WWE Smackdown Results - July 8, 2011


Oct 30, 2010
Reaction score
<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>Quote:</dt><dd> </dd></dl><div>WWE Smackdown on SyFy
Taped 6/28 in Tuscon, Arizona

[Q1] A video recap aired of the contract signing from last week. It showed the back and foth of the feud, along with the interference from Sheamus that closed the show.

The competitors for the Smackdown Money in the Bank match were in the ring to start the show. Josh Mathews went over the rules of a MITB match, and the camera panned to show the Briefcase above the ring. Sin Cara pointed at the Briefcase, and the crowd cheered. Daniel Bryan said he was both excited and nervous, and he also said he looked forward to the opportunity. Cody Rhodes grabbed the Mic away from him and called Bryan ordinary, and called himself exceptional.

Cody then said once he grabs the briefcase, people will finally have to betray their pride and look him in the eye. Barrett was next, and said he's sick and tired of listening to everybody else. He ran down all of his accomplishments from the previous year. Sheamus interrupted with a chair and everybody cleared from the ring. Barrett ended up eating a few chair shots, as did most everybody but Sin Cara.

Sheamus grabbed the mic and said he's going to win the ladder match, and then he's going to cash in on Orton after he beats Christian for the 50th time. He then said when he hits Orton, he's going to hit him so hard he'll knock the voices out of his head. A video then rolled of the punt kick Sheamus got from Orton two weeks ago.

Sheamus then said the biggest regret of Randy Orton's career is that he didn't kick him hard enough, because now he's back. Christian interrupted and headed to the ring and asked Sheamus what he called him. Sheamus repeated what he said, and Christian reminded him that he beat him two weeks ago. Christian then said the new stipulation for MITB was that if the ref screws up the match he becomes World Champion. He then accused Sheamus of being unable to read a contract, and then Sheamus threw a chair at him. Teddy Long interrupted, and said that it's Orton vs Sheamus in the main event tonight.

The announce team plugged Henry vs Kane for later in the show, and then a promo video aired for the CM Punk and John Cena feud on Raw...[c]

Barnett's Brief: The Money in the Bank part of that opening promo was weak. Those guys didn't need to take a beat down from Sheamus, and the writing for all their promos was weak. Things picked up nicely when Sheamus grabbed the mic, and he and Christian delivered a fairly entertaining close to the segment. Nothing that you'll remember in a few weeks, but it was passable.

[Q2] Rhodes and Dibiase made their way to the ring. Followed by Daniel Bryan and Zeke Jackson.

1. Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase defeated Ezekial Jackson and Daniel Bryan at 10:29. Dibiase and Bryan started the match. Bryan locked in a hammer lock, but Dibiase fought out and ate a kick a moment later. Zeke tagged in and worked his power offense on Dibiase. Zeke then tossed Dibiase to the outside, knocked Cody from the apron, and tagged Bryan. Bryan then performed a suicide dive to the outside, knocking both Rhodes and Dibiase into the apron...[c]

Bryan was kicking Rhodes in the corner as we got back. He attempted to charge the corner but Rhodes caught him and hit an Alabama Slam. Dibiase tagged in and went to work. He stomped Bryan down and then stomped some more in the corner. Bryan fought back briefly, but ate a dropkick to the face for his trouble. After a chin lock, Dibiase hit a clothesline and tagged in Rhodes. Rhodes hit some strikes and tagged in Dibiase. Zeke attempted to interfere, but the ref turned him out, and that allowed some double team work in the corner.

[Q3] Bryan hit a running kick and tagged in Zeke, who hit a huge clothesline and bodyslams on both Rhodes and Dibiase. Zeke went for the rack on Ted, and Cody attempted to interfere, but Bryan stopped him. The ref told Bryan to get out, and he argued, which allowed Cody to hit his Beautiful Disaster kick. Ted hit Dreamstreet for the clean win.

Barnett's Brief: Daniel Bryan really did most of the work selling in this match, and it worked for the most part. I don't know how much more mileage they can get out of this without an actual story, but the matches have been entertaining thus far. I'm getting bored of it, though.

The announce team put over Mark Henry as a destroyer with anger problems, and a video package aired showing his destruction from the past few weeks. Henry was confronted in the back by Matt Striker, and Striker asked him about the attack on the sound guy last week. Henry just glared at him and Striker ran off...[c]

A recap of the Jinder Mahal/Khali saga aired.

Jinder Mahal made his entrance with The Great Khali. Baretta was already in the ring. Khali joined on commentary?

