Two-Minute Intervals Between Rumble Entrants


Lower Midcard
Jan 12, 2013
Reaction score
In Royal Rumbles, new participants will enter at the 2:00, 4:00, 6:00, 8:00, etc. marks.  If there are four people in the ring, then the next entrant will wait until someone has been eliminated and will then enter at the next even-numbered minute.

Note: Time Count must be set to Yes for this to work

D00A0254 0000
D00993F2 0040
D115AEC6 00A3
D015947C 000A
D21547EB 0005
8115AEC6 0000
D00A0254 0000
D00993F2 0040
D115B21E 00A3
D015947C 000A
D21547EB 0005
8115B21E 0000
D00A0254 0000
D00993F2 0040
D115B576 00A3
D015947C 000A
D21547EB 0005
8115B576 0000
D00A0254 0000
D00993F2 0040
D115B8CE 00A3
D015947C 000A
D21547EB 0005
8115B8CE 0000
D00A0254 0000
D00993F2 0040
D115AEC6 00A3
D015947C 000A
D21547EC 0000
8115AEC6 0000
D00A0254 0000
D00993F2 0040
D115B21E 00A3
D015947C 000A
D21547EC 0000
8115B21E 0000
D00A0254 0000
D00993F2 0040
D115B576 00A3
D015947C 000A
D21547EC 0000
8115B576 0000
D00A0254 0000
D00993F2 0040
D115B8CE 00A3
D015947C 000A
D21547EC 0000
8115B8CE 0000

D00A0254 0000
D00993F2 0040
D115AEC6 00A3
D015947C 000A
D21547E9 0001
D21547E9 0003
D21547E9 0005
D21547E9 0007
D21547E9 0009
8115AEC6 0000
D00A0254 0000
D00993F2 0040
D115B21E 00A3
D015947C 000A
D21547E9 0001
D21547E9 0003
D21547E9 0005
D21547E9 0007
D21547E9 0009
8115B21E 0000
D00A0254 0000
D00993F2 0040
D115B576 00A3
D015947C 000A
D21547E9 0001
D21547E9 0003
D21547E9 0005
D21547E9 0007
D21547E9 0009
8115B576 0000
D00A0254 0000
D00993F2 0040
D115B8CE 00A3
D015947C 000A
D21547E9 0001
D21547E9 0003
D21547E9 0005
D21547E9 0007
D21547E9 0009
8115B8CE 0000
D00A0254 0000
D00993F2 0040
D115AEC6 0000
D21547E9 0000
D21547E9 0002
D21547E9 0004
D21547E9 0006
D21547E9 0008
D01547EB 0005
D01547EC 0000
8115AEC6 00A3
D00A0254 0000
D00993F2 0040
D115B21E 0000
D21547E9 0000
D21547E9 0002
D21547E9 0004
D21547E9 0006
D21547E9 0008
D01547EB 0005
D01547EC 0000
8115B21E 00A3
D00A0254 0000
D00993F2 0040
D115B576 0000
D21547E9 0000
D21547E9 0002
D21547E9 0004
D21547E9 0006
D21547E9 0008
D01547EB 0005
D01547EC 0000
8115B576 00A3
D00A0254 0000
D00993F2 0040
D115B8CE 0000
D21547E9 0000
D21547E9 0002
D21547E9 0004
D21547E9 0006
D21547E9 0008
D01547EB 0005
D01547EC 0000
8115B8CE 00A3

Eliminated Wrestler Disappears:
D00993F2 0040
D00931DA 0000
D115AF32 0004
D315AFB4 F000
D115AEC6 0000
8115A550 4300
D00993F2 0040
D00931DA 0000
D115AF32 0004
D115AEC6 0000
8115AFB4 F000
D00993F2 0040
D00931DA 0000
D115A550 4300
D115AFB4 F000
8115A550 0000
D00993F2 0040
D00931DA 0000
D115B28A 0004
D315B30C F000
D115B21E 0000
8115A550 4300
D00993F2 0040
D00931DA 0000
D115B28A 0004
D115B21E 0000
8115B30C F000
D00993F2 0040
D00931DA 0000
D115A550 4300
D115B30C F000
8115A550 0000
D00993F2 0040
D00931DA 0000
D115B5E2 0004
D315B664 F000
D115B576 0000
8115A550 4300
D00993F2 0040
D00931DA 0000
D115B5E2 0004
D115B576 0000
8115B664 F000
D00993F2 0040
D00931DA 0000
D115A550 4300
D115B664 F000
8115A550 0000
D00993F2 0040
D00931DA 0000
D115B93A 0004
D315B9BC F000
D115B8CE 0000
8115A550 4300
D00993F2 0040
D00931DA 0000
D115B93A 0004
D115B8CE 0000
8115B9BC F000
D00993F2 0040
D00931DA 0000
D115A550 4300
D115B9BC F000
8115A550 0000
D00993F2 0040
D00931DA 0000
8115A548 43A0
D00993F2 0040
D00931DA 0000
8115A54C 4440
D00993F2 0040
D00931DA 0000
8115A554 4340


Main Eventer
Dec 25, 2011
Reaction score
Is that the actual time intervals used in the the real rumble?


Young Lion
May 7, 2018
Reaction score
works! the only bad thing is that the rumble count appears and it is not removed until another character appears.


Lower Midcard
Jan 12, 2013
Reaction score
VelLong link said:
works! the only bad thing is that the rumble count appears and it is not removed until another character appears.
What I did was replace the textures for the number 10 and the box containing the count with blank textures.  Now, there won't be anything there until you're 9 seconds away from the next entrant.

Attached here are the replacement texture files for Project 64 2.x. 


Lower Midcard
Jan 12, 2013
Reaction score
One other problem is the fact that the person just lays there on the outside for up to two minutes.  Maybe there's a way to alter the camera focus so that it only shows the ring.


Young Lion
May 7, 2018
Reaction score
Hey bro, is there a way for the waiting time to be only 1 min? the truth is that wait 2 minutes is quite annoying and more when the ring is clean.


Lower Midcard
Jan 12, 2013
Reaction score
I added a new part to this code that will cause the eliminated wrestler to disappear. Before, you could see the wrestler awkwardly lying on the outside for up to two minutes. I also included some slight camera adjustments to make sure that you don't see moment when he disappears.