefcase again. He climbs up but Swagger runs back in. Swagger applies the Patriot Lock while Ziggler is still on the ladder. Dolph manages to pull himself up the ladder while Swagger still has the hold applied. Ziggler kicks Swagger in the face and looks up at the briefcase. Ziggler is tired but manages to get himself up the ladder. He reaches for the case but Rollins hits his ankle with a chair.

Rollins beats on Ziggler with a chair. Fans chant for Ambrose. Rollins climbs the ladder but Ambrose runs out to a big pop. Ambrose unloads on Rollins with the chair and beats him around the ring with it. Ambrose tosses Rollins to the floor and climbs up the ladder. Ambrose is in pain as he tries to reach for the case with his injured shoulder. The ring explodes with pyro and Kane runs out. Ambrose fights him off with kicks to the head. Kane finally pulls Ambrose off the ladder and chokeslams him. Kane nails a Tombstone on Ambrose as fans boo. Rollins rolls back in the ring now. Kane stands guard and holds the ladder as Rollins climbs up to grab the briefcase for the win.

Winner: Seth Rollins

- After the match, we go to replays as Rollins celebrates. Rollins is making his exit when Triple H’s music hits. He comes out with Stephanie McMahon and they’re clapping for Rollins. They raise Rollins’ arms and the briefcase in victory.

- Byron Saxton is backstage with Randy Orton and asks about tonight’s match. Orton says he has better chances than anyone at winning. He’s asked about Rollins winning. Orton says Rollins is a great competitor but needed all the help he could get, while he won’t need any help. We go to more Network commercials.

Stardust and Goldust vs. Ryback and Curtis Axel

We go to the ring and out comes Ryback and Curtis Axel. Their opponents Stardust and Goldust are out next.

Stardust and Axel start it off. Stardust takes control early on. Goldust tags in for a nice double team move. Goldust covers for a quick pin attempt. Goldust unloads on Axel now. Stardust comes back in. Axel avoids a double team move and tags in Ryback. Ryback shoves Stardust. Stardust fights back and blocks a move. Stardust takes Ryback down and tags in Goldust. Ryback takes control but Goldust turns it around in the corner. Axel assists and Goldust goes down. Axel comes in and stomps away now. Axel unloads on Goldust with right hands.

Axel nails a dropkick on Goldust and keeps him grounded. Ryback tags in and they double team Goldust in the corner. Ryback with a big suplex attempt but Goldust slides out. Goldust goes for a roll-up but it’s blocked. More back and forth. Ryback with a massive chokeslam on Goldust. Stardust finally comes in and unloads on Ryback. He also knocks Axel off the apron. Ryback blocks a shot and puts Stardust on the apron but misses right hands. Stardust springboards in and takes Ryback down. Stardust drops Ryback on his head. Axel runs in but Goldust pulls him over the top. Axel rams Goldust into the barrier. Ryback goes for Shellshocked but Stardust counters with his finisher for a 2 count as Axel barely breaks the pin. Axel charges but Stardust moves and Axel hits Ryback. Stardust covers Ryback for the win.

Winners: Stardust and Goldust

- After the match, Axel attacks Stardust and lays him out. Goldust runs in and they drop him with a double team move. Goldust and Stardust pose and do some other odd stuff to end it.

- We get a look at the feud with Summer Rae, Layla and Fandango. Byron Saxton is backstage with Fandango, who is in his sparkling referee gear. Saxton asks how can he call this match right down the middle. Layla appears and says he can’t because he’s in love with her. Summer Rae also appears and says no, Fandango loves her. Summer flaunts her legs and Layla flaunts her breasts. They start ripping each other and Fandango sends them off to the ring.

Rusev vs. Big E

We go to the ring and out comes Rusev with Lana. Rusev is waiving a Russian flag on his way to the ring. Lana takes the mic and fans immediately start “USA” chants, which upsets Rusev. Lana screams for them to shut up. Lana says tonight, Rusev’s opponent will be waiving the American flag. Lana rips America and shows us Vladimir Putin on the big screen again. She says Putin is watching tonight. Rusev says a few words also and out comes Big E with the American flag.