2. Jinder Mahal defeated Trent Baretta at 0:57. Cole said Khali sounds like Booker on Commentary. In the ring, Baretta hit some strokes on Mahal, but got quickly tossed on to the top turnbuckle and ate a clothesline. Mahal hit a back body drop, and the hit his Full Nelson Suplex Slam for the win.

Khali and Jinder celebrated in the ring after the match. Khali picked Baretta up and Mahal hit his slam again.

Barnett's Brief: WTF was that? Another squash with no furthering of the story? Time to crap or get off the pot on this one.

Sheamus was asked backstage by Todd Grisham why he's been on a rampage lately. He said it's an Irish thing, and that Todd wouldn't understand...[c]

Sheamus was asked backstage by Todd Grisham why he's been on a rampage lately. He said it's an Irish thing, and that Todd wouldn't understand...[c]

[Q4] 3. AJ defeated Tamina at 1:44. Tamina blocked an arm drag and lifted up AJ and tossed her into the corner. AJ got her feet up and kicked Tamina away, but ate an elbow a few seconds later. Tamina went back on offense, and tossed AJ around. She locked in a chinlock for a moment, and then missed a splash, which allowed AJ to get back to her feet. AJ hit a low dropkick and a running knee for a two count.

AJ hit an Avalanche in the corner, and then Tamina reversed an Irish whip. Tamina charged and attempted a splash of her own, and AJ rolled her up for the win. Alicia Fox gave Tamina some crap after the match, and they argued in the ring.

The announce team plugged Kane vs. Mark Henry as next...[c]

Barnett's Brief: Meh. No story. Clumsy match.

Kane made his way out to the ring to his full entrance. Mark Henry made his way out next.

4. Mark Henry defeated Kane at 8:08. Kane hit some punches and a clothesline to start the match, but ate a clothesline form Henry as was taken off his feet. Henry took control for a moment until Kane hit a low dropkick to the knee of Henry and hit another seated dropkick to his face. Kane climbed the ropes, but Henry caught him and hit a belly to belly suplex.

Henry stayed in control, hitting some stomps on a grounded Kane. Kane got to his feet and hit an uppercut to take control. He followed up with a Clothesline in the corner and a big boot for a two count. Kane went back up top again and hit his diving clothesline. Kane went for a chokeslam, but

[Q5] Henry broke it up and hit a headbutt. Henry went for a the WSS, but Kane floated over and followed up with a huge chokeslam for a near fall. Good near fall there. Kane kicked Henry to the outside and cleared the announce table. Henry overpowered Kane to get away from the announce table, and took the action back into the ring. Henry then hit a running splash in for a two count. Henry revved up as Kane got to his feat, and he hit a big World's Strongest Slam for a clean pin.

Henry jawed with Booker at ringside after the match.

Barnett's Brief: Entertaining match. Both guys worked real hard and delivered a few good near falls and some great high impact moments. One of the better big man matches we've seen from WWE lately. I enjoy Mark Henry's new character as well.

Todd Grisham interviewed Orton backstage. Orton said he's tired of Christian begging for more matches, and he signed the contract with Christian because it doesn't matter what the stipulation is. He said he's ready for Sheamus tonight and anytime...[c]

Tyson Kidd was in the ring as we got back. Sin Cara made his entrance next.

5. Sin Cara defeated Tyson Kidd at 4:15. Kidd locked in a hammer lock and grounded Sin Cara. Sin Cara hit his impressive arm drags and tossed Kidd to the outside. Kidd caught Sin Cara off guard and dropped him off the apron. Sin Cara climbed back on the Apron and hit a kick and a splash on Kidd for a two count. Kidd hit a couple of kicks and locked in a chin lock.

[Q6] Sin Cara fought back to his feet, but ended up getting hung on the ropes by Kidd. Kidd went for his Springboard Elbow but got Sin Cara got his knees up. He then went to work, hitting a double leg take down and some punches. He then hit his springboard back elbow. Sin Cara then hit a victory roll for a good near fall.

Kidd climbed the ropes, but Sin Cara kicked him and he fell over the ropes. Sin Cara climbed the ropes and hit his backflip slam from the top for the win.

Barnett's Brief: Well, another somewhat underwhelming match from Sin Cara. His spots are beautiful, but I don't get the impression anyone in WWE is trained to sell them, because they don't have the cripsness or the smoothness they had in CMLL. The faster he can adapt, the faster he can move up the card, because the crowds are reacting to him in a big way.

