Search results

  1. WaylonMercysHands

    Code Generator is coming

    I'll be coming out soon with an improved version of the Code Generator that I made about a year ago. It's easier to use than the old version and can work with more addresses. It currently only has No Mercy addresses and values, but it's written in a generic-enough way that it could, in the...
  2. WaylonMercysHands

    Question about move hacks with weapons

    Does anyone know of any move hacks with weapons where the weapon doesn't just appear out of nowhere, or if such a thing is possible? By not appearing out of nowhere, I mean the hack only works if, for example, the wrestler or the opponent is already holding a weapon.
  3. WaylonMercysHands

    Removing Weapons?

    Is it possible to remove a weapon? There are several weapons that I don't want in my matches.
  4. WaylonMercysHands

    Addresses for being near the ropes?

    Does anyone know what addresses can tell you if a wrestler is near the ropes? I'm working a code to keep rope breaks from happening until the wrestler is close to kicking out, and this would be the key to making it work.
  5. WaylonMercysHands

    New system of specials

    These codes apply both to front and back standing grapples. I eventually will add codes for front turnbuckle grapples as well, but I don't know all of the relevant addresses yet. Note: There are multiple codes here. For the most part, they aren't dependent on each other; you can use some or...
  6. WaylonMercysHands

    [Closed] Bull Nakano hair?

    Is it possible to create anything that looks remotely like the Bull Nakano hairstyle (shown below)? I couldn't figure anything out because the shocked hairstyle is only available for men, and from what I can tell, mask position hacks can't extend a mask above the top of the head. I'm not an...
  7. WaylonMercysHands

    Idea: tips for creating movesets/style/parameters/AI

    I was thinking it would be helpful if we had a section where we discussed general advice for creating or modifying movesets, fighting style, parameters, and AI. This could include stuff like: -which settings (i.e., moves, fighting style, parameters) or combinations of settings are important...
  8. WaylonMercysHands

    Harder to Get a Three Count

    This lengthens matches slightly by causing some 3-counts to become 2-counts. A way to think of it is that if a pin attempt would normally be somewhere between a 2-count and a 3 1/2-count, then it becomes a 2-count. In addition to making matches longer and more exciting (by having more...
  9. WaylonMercysHands

    [Closed] Strikes as Specials - Mirko Cro Cop's High Kick

    This is a wrestler-specific code that makes the strong striking (A+B) move the Roundhouse High Kick L 01 when the wrestler has a special and the Roundhouse Middle Kick L 02 otherwise. The high kick will do A-level damage (23) and will have a high KO probability, but otherwise has the same...
  10. WaylonMercysHands

    Help with a multple specials code

    A code I made is not working, and I was wondering if anyone can figure out why. What it's supposed to do is automatically determine which special to use depending on the situation. Here's a small portion of the code that causes the front stolen special to be used when player 1 has a special...
  11. WaylonMercysHands

    [Closed] Other Body Shapes

    Here are some additional body types I created. As examples, I included images of CAWs I made with these body types: 1. Old Man (this is the Thick body type with Skinny arms) Example: a more realistic Earl Hebner: 8104862A 10FE 8104862C 10FF 8104862E 10FD 81048630 10FC 81048638 1104...
  12. WaylonMercysHands

    Gameshark Code Generator (in progress)

    I'm working on a web application that would allow people to create Gameshark codes visually. You could either start a code from scratch or paste and upload an existing code. To add a line of code, you would select descriptions of the address and value from drop-down lists. It would also...
  13. WaylonMercysHands

    VPW2-to-No Mercy moveset converter version 2.0

    I changed the moveset converter so that it can convert any moveset (instead of just the "normal" ones with 141 moves) and also removed a few bugs from the previous version. I haven't played a ton of VPW2, so I wasn't sure what certain move slots actually do, and I just had the converter...
  14. WaylonMercysHands

    VPW2-to-No Mercy moveset converter

    This tool takes a VPW2 moveset as a text file and generates a corresponding No Mercy moveset. You need to have a text file called inputfile.txt that contains the VPW2 moveset (a sample input file can be found in the "sample files" folder) . The input file should be placed in the main...
  15. WaylonMercysHands

    Move Damage Information

    Here is a spreadsheet that I made of the damage values (off/def body parts, spirit gained, KO probability, etc.) for all of the moves in No Mercy. For more information on the meanings of these values, see WldFb's forum and JamStubbs's archive. The move names are copied from WldFb's site...
  16. WaylonMercysHands

    [Closed] No Specials Early

    The purpose of this code is to correct a side effect of codes that increase the wrestlers' starting health. The benefits of this code are: 1. It preserves match psychology by keeping finishers out of the early parts of matches. 2. It prevents finishing moves from resulting in zero-counts and...
  17. WaylonMercysHands

    Move Damager spreadsheet

    I'm working on a spreadsheet of the move damage values for the moves in No Mercy. There are 1500 or so moves in No Mercy, and I've documented the values for about 100 of them so far. By move damage values, I mean these: Is this stuff...
  18. WaylonMercysHands

    [Closed] Less Time to Do Specials

    Since the CPU players always go for a pin immediately after doing a finisher, even when there is plenty of time to do a second finisher, I made this code to level the playing field between human and CPU players. Normally, specials last about 19 seconds. With this code, specials last about 11...