Big E unloads and runs over Rusev, sending him outside to regroup. Rusev comes to the apron and Big E runs into a big knee. Rusev with a big shot to the back and an overhead suplex. Rusev with big right hands now. Rusev with stomps to the head and more strikes. Rusev keeps Big E on the mat with a submission now.

Rusev with more strikes. He goes for a splash but misses. Big E comes back with a belly to belly suplex for a 2 count. Rusev fights back with big blows, backing Big E into the corner. Rusev beats Big E down with big knees and finally backs off after the referee warns him. Rusev charges but Big E meets him with a big slam for a 2 count. Big keeps control. He runs the ropes for a big splash. Rusev jumps up and tries a kick but misses. Big E sends Rusev to the apron and spears him through the ropes, to the floor. They both land hard on the floor.

Lana screams but they’re both slow to get up. Big E brings it back in for a 2 count. Rusev is bleeding from in his mouth and slowly crawls to the apron. Rusev nails a kick to the head out of nowhere. He comes in and nails a big leaping kick. Rusev hulks up and Lana tells him to crush. Rusev stomps on Big E’s back and locks in The Accolade. Big E tries to fight out of the hold and looks to counter it but Rusev tightens the hold for the win.

Winner: Rusev

- After the match, Rusev won’t break the hold until Lana comes in and tells him to. We go to replays as they celebrate with a large Russian flag that dropped down.

- We go back to the panel for more talk about tonight.

- The Bella Twins are backstage. Stephanie McMahon walks up and asks Nikki why Brie is here. Brie goes to speak but Stephanie cuts her off. Brie ends up showing her new favorite video on her phone – the video of Stephanie getting slopped on RAW. Stephanie has Brie escorted away by security.

Summer Rae vs. Layla

We go to the ring and out comes special referee Fandango. Summer Rae is out next followed by Layla.

They go at it and Layla strikes first. She tosses Summer out to the floor. Layla flirts with Fandango, allowing Summer to trip her from behind. Summer comes in and splashes Layla in the corner. Summer with a boot to the throat, which causes Fandango to stop and stare at her legs. Summer beats Layla down and goes to kiss Fandango. Layla comes from behind and slams her. Layla with some pin attempts. Layla with a leg submission now. Summer gets out and makes her comeback. Fans chant for CM Punk. Layla ends up dropping Summer and covering for the win.

Winner: Layla

- After the match, Fandango and Layla make out as Fandango’s music hits. They leave together and dance to the back as Summer cries in the ring.

- The announcers plug the WWE Network as more ladders are placed around the ring. We get a video package for tonight’s main event.

Ladder Match for the Vacant WWE World Heavyweight Title: Sheamus vs. Bray Wyatt vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Cesaro vs. John Cena vs. Randy Orton vs. Roman Reigns vs. Kane

We go to the ring and out comes Triple H and Stephanie to watch from ringside. WWE United States Champion Sheamus is out first. The lights go out and Bray Wyatt lights his lantern before telling Boston he’s here. Alberto Del Rio is out next followed by Cesaro and Paul Heyman. John Cena is out next to a mixed reaction from the hometown crowd. Randy Orton is out next followed by Roman Reigns through the crowd to a big pop. Finally, the pyro goes off and out comes Kane.

The bell rings and everyone goes at it. Kane tosses Reigns out. Orton tosses someone out and goes to work on Cena. Kane takes Wyatt to the floor. Orton stomps on Cena now. Kane and Orton look to be standing tall in the ring. Kane grabs a ladder and slides it in the ring but Del Rio kicks it into his face. Orton goes down with a ladder shot. Bray comes in and takes Cesaro and Del Rio down with a shot into the ladder they were fighting over. Cena comes in for an Attitude Adjustment on Bray but it’s blocked. Bray drops Cena, sending him to the floor. Reigns comes in and nails a Samoan Drop on Wyatt. Reigns sets a ladder up but Sheamus nails him in the back, sending him out to the floor. Sheamus climbs the ladder but Kane cuts him off. Kane and Sheamus go at it while Orton and Reigns go at it. Reigns clotheslines Orton, sending him to the floor. Sheamus and Reigns both sandwich Kane with ladders. They stand their ladders up. Reigns climbs but Del Rio stops him. Sheamus climbs and grabs on of the titles. Del Rio and Cesaro have also climbed up. Sheamus gets knocked on the rope. Kane pushes Cesaro and Reigns over. Kane knocks Reigns out of the ring and sends Sheamus over the top. Bray and Kane go at it now. Kane drops him and Cesaro. Kane chokeslams Del Rio. Cena runs in and Kane chokeslams him also. Kane has everyone down.

