Search results

  1. WaylonMercysHands

    Royal Rumbles Start With Two People

    This will cause the Royal Rumble to start with two people.  This code is meant to be used along with the two-minute intervals code; if you don't use that, then some strange things happen (such as the 3rd entrant entering twice). There are still a few minor quirks, though, that I hope to fix in...
  2. WaylonMercysHands

    Lives are gonna Waylon Mercy's hands

    Hi, all, I'm WaylonMercysHands.  I've been into No Mercy hacking since around 2009.  My biggest contributions are the Game Cheat Generator, the WWF vs. the World compilation mod, the VPW2-to-No Mercy moveset converter, a few other tools, and various gameplay-related codes.  I'm semi-retired...
  3. WaylonMercysHands

    Disable stealing of specials

    Does anyone know how to remove the ability to steal your opponent's special?
  4. WaylonMercysHands

    Two-Minute Intervals Between Rumble Entrants

    In Royal Rumbles, new participants will enter at the 2:00, 4:00, 6:00, 8:00, etc. marks.  If there are four people in the ring, then the next entrant will wait until someone has been eliminated and will then enter at the next even-numbered minute. Note: Time Count must be set to Yes for this to...
  5. WaylonMercysHands

    Tag Team Entrance Code Creator

    This is a tool that will generate codes to cause two particular wrestlers to enter as a team for tag matches, with the team's name displayed in the name graphic. Just enter the team's name (20 characters max) and the two wrestlers' addresses and values in the grey section of the first tab, and...
  6. WaylonMercysHands

    Mempaks not working

    I'm getting an issue in Project 64 (2.1) where no matter what mempak I select, it shows up as totally blank (i.e., 18 slots that say "No Data"). If I copy or clone a CAW from the game pak to the mempak and save, then it remains there as long as I am in Smackdown Mall, but if I leave the...
  7. WaylonMercysHands

    Improving No-DQ Matches

    I want to make gameplay improvement codes for hardcore/no-DQ matches, and I want to see if anyone else has thought about this or any insights that could help me out. My basic goals are: 1. To make it so that CPUs act rationally (i.e., act similarly to how a human player would) To some...
  8. WaylonMercysHands

    Specials Only when Opponent's Health Low

    With this code, you can't get a special unless your opponent's current health is less than 0060. If your spirit is flashing red while you're facing someone with at least 0060 health, then it drops to yellow level. This takes the idea of my previous code even further. One additional...
  9. WaylonMercysHands

    Strategic Balance (AI setting)

    Is there one option that's objectively the best, or does the ideal option vary depending on the person's moveset? (Note: This is the setting with "Offensive", "Balanced", etc. as the options.)
  10. WaylonMercysHands

    WWF vs. the World (Version 2.5 Released!)

    DOWNLOAD LINKS: WWF vs. the World version 2.5.0 (Full Mod) Smaller downloads in order to update it with the newest files, or in case you don't want the full mod: Cheat file, save file, and mempaks* Moveset replacement codes (226 movesets)* Music files Additional textures (contains Anderson...
  11. WaylonMercysHands

    [Closed] Front-into-back and back-into-front 2nd and stolen specials

    This is an addition to WldFb's Front-into-Back and Back-into-Front Special codes that will cause them to also work for 2nd and stolen specials. That is, standing clotheslines used as front 2nd or stolen specials will link to the back 2nd or stolen specials, respectively, and forearm smashes...
  12. WaylonMercysHands

    Special grapples do at least B damage

    The causes most front, back, and front turnbuckle grapples that do less than B damage to do B damage when used as (normal, 2nd, or stolen) specials. I say "most" because it doesn't affect any of the following types of moves: 1. Submissions 2. Continuous or repeating moves (like the stalling...
  13. WaylonMercysHands

    [Closed] Knee Strike to Head Facing Down Special

    This causes the knee strike (weak grapple A move) to link to the head facing down special when used as a front special, 2nd special, or stolen special. When not used as a special, the knee strike will still work normally and won't link to anything. D109102C 00DC 810ABF9C 009C D1091474 00DC...
  14. WaylonMercysHands

    Better KOs

    One problem with KOs is that CPU opponents often pick you up before you're officially KOed. While I had found a code that attempted to fix this problem by causing the match to end as soon as the KO blow happens (I think it was part of this UFC hack), the problem there is that that's not...
  15. WaylonMercysHands


    These are CAWs I made for guys in Virtual Pro Wrestling 2. I focused specifically on people for whom I couldn't find a No Mercy moveset posted online anywhere. In general, the movesets are direct parallels to their VPW2 movesets, although I did occasionally take liberties. For example, a few...
  16. WaylonMercysHands

    [Closed] Generic MMA Moveset

    This is a code for a generic MMA moveset. Basically, I looked at the movesets of MMA fighters in VPW2 and created a moveset using their most commonly used moves. It's a good starting point for creating a MMA fighter. Just start with this, and make changes as necessary. 81322B68 0041 81322B6A...
  17. WaylonMercysHands

    Shortened-to-full and attire-specific-to-full moveset converters

    I created two tools for getting full movesets. If you like to use some of the individual wrestlers from mods rather than playing the actual mods themselves, then these two tools will be very useful. The first tool gets the full version of a moveset replacement code from the shortened...
  18. WaylonMercysHands

    Code Generator

    I created a code generator application to make it easier to create new codes or edit existing ones: You can build a code by selecting addresses and values from menus or by entering lines manually. Optionally, you can start with an existing code by pasting...
  19. WaylonMercysHands

    Help with improved rope breaks code

    Does anyone know how to cause people to move towards the ropes during submissions in matches where rope breaks are turned off? I am trying to create a code to improve rope breaks (so that they can't happen immediately after a submission is applied or a pin begins). The way it works is that...
  20. WaylonMercysHands

    Rice textures and Jabo 1.7

    Is there an easy way to use the Showdown 64 textures and textures from other mods together within the same game without doing manual dumping? Like has anyone done any kind of translation/file renaming for older mods that used the Rice plugin so that those textures can be used with the Jabo 1.7...