Search results

  1. Latallah

    Handspring Pele Kick

    D106B454 3B84 D106B456 0012 8106B460 0113 D106B454 3B84 D106B456 0012 8106B462 BA5A D106B454 3B84 D106B456 0014 8106B4A0 C2E0 D106B454 3B84 D106B456 0015 8106B4A0 C360 D106B454 3B84 D106B456 003B 8106B4A0 3F80 8132866C 0A00 8132866E 003D 802B8C9F 0020 802B8CA0 0030 Replace: Tumbling Body Press
  2. Latallah

    Corner Running Double Knee Smash

    D106B454 3D2E 800AC7E2 0000 D106B454 3D2E D106B456 0074 8106B460 00F3 D106B454 3D2E D106B456 0074 8106B462 B6CC D106B454 3D2E D106B456 00B8 8106B460 00F3 D106B454 3D2E D106B456 00B8 8106B462 F606 D106B514 3D2F D106B516 00B3 8106B520 00F4 D106B514 3D2F D106B516 00B3 8106B522 0060 81328D14 0490...
  3. Latallah

    Tired Pedigree

    D106B454 37FC D106B456 0052 8106B460 00FE D106B454 37FC D106B456 0052 8106B462 BC04 D106B514 37FC D106B516 0052 8106B520 00FE D106B514 37FC D106B516 0052 8106B522 BC04 D106B514 37FD D106B516 004E 8106B520 00C3 D106B514 37FD D106B516 004E 8106B522 2B54 D106B454 37FD D106B456 004E 8106B460 00C3...
  4. Latallah

    Tired Tombstone Piledriver

    Does anyone know of any way to enable this version only when Undertaker is tired? Replace: Tombstone Piledriver D106B454 3818 D106B456 0090 8106B460 00B0 D106B454 3818 D106B456 0090 8106B462 F676 D106B514 3818 D106B516 0090 8106B520 00B0 D106B514 3818 D106B516 0090 8106B522 F676 D106B454...
  5. Latallah

    Removes automatic attack after counter punch

    I always wanted this. 800ACF15 0000 800B1C25 0000 800B6935 0000 800BB645 0000
  6. Latallah

    Alternatives Front Weak Grapples (Striking)

    I think that if the wrestlers did not fall with the Front Weak Grapples the fight would become more dynamic. So I did some hacks so the fighter would not fall. Eye Rake D106B454 3382 D106B456 0021 8106B460 007A D106B454 3382 D106B456 0021 8106B462 365E D106B514 3382 D106B516 0021 8106B520...
  7. Latallah

    Bodyscissors Crossface Chickenwing

    Bodyscissors Crossface Chickenwing Replace: Chicken Wing Headlock D106B454 3924 D106B456 0018 8106B460 00CF D106B454 3924 D106B456 0018 8106B462 E602 D106B454 3924 D106B456 0034 8106B460 00CF D106B454 3924 D106B456 0034 8106B462 E602 D106B454 3924 D106B456 0050 8106B460 00CF D106B454 3924...
  8. Latallah

    [Closed] Corona Crash

    <iframe type='text/html' width='250' height='250' src='' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen=''></iframe> 813279BC 08AA 813279BE 0049 D106B454 3858 D106B456 0010 8106B460 00AA D106B454 3858 D106B456 0010 8106B462 B48A D106B454 3858 D106B456 0024 8106B460 00CA D106B454 3858 D106B456 0024 8106B462...
  9. Latallah

    [Closed] Discus Lariat

    <iframe type='text/html' width='250' height='250' src='' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen=''></iframe> 812B7132 000B 81328360 0800 81328362 003F D106B454 3AC1 D106B456 0018 8106B460 00E2 D106B454 3AC1 D106B456 0018 8106B462 4A14 D106B514 3AC1 D106B516 0018 8106B520 00E2 D106B514 3AC1 D106B516...
  10. Latallah

    [Closed] Counter Clothesline/Lariat

    Replace: Fujiwara Armbar Counter animation 8115E94C 0125 8115E94E 0000 8115EA78 0125 8115EA7A 0000 8115EC6C 0125 8115EC6E 0000 8115EC80 0125 8115EC82 0000 8115EF78 0125 8115EF7A 0000 8115EFDC 0125 8115EFDE 0000 8115EFF0 0125 8115EFF2 0000 8115F180 0125 8115F182 0000 8115F194 0125 8115F196 0000...
  11. Latallah