Kane grabs Orton by his throat but pushes him into the ladder so he can climb it. Orton climbs up but Reigns knocks the ladder over. Reigns runs into Kane with a ladder. Reigns climbs up but Wyatt stops him. Cena comes in and slams Wyatt to a mixed reaction. Cena goes for the Five Knuckle Shuffle on Wyatt but Cesaro catches Cena with a big uppercut. Cesaro climbs up but Sheamus meets him at the top and they trade shots. Bray walks around upside down before pushing the ladder over. However, Cesaro and Sheamus are still hanging on to the titles and trading shots while they hang in the air. Sheamus falls to the mat. Del Rio runs in and Wyatt drops him. Cesaro finally falls to the mat and Wyatt splashes him. We see medics tending to Orton after he took a ladder shot to the head earlier. Orton comes back into the mix and sends Del Rio into the steps. Orton is pissed now. Orton brings more ladders from under the ring. Sheamus and Orton brawl on the floor now. Orton gets sent into one of the Spanish announcers. Sheamus makes a ladder bridge from the apron to the announce table. Sheamus slams Orton’s head into it twice. Sheamus stands on the ladder bridge but Orton sweeps his leg out and Sheamus falls on the ladder. Orton hits a draping DDT on Sheamus from the ladder bridge to the floor.

Orton stands a ladder up under the belts and climbs. Cena, Del Rio, Reigns and Cesaro also try to get on it. Kane comes back in, as does Orton.. Everyone is going for the ladder or the title now, or pulling another man off. Kane sends Cesaro to the floor. Del Rio misses an enziguri on Kane. Kane tosses Del Rio to the floor. Kane folds up the ladder so nobody can climb it. Kane grabs Sheamus by his neck but Sheamus drops him over the top rope. Sheamus with forearm shots to the chest of Kane now. Sheamus goes to the top and nails a battering ram on Reigns. Sheamus with an Irish Curse on Del Rio. Sheamus with White Noise on Orton. Sheamus nails a Brogue Kick on Cena and mocks him. Sheamus stands a ladder up as The Authority looks on worried. Sheamus climbs up but Kane pulls him out of the ring. Sheamus whips Kane into the steel steps.

Sheamus climbs back up as Cesaro builds a bridge from the top rope too the ladder. Cesaro meets Sheamus at the top of the ladder and they trade shots. Del Rio uses the bridge to knock Reigns off the other side. Cena takes Del Rio to the floor. Reigns hulks up and tips over the massive ladder with a bridge but it lands on the bridge. Cesaro hands with one arm but climbs back onto the teetering ladder structure. Cena tips it back upright and climbs up. Cesaro has a hand on the title. Wyatt pulls Cena down. Reigns climbs up but Del Rio follows him. Bray causes Cena to take a nasty bump onto the bridge. Kane sends Wyatt face first into a ladder. Kane takes out Del Rio. Kane pulls Cesaro from the top. Sheamus grabs a title but Orton and Kane pull him down. Sheamus’ leg gets caught up as he falls to the mat. Orton kicks Sheamus but he fights back. Orton sends Sheamus to the floor. Kane has the ladder ready for Orton to climb it. Reigns runs in under a ladder and spears Kane. Orton sends the ladder into Reigns’ head and he goes down. Orton poses and taunts the fans while Reigns is down. Reigns blocks a RKO and nails a Superman punch. Reigns runs into big boots from Sheamus. Sheamus goes to the top but Reigns knocks him off with a Superman. Del Rio comes in but Reigns takes him out. Reigns runs to the floor, throws Wyatt into the announcers table and runs around the ring foe the apron dropkick on Del Rio. He runs back around and dropkicks Wyatt on the announcers table. Reigns then spears Cesaro on the floor. Awesome sequence.

