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  1. Wolfpac_69

    WWF New Generation 2.1 CHT file blank Try this version im not sure why the cht data isnt showing up this is link should fine
  2. Wolfpac_69

    Hechicero Day of the Dead

    Do wnatever you want man its great to see people posting again
  3. Wolfpac_69

    Hechicero Day of the Dead

    Sick mod!
  4. Wolfpac_69

    AEW (released)

    This game is amazing, Your hacks are so inspiring thankyou for the release
  5. Wolfpac_69

    WWF New Generation not working correctly

    Wrong plugin my man
  6. Wolfpac_69

    Wolfpac_69's Attire Hacking Tutorial

    ___________________________ --------------------------------------- ~ Part 3 -  Adding One Additional Attire + Polys & Textures ~ --------------------------------------- Alrighty Here we go, To quote Rick Rude ' Last verse same as the first only a whole lot rowdier and a whole lot worse '...
  7. Wolfpac_69

    Original 01 Trunks Including Lower Back & Stomach

    Made this for a Harley Race mod.. Like alot of the legends he wore trunks that came up on to the stomach and lower back Obviously if your texturing this can be mimicked BUT with this code you won't have to dump textures that aren't necessary. 8104C024 1826 8104C026 1826 [Adds Rikishi's...
  8. Wolfpac_69

    AEW (released)

    Awesome to see a topic for this man all of this is amazing
  9. Wolfpac_69

    Wolfpac_69's Attire Hacking Tutorial

    -------------------------- ~ Contents ~ -------------------------- - Part 1: Basic Texture Swapping  - Part 2: Basic Poly Swapping -------------------------- ~ Brief Overview ~ -------------------------- In this guide i will attempt to cover all aspects to how to create a brand new...
  10. Wolfpac_69

    WCW FTB [Version 1.1]

    FTB V1.1 is Now Available to Download Getcha Some! :)
  11. Wolfpac_69

    WCW FTB [Version 1.1]

    [align=center] ------------------------------------ - WCW 'Feel The BANG!' v1.1 - FTB v1.1 is available now FOR FREE!! ------------------------------------ * Initial Release Date: March 26th 2019 *Release Date: May 13th 2019  * Official Release Site: * Original...
  12. Wolfpac_69

    Rolling Clothesline

    i'm amazed how quickly your pumping these hacks out man thanks for taking the time to do them man :)
  13. Wolfpac_69

    Figure 8 (Bridging Figure Four Leglock)

    Oh Hell Yeah dude that is sick
  14. Wolfpac_69

    Hip Throw to Armbar (Ronda Rousey Finisher!)

    Stunning Work here man i absolutely love it
  15. Wolfpac_69

    Bromazepan's mods (Jeff Hardy released)

    @ Toguro i guess so, shame really i'd hoped that list would one day hit the bin
  16. Wolfpac_69

    Bromazepan's mods (Jeff Hardy released)

    As KWG said man it should be made clear to people, To be honest i'm not a fan of the list but it serves a purpose to stop things like this occurring Bromazepan - You should ask first dude or actually look for references i googled this it took all of about a minute to find Just saying man...
  17. Wolfpac_69

    Bromazepan's mods (Jeff Hardy released)

    Looks like we need to sadly dust off the old list of people's work who you can\can't edit again ...
  18. Wolfpac_69

    WCW/nWo Revenge UnCensored Mod Released!

    Nice to see someone was actually able to make useof some stuff from MaYHeM nice work
  19. Wolfpac_69

    Getting Duplicated Textures when Modding the Text!

    Try altering your VI refresh to 2200 and the counter factor to 2 this is just a guess since i dont really play WM2K lol
  20. Wolfpac_69

    AKI Evolution

    I'm going to ban ALL of you for derailing this topic, You should be ashamed... Think of the creators