AKI Evolution


Main Eventer
Dec 25, 2011
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How about a slot for just Tiger Mask? That way you could put ALL the Tiger Masks, and there have been a lot, into one single slot.


Young Lion
Oct 1, 2017
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This is probably the best thing I ever seen. And I thought finding Showdown when my video card broke was the greatest thing. That mod was almost 100% perfect for me at that time. Missing a couple AE wrestlers was killing me but it's all good.

I see a lot of people requesting stuff already. I have one request as well, please don't let this die.

Across many games and forums it looks like a wasteland of mods. So many "BIG" new mods die.

From what I seen here, and what it's doing to this game, I hope it turns into something amazing.


Crowd Member
This looks AMAZING. Just signed up to the board today after I caught some updates on Twitter in order to check this out. I bought No Mercy on Day One when it was released and had no idea any of this was possible.

Question - browsing through this thread took me to the Showdown thread, which also looks great. I notice that mod is only playable on Project 64. I was hoping to be able to play this (and potentially other mods including Showdown, I suppose) on my NVidia Shield, running the Android TV OS. There is a Project 64 Android app (although it isn't natively available to the Shield, I may be able to sideload it). Is there any chance I will be able to run AKI Evolution on my Shield, or will I be limited to a more traditional PC setup?

Either way - this really looks fantastic. Cheers to everyone that has contributed!!

Deleted User

Crowd Member
There's an emu for android that will run No Mercy mods, and there was a tutorial for it somewhere in this AKi section but for the life of me I can't find it ATM. :/

@bluntfello : No. Let me make it the way I want, haha.

Please stop with the roster suggestions, guys. The roster is set. It isn't fucking changing. If you want it done a certain way, I will be releasing a creator's kit. Until then, shut up. It's beyond annoying.

We're the ones doing the work. Not you. We'll do it our way, thanks.


Crowd Member
@keson - Great news on the Android emu, thank you. I'll poke around and will report back here if I can find it in case the question arises again.

Deleted User

Crowd Member
Actually, please post off topic subjects like that in our help section, this thread should strictly be for AKi Evo discussion.


Young Lion
Dec 29, 2013
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I discovered No Mercy modding back in the end of 2013, took a while to figure how textures work. Trying to learn coding and hacking. My plan was always exactly what you guys are doing here, an actual sequel to WWF No Mercy by using the AKI engine and recoding/hacking to add more to the game, basically making new AKI game with everything in it from wrestlers to attires to matches to arenas, and so on.

I couldn't agree more with Keson, what makes No Mercy the best wrestling game EVER is the gameplay, not the graphics. Without gameplay there is no point in wasting time playing it. Sure 2K games have nice graphics but they suck. I got a lot of respect for you guys on cracking the code on creating a new game.

If I had ever figured out a way to create a true sequel, I had the following on my list of things to include (I'm not making any requests, but this was my wish list)

-More than 4 wrestlers in the ring
-Additional character slots if possible
-Countless attires per slot, plus entrance attires in ring
-All in game characters moves/taunts, etc. would be editable
-50 Arenas (so there can be all eras of Wrestlemania, Summerslam, Royal Rumble, Survivor Series, Raw, WCW arenas, backyard wrestling, empty arena, etc.)
-New moves from current and old stars plus made up moves
-New body types and heights (Yokozuna, Dink, etc.)
-2 Rings option (WCW)
-6 sided ring option (TNA)
-Additional backstage areas (restrooms, office, Times Square

-Hell in a Cell
-Ultimate X Match
-Elimination Chamber
- Scaffold match
-Casket Match
-Buried Alive
-Inferno Match
-Blindfold Match, where the controls are all off, making it challenging to attack your opponent
- Lumberjack match
-Empty Arena match
-Flag on a Pole match
-Strap match

Deleted User

Crowd Member
Should you tell him or should I that over half that stuff is in our hacking section?

I mean, he's been here for 5 years, it may be time to let him in on the secret.

Tyler Black

Upper Midcard
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
WWFstar said:

I discovered No Mercy modding back in the end of 2013, took a while to figure how textures work. Trying to learn coding and hacking. My plan was always exactly what you guys are doing here, an actual sequel to WWF No Mercy by using the AKI engine and recoding/hacking to add more to the game, basically making new AKI game with everything in it from wrestlers to attires to matches to arenas, and so on.