Reigns comes back in the ring. Cena meets him and they go face to face before brawling in the middle of the ring. Reigns slides out of an AA and nails a spear on Cena for a big pop. Reigns positions a ladder and climbs up. Orton comes from behind and pulls him down. Orton does a backbreaker off a few steps up on the ladder. The Authority applauds Orton. Orton climbs up but Wyatt pulls him down and nails Sister Abigail. Wyatt gets hype and the crowd pops. The Authority looks worried. Wyatt climbs up but Del Rio stops him and the fans boo. Del Rio with the big enziguri on Wyatt. Del Rio with the huge superkick now. Del Rio climbs up for the title and grabs them but has trouble getting them undone. Sheamus tips the ladder over and nails Del Rio with a Brogue. Sheamus climbs up but Cesaro pulls him off and hits an uppercut on his way down. Cesaro nails the Neutralizer and climbs up. Orton pulls Cesaro down and nails a RKO on his way down. The Authority pops big time for this. Orton climbs up but Reigns stops him. They brawl on the same side of the ladder. They both fall to the mat. Orton climbs back up but Reigns stops him again. Orton is bleeding pretty bad again. Reigns digs at the wound and headbutts Orton to the mat. Orton’s blood is on Reigns. Kane chokeslams Reigns off the ladder. A bloody Orton gets up as Kane holds the ladder for him. Cena runs in and nails an AA on Kane. Cena pulls Orton down and nails an AA on him, dropping him on top of Kane. Cena climbs up and grabs the titles for the win.

Winner and New WWE World Heavyweight Champion: John Cena


Nov 11, 2013
Reaction score
yes it is big wonder how many minutes it took.

Prince Sosnus

Upper Midcard
May 24, 2013
Reaction score
Main event was about 40 minutes long. I watched whole show without post-show. I started to watching at 1.30 at night, and it ended few minutes before 5.00 at the morning. Show was good, but main event was too long for me.


Sep 25, 2011
Reaction score
Fuck this John Cena.Its now confirmed,Brock Vs Cena for Summerslam.This motherfucker Cena has been champion 13 times already and still they want him to win.I hope Brock hurts him real bad and win the titles at Summerslam.


Lower Midcard
Feb 13, 2014
Reaction score
Here comes Rollins, then? RazorInstinct is probably right about Summerslam, and I'm assuming Seth vs. Ambrose will take place as well. Then maybe the RAW after Summerslam, Rollins uses the contract unless Brock gets the title for whatever reason. Main event was kind of stupid. The contract ladder match was a lot better.

Happy to see Big E lose because fuck yeah, Lana.

Kane is boring.

Rybaxel vs Dusts was nice. Better than their previous matches and it didn't feel like a rerun.

Paige had her first real match since NXT and that made me happy. By that I just mean that it wasn't too short and she was allowed to do more than just her finishers.

Layla vs. Summer Rae was boring.

Wyatts vs. Usos was good. I'm sick of how much this match is booked, but I can't deny that it was a good match. Harper and Rowan got their own entrance and theme song! Luke Harper is awesome.

Not a great event, but I liked it nonetheless.


Young Lion
Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
I hadn't originally intended to stay up for Money In The Bank beyond the first match (which I figured would be the contract ladder match), but I ended up watching the entire event. Pretty solid, barring one or two things that rubbed me up the wrong way. More detailed thoughts below:

