To all Modders.


Dec 11, 2013
Reaction score
I apologies in advance if this ruffles a few feathers...

Alright, there are generally a few different types of modders:
The character/prop/menu texturers.
The model makers/modifiers.
The arena/level creators.
The importers.
The gameplay coders.
The move/moveset hackers.
And people who use different variations to achieve a perfected save/mod.

The thing is with the newer (2003 onwards games), we've seen people venturing into the first 4, which is great, we've seen amazing wrestlers and arenas being made and imported,

But I'm curious as to why we've (as a community) avoided changing the gameplay of newer games to be as unique as the older games have been modded to be?

Sure the newer games may not be as easy to code as No Mercy or the Smackdown 1&2 but maybe we should start looking into they way the newer games even if its on a fundamental level.
Hell, I for one can think of many codes I would like to write for HCTP but my Playstation2 and laptop are to old and worn for me to even boot them up.

Maybe its just the aging part of my brain, but I think we need to keep breathing fire into the every variation of modding to keep our hearts into wanting to continue doing what we do.

As a word of warning to the new blood, if you don't learn to keep the game you're modding fresh to play by improving the game-play mechanics, no one's going to play as the character you've put time and effort into.
No matter how spot on they look.

There is a reason No Mercy modding stayed alive for 14+ years,
It's Modders are willing to strive for the complete package.

And personally I think we all need to play our parts in encouraging this, no matter what section of OSR we hang our hat.

The Aughat

Main Eventer
Aug 11, 2013
Reaction score
You mean to say Modders should be all rounded modders?


Dec 11, 2013
Reaction score
<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>The Aughat</dt><dd>May 29 2014, 11:01:46 PM</dd></dl><div>You mean to say Modders should be all rounded modders?[/quote]Not necessarily,
I can't think of another way to describe it at the moment but I will try to tell you what happened in another modding community.

Their used to be a modding community for a single player and multiplayer game back in the day, it's mods were in its thousands, and you want to know the most important thing anyone contributed to it?

Adding functioning buttons to multiplayer levels, yes buttons that worked,
So people could be as creative as they wanted with levels, trap doors, death spikes, secret weapons, vending machines to change characters (sound familiar?), changing the lighting etc, I could go on for hours.

But before one forgotten guy added a few pages of code to the game,
No one had been able to make the levels they wanted to make for multiplayer like they had seen built into the single player game.
Dreams came true.

To this day many multiplayer games don't have functioning doorways or interactive environments even though a game from 2003 became more diverse then most shooting games to this day, due to modding.
And I have NEVER seen any other first/third person shoot em up game have as much creativity.

Tiny little changes to games can have big impacts to modding communities,
I don't know what the next Wrestling game will be that people will decide to dissect and make into a diverse playground like No Mercy but I would love to see it.
But no one will know what the game can achieve until people try to play with its code.
Even if we compare a broken game to its predecessor and successor we can find ways of fixing glitches (looking at SvR 06 for starters)[/SPOILER]

The Aughat

Main Eventer
Aug 11, 2013
Reaction score
Nice speech lol. I get it you think modders should mod each aspect of the game?
I try that for SvR 11. I know everything except moves till now. Right now I am studying moves.


Upper Midcard
Feb 8, 2011
Reaction score
there isnt a WHOLE lot of knowledge you need to have to be a texture modder. im fairly decent at photoshop and model importing was basically handed to me on a silver platter with the svr 2010 modding tool. coding is a whole other level and something that takes a lot of time to learn and experiment with