wCw MaYHeM


Sep 20, 2011
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Fofo said:
You just keep getting better and better! :)
Not entirely true. I just switched to a recent game engine.
Yes :)

I've been learning about the massive changes to the material engine as well as importing my own textures. UE4's material editor is crazy powerful, but even though I worked with UE3 it requires a learning curve. Good thing about this time around is that enough of UE3 remains, at least via it's workflows, that I can accomplish 90% of what I used to do, but ALSO have the ability to use newer techniques to get to the same place, but faster. So i can skip MUCH of the introductory content and slam right into the advanced techniques and features.

Getting havoc into the game was just a starting point and refresher. From this point on, forget much of what you think you know about Mayhem 64, everything is getting imported, improved, or replaced altogether.

The opportunities and perks available with using 3ds max, the modeling/texturing/animation package vs using a real-time game engine that supports DX11 and its features completely means that I can not only work faster (since i'm more advanced with Unreal than with 3ds max), but everything will come out looking 10x better, and it is much easier to model scenes/light/and set up effects than max. Why? Because with 3ds max, I had to use the mental ray software renderer for every single arena snapshot I had taken. These take from 10-15 minutes, with the time incrementally increasing with image and fx quality and resolution. talk about a pain in the ass! With Unreal Engine 4, everything is done on the fly, in real-time, and all dynamic lighting and materials are propagated immediately.

Also, everything I create could actually be ported into a playable game if the arena is reconstructed and the art is programmed as a playable multiplayer level complete with wrestling combat controls. Would you be able to recreate No Mercy's gameplay? Yes! But it wouldnt be a copy/paste operation. You're talking about contstructing hundreds if not thousands of move animations, as well as taunts and entrances, and programming each one to be not just available to the player's chosen character, but unique to each and every fighter. As well as programming the moves to animate correctly and be called upon correctly by the engine. It is not impossible but since no template exists for this type of game, you're talking about much more work than the average person is not only capable of doing without submitting to burnout, but more than the average person is capable. Especially if you want a game of sufficient quality. And don't get me started on how buggy the game could actually be! Not only does the industry mandate that games be rigorously beta tested, but even with a Quality Assurance department of paid testers working months ahead prior to release to debug these games, but they still miss stuff, as the WWE series has shown repeatedly in the past. Surely a wrestling game of any substantial quality will be buggy, and the worst part is that once the bugs are found, your team may not even know how to fix the problem.

I'm not making a wrestling game unless i can get together a substantial team to do so. I actually had Tneck, one of the admins of Wrestling Mpire, working with me on the Zen Davis' project "Pro-Wrestling!", and we both still had trouble getting that off its feet. Finding team members interested in a wrestling game who actually knew what they were doing was a bitch.

Updated snapshot of progress. Since it was a double post, it didn't update, so bump.

Deleted User

Crowd Member
Slim nailed it for why we haven't seen more homebrew wrestling games. It's incredibly daunting, and unless a great kick-starter gets some real money behind it, we're probably not gonna see it any time soon. If enough of us could get a good amount of funding together to make one from scratch, it would be awesome.

No mercy modding and Firepro modding seem to be the next best thing. This save is a prime example. The initial beta of this sucker was groundbreaking as it was, it fixed the full intro glitch and gave us a high quality WCW wrestling game. Now with Slim's contributions and wolfpac's ever increasing No mercy powers it's gonna almost be better than getting a new game.

Bravo. :)


Sep 20, 2011
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I'd personally love to build a game on UE4. It would actually be super easy compared to prior versions of the engine, but i'm too much a noob with anything beyond arena design to accomplish much without months of work. I can always study and practice, then pull what i've learned into developing those systems, but I'm only one man.

besides, who the fuck wants to animate all those moves by hand? Not only is keyframing ancient, but everything is motion captured these days. If only I could rip the moves from some prior games, Surely some like RAW2 were primitive enough in their engines that they may have even been exported directly from a modeling package and be convertible. I'd just like to have some decent wreslter models in a useable format to play with and see if I can't work on some animations. I'd love to at least be able to animate a few wrestlers entrances.

For now i'll just keep working. I'm converting the whole stadium over to Unreal4 so be prepared to be blown away. Yuke's is badly behind the times y'all.


Sep 20, 2011
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That stage was neither accurate nor playable. The 99 mayhem stage that I made was the accurate one.
Sorry for the delayed updated guys, i'm in the process of moving and starting a new job in a restaurant. I'll get to other arenas soon enough, I just wanted to spent some time on the stadium :p



Lower Midcard
Oct 1, 2012
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I don't even really know what to say. That's insanely good SLX.


Oct 30, 2010
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<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>Undertaker Fan</dt><dd>Jun 25 2014, 05:11:02 PM</dd></dl><div>
[/quote]I literally had a drink in my mouth and did that when I saw that arena. Damn.


Sep 20, 2011
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Guys i've had to take a break for modding, as I recently moved and my life has been kinda turned upside down. I'll try to spend more time online in the future, but I only just got the internet on. Til we speak again!


Crowd Member
Was this save file released already if so where is the link?

Deleted User

Crowd Member
An older version was released, and if you want it, I'm sure Wolfpac can send it via PM. However, there is a NEW version of Mayhem in the works and it is looking unbelievable.


Young Lion
May 24, 2012
Reaction score
Can't wait for V2, quick question does anyone have the first version of this save still they wouldn't mind re-upping


Main Eventer
Jul 13, 2011
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I have the old Beta copy but i need to get hold of Pmomo i lost the link to his latest patch :( . it is essential to make the mod work properly