  • For those that didn't see the pre-show, Bo Dallas interrupted Daniel Bryan's Twitter Q&A thing. It didn't really lead to anything other than Bryan saying "Bo, leave" but it got Bo on the PPV, technically. Given how awful he was back in early 2013 it's incredible how much Dallas has changed, and now he actually belongs on the roster with his 1999 Kurt Angle-esque schtick
  • The Wyatts' new theme music is pretty good, though I'm not sure it fits their characters. It's a big improvement on low quality organ music though
  • Awesome opening tag match that really got the crowd going. The Usos work really well as a unit while Harper and Rowan are less of a team but are starting to show more cohesion. The false finishes were nicely executed and logical (I bit hard on the Wyatts' double team maneouvre, I honestly thought that was the end). Rowan attempting to go to the top rope was a nice way to set up the actual finish, and the Usos need to do that consecutive splash thing more often
  • Horrible botch aside, Paige Vs Naomi was a very good divas match. They really upped the pace right from the opening bell and each lady got a chance to shine. Paige is finally starting to show what she was capable of back in NXT. More women's matches like this please WWE, and less of Cameron who didn't add anything to proceedings
  • Just think, a year ago at this event Damien Sandow won MITB and almost beat John Cena for the world title 4 months later. It's upsetting to see just how far he's fallen. The match was what it was, a glorified squash match, although Sandow did get some good offense in and I got a laugh out of "the elbow is coming!". I still hope Sandow's career can be salvaged but the longer this goes on the harder it'll be to pull off
  • MITB Ladder Match was insane, with at least two spots (ladder-mounted Superplex and Rollins falling backfirst onto a ladder) making me genuinely wince. Everyone involved did a great job and it was great to see the crowd get behind Ambrose so much (the pop he got for coming back out towards the end was immense). The ending soured me on the match a little, but it makes perfect sense and hopefully prolongs the inevitable Ambrose/Rollins barnburner until Summerslam, where they could easily steal the show
  • Cody Rhodes is such a versatile performer, and he's making me buy into this new Stardust persona 100%. Another really good tag team match, altthough perhaps not as good as the opener. I'm warming up to RybAxel too: Ryback's reaction of "I still got it!" to the Feed Me More chant was hilarious, and he seemed a lot smoother in the ring in general. Not sure why Axel stole Just Joe's old singlet however...
  • Big E & Rusev had a sleeper hit of a match at Payback and they did it again. When he's not squashing jobbers in under a minute Rusev strikes me as quite a talented big man, while Big E has been impressive ever since he stepped away from Dolph & AJ. I love that they built on their previous encounter with some of the spots/counters, and the finish really made Big E look strong in defeat. Not sure where either man goes from here though
  • Summer Rae Vs Layla was really poor. I was surprised to see Layla win and even more surprised she did it cleanly, unfortunately it might mean they drag this feud out some more
  • The main event was perfectly serviceable, with some hard-hitting moves and well thought out spots. The three breakout stars (Reigns, Cesaro & Wyatt) all their turns to shine, and all of them looked like they belonged in the match. Reigns has such an intense, smash-mouth style which is damn fun to watch in action, even if he is a bit green still. The only thing I was really soured on (you guessed it) was the ending: Cena takes at least 4 high power moves in the match, only to come back fresh as a daisy at the end, AA both members of the Authority and take down the belts like it was no effort. I'm not criticising Cena's performance as a worker, but his booking has gotten so stale. Still, if he's just a stopgap til Lesnar comes back at Summerslam to win the belts, then I can take it. If, however, Cena is champion for the long haul as a reaction to the company's recent financial woes, then this absolutely sucks

    Overall, as I say, a really solid & enjoyable show apart from the Summer/Layla borefest and the ending of the main event and its possible implications for the future direction of WWE. Summerslam is shaping up to be one hell of a card however. The way I see it, we'll get the following matches...

    - John Cena(C) Vs Paul Heyman's client who ended the Undertaker's undefeated streak at WrestleMania, Brock Lesnar (WWE World Heavyweight Championship)
    - Dean Ambrose Vs Seth Rollins (possibly for the contract)
    - Triple H Vs Roman Reigns

    No idea where the likes of Cesaro, Wyatt et al would fit in there, but I'm sure they'll find their way onto the event. Then again, I may just be setting myself up for a massive disappointment as we go right back to the old status quo. Which is the last thing WWE should be doing right now...


Staff member
Feb 25, 2013
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didn't watch it, so i cant really comment, all though i will say RazorInstinct it's pretty childish to wish for a wrestler to get injured, it makes you look like a childish prat, tbh it's pretty despicable, yeah you may not like cena, but just because you don't like him, doesn't mean you can wish personal harm towards him, he's not Hitler, anyway on to my thoughts, while yes i'm a cena fan i really am not to happy to be seeing him win, why because it was nice to see him in the mid-card for a change, but i suppose if it's not broken don't fix it, and before anyone say it is broken the wwe are just burying their heads in the sand, tell me who in that match, apart from kane, orton and cena had any creditability to be the wwe champion in that match no one cesaro is a good wrestler, he's not too good on the mic, bray wyatt, he's new he's still green while he's a breakout star he's not even close to being at that stage yet, reigns he's only been in the wwe for a year, he may be slightly popular but what does he bring to the table, we don't know because it's to early to tell, he's pretty green on the mic and isn't the best in the ring yet, giving him the wwe title inst going to improve any of that it's going to hinder his ability to learn and progress. so there you go if you look at it rationally cean was a obvious choice imo


