Attire Specific Entrance Walking Animation


Lower Midcard
Nov 2, 2010
Reaction score
I've not seen anything addressing this issue before, but apologies if there has.

Something that has bugged me for quite while is the Entrance Walking animation not changing / working for attires 2-4 via the Attire Specific Moveset Editor, or via the usual coding methods.

So, I think I have a solution, which is as follows: -

I used Al Snow (0601) for this tutorial, but I also tested it with Tazz and Austin.

When you have made your new moveset; using the full moveset code, count down to the 69th line. This is the Entrance Walking animation line.

In my example (Al Snow) it was 81322BF0. Copy the address and also the value as you will need them both.

You now need to delete the line from your moveset code. Leaving it in your code locks the Walking Animation in for all attires.

Now take the following values and apply them as described: -

My value for Al Snow was 4002 (81322BF0 4002)

The first number (4) represents the animation value (4002).
The third and fourth numbers (02) will remain the same for all attires (4002).

Now change the first number to one of the following values: -

1 - Generic 1
2 - Generic 2
3 - Run
4 - Al
5 - Austin
6 - D'lo
7 - Gangrel
8 - Godfather
9 - Mankind
A - Tazz
B - Too Cool
C - Women

So, if I want to give Al snow Too Cool's animation, my code will be 81322BF0 B002.

You can then apply the usual activators to make the animations attire specific.

D10AAAD0 0601 - Player 1 is Al Snow
D00AAAD2 0000 - Attire 1
81322BF0 B002 - Animation is Too Cool

D10AAAD0 0601
D00AAAD2 0001 - Attire 2
81322BF0 5002 - Animation is Austin

D10AAAD0 0601
D00AAAD2 0002 - Attire 3
81322BF0 C002 - Animation is Women

D10AAAD0 0601
D00AAAD2 0003 - Attire 4
81322BF0 3002 - Animation is Run

D10AAADC - Player 2
D10AAAE8 - Player 3
D10AAAF4 - Player 4


Aug 30, 2018
Reaction score
Nice find man! One question. Is there any way for this to work with MemPak CAWs?


Aug 30, 2018
Reaction score
Oh okay. It's just that I didn't make any of my Game CAWs have alternate wrestlers in any of their attire slots. I used the Attire Specific Move-set editor with my Memory Pak CAWs, heh.

I wish that the MemPak CAWs had default move-sets, but I can see why they don't have any. Thanks for the response, btw!