WWF Legends 2.1


Young Lion
Mar 24, 2019
Reaction score
Is there any reason why the NWA Heavyweight title is locked?

Awesome mod by the way


Staff member
Jun 18, 2011
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sleeper_agent007 said:
Hey everyone,

I just discovered this mod and I need your help. First, it looks absolutely amazing and huge thank you to the creators!! 

So I was able to install the mod, followed instructions, even got the music working. Yay! But I only own a PS4 controller and jabo's directinput does not seem to support it. Does anyone have a fix? I tried using nrage but I am getting a white screen upon load and the game becomes unplayable (can't see menu screens). Everywork works again when I switch back to jabo's input plugin under settings.

Should I just invest in an xbox360 controller or is there a workaround?

I have seen a few youtube vids with featuring Sherri and Liz. Are there others and how can I select them?

Your help would be super appreciated. Thanks!

Have you tried using DS4Windows? Seems to work for me for everything else. If you can't get it to work by default, create a new profile on DS4W and map each PS4 button to a key. About the managers, not quite sure, might take a look for you one of these days.


Staff member
Jun 18, 2011
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@"miked230" Try running it on admin mode + Windows 7 compatibility, as Rice Plugin is a bit wonky in Windows 10.


Staff member
Jun 18, 2011
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RalphJB said:
Hi all. Just installed the game and apart from a few crashes every now and again it works well. There's just one problem. There's no blood in the game. Characters do the animation for being busted open, but no blood textures appear. Does anyone else have this issue? Anything I can do to resolve it? 

EDIT: Never mind. Just noticed that there is blood, but it's very minimal and light. Is there any way to enhance those blood textures? 

Please advise.

I believe it's a deliberate choice by the team behind this, as instances where a wrestler bleeds (intentionally) weren't very common in the Federation until the Attitude Era. You would require experience with an image editor to expand on those.
wcwnwo90 said:
alwilson316 said:
Tried it and still crashe, no mercy title screen start and it crashes right after. One other problem i have, cant make any changes in general setting tabs in project 64 1.6. is it possible to run the mod on a more recent version ?
miked230 said:
Just installed the game. project 64 1.6 on windows 10. Game start to load hi rez textures but freeze after that. Anyone else having the same problems ?

Having the same problem. Game loads.. I see title screen.. demo of wrestling plays perfectly.. but as soon as i press start the game hangs on the "What the world is watching" load screen.. :/

I'm also on Windows 10. Tried with two different computers and same thing happened. Everything is setup exactly how the folders said.   

I can't reproduce that same problem, although I'm on a later version of Project 64, not 1.6. I have two suggestions for all of you experiencing this:

1. Use a copy of Project 64 1.7 onwards. The difference being, the textures are located at "Plugin/GFX/hires_textures/WWF No Mercy", and the cheat file is located at the "Config" folder.

2. Try running the game with all cheats unmarked. See if it still crashes.


Staff member
Jun 18, 2011
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Squeezebox said:
I'm still pretty new at this but I think I understand for the most part. I have everything installed correctly, can play with no issues and even have the music tool working... but how do I play with the hidden characters listed in the cheats? Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks.

As far as I know, the other characters you can see listed are unfinished (which is why they are hidden), not "secret characters".


Young Lion
Apr 18, 2011
Reaction score
Hello friends.

Would a hack to size up the entrance name textures be possible? I have a thought that could make them a lot easier/better looking. Unfortunately, my hacking skills have gotten rusty over the past, oh, decade or so.

Thanks.  :)


Lower Midcard
Nov 2, 2010
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Can you describe what you mean by glitched version?
Also, is it possible to post a screenshot of the wrestlers in Smackdown Mall?


Lower Midcard
Nov 2, 2010
Reaction score
I've just had a private message asking for help from someone, but you have your settings set to private so I can't reply.

There are no tutorials that I am aware of other than the various images within the help file.
Plus the FAQ document that gives answers to common problems.

You need to describe the problems you are having for people to help.

Match all of the pictures of Settings and Plugins exactly and then describe your issues so we can try and identify how to fix them. Showing us pictures of your problems can help a lot.


Lower Midcard
Nov 2, 2010
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All of those links take me to a Gmail registering page.

For your sound, make sure that your Audio Plugin is set correctly. Check the images in the "Project 64 & Plugin Settings" folder.
The download already has everything in place, so you shouldn't have to move anything.
If you mean you have no music, then you need to check the images in the "Music Tool Instructions" folder to make sure that is set up correctly.


Young Lion
Mar 23, 2020
Reaction score
ok, i am not sure how to make the picture that i have appear....

and i was under the impression by the picture included in the downloads that things needed to be moved into certain folders

one of my pics i have is of the menu screen, it has a brick wall with some graffiti on it and the other picture was of the wrestler select screen showing a pic of hulk hogan but it was on the rock.  when the game starts it has the no mercy title screen. i have the legends cheat selected and i also tried resetting the game.

i have started the entire process over and am still experiencing the same issues


Lower Midcard
Nov 2, 2010
Reaction score
You can upload images for free using a free image host.

Try this one: - https://imgbb.com/

When uploaded, copy the image address and paste the address into your message using the image button.

If tthe image button doesn't work (check the preview before posting) just make sure that your image address has
at each end.

Example: -  

By the sounds of your description, your textures are working.

If The Rock isn't wearing a funny hat, I'm thinking one of two things....

Your save file isn't correct / in the right place / isn't set properly in the directory settings.
Or, you might be experiencing The Infamous Save Game Bug. The fix for this can be found in the Help folder.

Note: If you think you have the Save Game Bug and go through the process of fixing it, you will then need to re-download the save file and replace the one in your folder.
Then, if working, back this file up regularly.