Jun 8, 2014
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Even Cennnnnnnnnnnnna Stole The Victory But Still THE BEST


Feb 7, 2011
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<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>champion gamer</dt><dd>Jun 30 2014, 08:53:54 AM</dd></dl><div>didn't watch it, so i cant really comment, all though i will say RazorInstinct it's pretty childish to wish for a wrestler to get injured, it makes you look like a childish prat, tbh it's pretty despicable, yeah you may not like cena, but just because you don't like him, doesn't mean you can wish personal harm towards him, he's not Hitler, anyway on to my thoughts, while yes i'm a cena fan i really am not to happy to be seeing him win, why because it was nice to see him in the mid-card for a change, but i suppose if it's not broken don't fix it, and before anyone say it is broken the wwe are just burying their heads in the sand, tell me who in that match, apart from kane, orton and cena had any creditability to be the wwe champion in that match no one cesaro is a good wrestler, he's not too good on the mic, bray wyatt, he's new he's still green while he's a breakout star he's not even close to being at that stage yet, reigns he's only been in the wwe for a year, he may be slightly popular but what does he bring to the table, we don't know because it's to early to tell, he's pretty green on the mic and isn't the best in the ring yet, giving him the wwe title inst going to improve any of that it's going to hinder his ability to learn and progress. so there you go if you look at it rationally cean was a obvious choice imo [/quote]If anybody deserves to be F-5'ed onto the steel steps, it is Hitler. That guy was a complete jerk.
Mar 10, 2014
Reaction score
Wow. I saw them few moments ago. Anyway finally Cena has won the title. I thought that the feud with the wyatts wasn't good for Cena: he is a superstar made for world titles. Vice versa that feud was great for the Wyatts. Infact they now are with the "number ones": Wyatt was in the WWE World Heavyweight Championship Ladder match, and Harper & Rowan fighted for the WWE Tag Team Championship
Another thing. I read about a possibly match between Cena and Lesnar for the titlea. Lesnar can't win the titles because if he do this he have to stay for a long time in wwe: WWE pays a lot Lesnar for a limited number of match in a year: he has an onerous contract, so the wwe can't pay this amount for a long time and Lesnar can't be a champion for only a month

Deleted User

Crowd Member
Lesnar will eat Cena alive, and it will be glorious to watch.

Whoever dethrones Lesnar is a made man.

I liked the PPV, and I'm glad it's Cena that won, because I want one of those guys to beat Lesnar for the title, and not have their first win for it be a ladder match.

Also, Orton was a fucking legend in there. Props.

KG 24

Main Eventer
Jun 18, 2011
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RazorInstinct said:
Fuck this John Cena.Its now confirmed,Brock Vs Cena for Summerslam.This motherfucker Cena has been champion 13 times already and still they want him to win.I hope Brock hurts him real bad and win the titles at Summerslam.
Dude. It's just wrestling. Calm down.


Nov 11, 2013
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people booo cena so much even his home crowd.they just hate him.if cena turns heel then he will get cheers i think.but thats not going to happen.

CRW&#39;s TKS

Lower Midcard
Feb 13, 2014
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NLG said:
[*]Horrible botch aside, Paige Vs Naomi was a very good divas match. They really upped the pace right from the opening bell and each lady got a chance to shine. Paige is finally starting to show what she was capable of back in NXT. More women's matches like this please WWE, and less of Cameron who didn't add anything to proceedings
Is the botch the spot where they fell off the turnbuckle? Because it looked intentional. On the replay, I stared at their feet and nobody slipped. It's not a good spot, but I think it was a count-out tease.


Sep 25, 2011
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<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>KG 24</dt><dd>Jun 30 2014, 03:09:29 PM</dd></dl><div>
RazorInstinct said:
Fuck this John Cena.Its now confirmed,Brock Vs Cena for Summerslam.This motherfucker Cena has been champion 13 times already and still they want him to win.I hope Brock hurts him real bad and win the titles at Summerslam.
Dude. It's just wrestling. Calm down.[/quote]Dude,i know it is.

The Aughat

Main Eventer
Aug 11, 2013
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Cena won again...
I still think Kane turning on Randy and winning would be better.