Striker stopped Teddy Long backstage and asked him about Mark Henry. Teddy Long said there is an ongoing investigation. Striker then asked if Long was scared of Henry, and he just walked away...[c]

Slater and Gabriel made their way out. The Usos did their Haka and made their way out last.

6. The Usos defeated Slater and Gabriel at 3:28 Gabriel and Jey started the match. Jay hit a Fisherman Suplex and tossed Slater out of the ring. Slater got back and made a tag to Gabriel, who came in and hit some quick strikes and tagged Gabriel back in. Gabriel wrenched on Jey's neck, but Jey fought out a moment later and both men hit kicks to the face simultaneously.

Both men made tags and Jimmy hit some strikes and a Bubba Bomb and a Samoan Drop. He attempted a pin, but Gabriel broke it up. Gabriel hit a neckbreaker and made a tag. Gabriel climbed to the top, and Slater came into the ring to move Jimmy into position. Jimmy kicked Slater into the ropes, and Gabriel got crotched. Jimmy tagged Jey, and Jimmy superplexed Gabriel into the ring. From the opposite corner, Jey hit a big splash and scored the win.

Barnett's Brief: A lot like the first match in this series. Both teams looked competitive, but the finish of the match seemed like a forgone conclusion. I hope the Usos get a title shot, as they have had a fire under them lately and it's been fun to watch.

[Q7] The announcers plugged a replay of the Vince/Cena confrontation as next...[c]

Johnny Curtis cut another ridiculous promo. He said he has the perfect attitude, and he's not sure what's missing. He said when he makes his debut, he's going to take the cake. He then stole a cake from an old man. I wish I was kidding.

A video recap aired of the CM Punk/Cena/McMahon angle. It covered the major points of the Cena and McMahon promo from Monday. After the video, the announcers plugged the matches announced for the Money in the bank PPV.

Randy Orton made his entrance to a huge reaction...[c]

[Q8] Another recap video aired of the Sheamus beatdown on Orton and Christian from last week.

Orton was posing with the belt as we got back. Sheamus made his entance next. He got a good heel reaction. Christian came out and sat in on commentary.

7. Randy Orton defeated Sheamus at 12:12. Both men locked up to start, with Sheamus backing Orton into the corner. Orton slipped out and hit some strikes, but Sheamus quickly asserted himself with some uppercuts. Sheamus charged Orton, but he slipped again and hit a dropkick. He backed up and set up for another punt on Sheamus, but he got out of the way.

Orton hit a Thesz press, but Sheamus reversed and both men rolled to the outside. Sheamus reversed an irish whip and tossed Orton into the barricade. Sheamus tossed Orton back into the ring, and Orton went for his Hanging DDT, but Sheamus reversed and back body dropped him to the apron. He then followed and tossed Orton into the ring post. Christian taunted Sheamus, and he responded by tossing Orton into the post one more time...[c]

Orton was punching Sheamus as we got back, but Sheamus continued to work on the shoulder to stop the assault. Sheamus continued to dominate with power offense until he missed a shoulder block from the apron. Orton hit some clotheslines, followed by a powerslam. Orton continued to favor the shoulder. Sheamus hit a couple of kicks from the corner and skinned the cat up to the top rope! He hit a big shoulder block for a near fall. Sheamus then hit the Irish Curse backbreaker for another near fall.

Sheamus then lined up and hit a couple of Clotheslines. He dropped knees on Orton and stared at Christian on the outside. Sheamus made his cross gesture and set up for the Brogue Kick. Orton ducked the kick and and attempted an RKO, but Sheamus slipped and picked up Orton. Orton slipped out and hit his stretch backbreaker. Christian then ran in and interfered, causing a DQ.

After the DQ, Sheamus pulled Christian off of Orton and hit a Brogue Kick. Sheamus then turned around into an RKO. Orton celebrated with the belt as both men were left laying in the ring to close the show.

Barnett's Brief: A very entertaining match from Orton and Christian. The action was very intense and both guys looked like major stars here. The interference finish makes sense, even though I don't like them, considering you don't really want to take anything off either guy here. Christian continues to settle into his new role, but I can't help feeling that it's too similar to his old heel character prior to his hiatus with WWE a few years ago. I think a run with the title would really help to legitimize his character, as he is too weak right now. I hope we get that at MITB, otherwise I fear it won't happen. [/quote]


Oct 31, 2010
Reaction score
Barrett is a joke right now.Everybody is beating him,even with 6 other guys in the ring he is the one destroyed with the chair by Sheamus.He will either win the MITB or be fired.
As every show since April is all about Christian on Smackdown!I can't imagine him out of the main event right now.He is much better as heel.