    [Closed] Fire Up - Project When does first move a switch turns on. When does second move, spirit is Flash. Example: Shawn Michaels (Foream Smash and Elbow Drop) Need: Jericho Flying Forearm / Elbow Drop D115AF50 xxxx D106B454 3BC9 D106B514 3154 81091160 4315 D115AF50...
  12. Latallah

    Snap Powerbomb - Throwing Powerbomb

    <iframe type='text/html' width='250' height='250' src='' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen=''></iframe> Replaces: Snap Powerbomb 03 Press C^ to change animation. Move 813269F8 3400 813269FA 005A 813269FC 9BFF 813269FE 0060 8134ABF8 00A8 8134ABFA C1C4 8134ABFC 00A8 8134ABFE E252 D106B454 3467...
  13. Latallah

    [Closed] Edgecator

    Replace: Sharpshooter 813297DC 0000 813297DE 0017 813297E0 0000 813297E2 0017 8134D9DC 00E3 8134D9DE D25A 813297E4 0400 813297E6 0018 8134D9E4 00E3 8134D9E6 DEA2 813297EC 0400 813297EE 0036 8134D9EC 00E3 8134D9EE E89E D106B454 3FDE D106B456 0048 8106B460 00FF D106B454 3FDE D106B456 0048...
  14. Latallah

    [Closed] Top 3 Move Hacks of Tetsuya Naito

    <iframe type='text/html' width='250' height='250' src='' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen=''></iframe> Jumping Elbow 8132871C 3671 8132871E 002E D106B454 3BB0 D106B456 0001 8106B460 00E2 D106B454 3BB0 D106B456 0001 8106B462 E6A4 D106B454 3BB0 D106B456 0008 8106B460 00E4 D106B454 3BB0 D106B456...
  15. Latallah

    [Closed] Top 5 Move Hacks of Akira Taue

    <iframe type='text/html' width='250' height='250' src='' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen=''></iframe> Tsukuba Makiwari Replace: Falling Hip toss D106B514 3614 D106B516 0052 8106B560 41A0 D106B514 3614 D106B516 0053 8106B560 41C0 D106B514 3614 D106B516 0077 8106B560 4100 D106B514 3614 D106B516...
  16. Latallah

    [Closed] Top 4 Move Hacks of Yoshihiro Takayama

    <iframe type='text/html' width='250' height='250' src='' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen=''></iframe> Back Suplex D106B454 3CB0 D106B456 0038 8106B460 00EB D106B454 3CB0 D106B456 0038 8106B462 263C 81328B1C 0400 81328B1E 0041 81328B20 2BFF 81328B22 0041 8134CD1C 00CF 8134CD1E 4D42 8134CD20...
  17. Latallah

    [Closed] Hurancarana to Outside

    Move D115AF50 xxxx 813253C8 0800 D115AF50 xxxx 813253CA 003F D115AF50 xxxx 813253CC 511C D115AF50 xxxx 813253CE 0042 D115AF50 xxxx 813495C8 00FD D115AF50 xxxx 813495CA 2E0E D115AF50 xxxx 813495CC 00FD D115AF50 xxxx 813495CE 3A52 D115AF50 xxxx D106B514 2EDC D106B516 0018 8106B520 006D D115AF50...
  18. Latallah

    [Closed] Top 5 Move Hacks of Kotaro Suzuki

    <iframe type='text/html' width='250' height='250' src='' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen=''></iframe> Elbows Flury Replace: Mini Chops 81326A00 0400 81326A02 0047 81326A04 0C00 81326A06 003F D0045845 0002 D134AC00 007C 8134AC00 0070 D0045845 0002 D134AC02 1304 8134AC02 9EC0 D0045845 0002...
  19. Latallah

    [Closed] Top 7 Move Hacks of Prince Devitt

    <iframe type='text/html' width='250' height='250' src='' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen=''></iframe> Tornado Enzuiguri 8134C74C 00C7 8134C74E 8B8A 8132854C 54AA 8132854E 0027 Flying Double Foot Stomp 81329C5A 001B 8134DE58 00FB 8134DE5A 1AE0 81329C5C 8000 81329C5E 0019 8134DE5C 00FA...
  20. Latallah

    [Closed] Jujigatame

    <iframe type='text/html' width='250' height='250' src='' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen=''></iframe> Replace: Counter some running moves (Clothesline, Lariat...) D106B454 3AAE D106B456 0000 8106B4A0 C1D0 D106B454 3AB0 D106B456 0012 8106B4A0 3F80 D106B514 3AAE D106B516 0000 8106B560 C1D0...