I couldn't agree more with Keson, what makes No Mercy the best wrestling game EVER is the gameplay, not the graphics. Without gameplay there is no point in wasting time playing it. Sure 2K games have nice graphics but they suck. I got a lot of respect for you guys on cracking the code on creating a new game.

If I had ever figured out a way to create a true sequel, I had the following on my list of things to include (I'm not making any requests, but this was my wish list)

-More than 4 wrestlers in the ring
-Additional character slots if possible
-Countless attires per slot, plus entrance attires in ring
-All in game characters moves/taunts, etc. would be editable
-50 Arenas (so there can be all eras of Wrestlemania, Summerslam, Royal Rumble, Survivor Series, Raw, WCW arenas, backyard wrestling, empty arena, etc.)
-New moves from current and old stars plus made up moves
-New body types and heights (Yokozuna, Dink, etc.)
-2 Rings option (WCW)
-6 sided ring option (TNA)
-Additional backstage areas (restrooms, office, Times Square

-Hell in a Cell
-Ultimate X Match
-Elimination Chamber
- Scaffold match
-Casket Match
-Buried Alive
-Inferno Match
-Blindfold Match, where the controls are all off, making it challenging to attack your opponent
- Lumberjack match
-Empty Arena match
-Flag on a Pole match
-Strap match
Go play showdown 64 and explore the board.


Main Eventer
Jul 13, 2011
Reaction score
I'm going to ban ALL of you for derailing this topic, You should be ashamed... Think of the creators


Young Lion
Dec 29, 2013
Reaction score
lol WOW

yes I have been a member for 5 years and haven't contributed due to life setbacks, but trying to get back and trying to figure out coding right now.

Yes I am aware that most of that stuff exists, I should of been more clear that my goal from years ago was to have everything in 1 game without turning on and off various codes/hacks like having options/matches listed in game

Anyways, back to the topic

The NekoMancer

Jun 17, 2011
Reaction score
Back to the topic, don't tell creators what to do with their Saves, mang. It's okay to add feedback, but that's no feedback.

Case closed.


Young Lion
Aug 24, 2017
Reaction score
wowowowow, sorry if i missed something, but do you literally replace the grapple animation with those animations? that is amazing. the move variation thing is also amazing. so much of what you're doing stands out on its own, the fact that it's all coming together in a compilation save with a dream roster is just, wow. can't wait.


Oct 23, 2015
Reaction score
Keson said:


Chuckie came up with a great idea for these kind of grapples, and I've created a tool to make them quicker.

Should be fun.
Another WIP:



Amazing stuff. I have never been this amazed before. This is some next level stuff. Great work. I am guessing (the first photo) that is also possible to have the opponent get smashed on the table ?


Feb 14, 2015
Reaction score
I finally had a chance to drive two towns over to access the WiFi at a library.

Since I am without a local WiFi connection for the next few weeks, I don't really have access to all of my hacking notes that I have saved online. So instead, over the last few days I have been working on improving my OpenOffice Calc skills. I was trying to think of new ways to make the program useful and give new modders/hackers a chance to get used to the program as well.

One of the features that is in VPW2 but not in No Mercy is different tournament variations. No Mercy does have King of the Ring tournaments in it, but VPW2 also has Round Robin style tournaments as well. So, I am wanting to try to create an OpenOffice event creator/organizer that can be used along side the game for people who enjoy things like stats/records or putting together E-Feds. So, far I am finished with a whole G1 Climax style tournament setup where all you need to do is enter the wrestlers in the tournament along with the results. OpenOffice will then take this information and calculate all of the points and standings automatically. I am trying to set up so that it can work with any save or the vanilla game.

<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Click for Preview</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;"><img src=" [/img][/img][/img][/img][/img][/img][/img][/img][/img][/img][/img][/img][/img][/img][/img][/img][/img][/img][/img][/img] width='900' height='600' />
<img src=" [/img][/img][/img][/img][/img][/img][/img][/img][/img][/img][/img][/img][/img][/img][/img][/img][/img][/img][/img][/img] width='900' height='600' /></div>

In the future, I am also hoping to eventually have other tournament variations and maybe even an event generator, where you can click a button and a match card will automatically be created for you to play or sim (similar to Universe Mode from the newer WWE games) since we had to remove the story mode from AKI Evolution.