[Closed] Short codes question?

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Young Lion
Feb 12, 2016
Reaction score
is there any chance to edite SHORT code ????
Like that one
<blockquote class='code_blockquote'><dl><dt>Code: </dt><dd> </dd></dl><code>81320A80 01A1
81322A90 01A1
81322A92 1064
81322A94 1B00
81322A96 208A
81322A98 0301
81322A9A F04F
81322A9C 8250
81322A9E 3001
81322AA0 102E
81322AA4 5A82
81322AA6 D81A
81322AB0 80C1
81322AB4 0530
81322AB6 B400
81322ABC 0400
81322ABE 1818
81322AC0 8250
81322AC4 2008
81322AC6 1809
81322AC8 8902
81322ACA 60B0
81322AD6 0040
81322AD8 2050
81322ADA 2080
81322AE0 0050
81322AE2 2041
81322AE4 40A0
81322AE6 5803
81322AE8 0284
81322AEA 2010
81322AEC 006C
81322AEE 0582
81322AF2 8180
81322AF4 2809
81322AF6 0420
81322AF8 7F04
81322AFA 00B0
81322AFC 0300
81322AFE A87A
81322B00 1642
81322B02 506C
81322B08 301F
81322B0E 0903
81322B10 81C0
81322B12 E040
81322B14 8204
81322B16 04E0
81322B18 203A
81322B1A 0590
81322B1C 2C81
81322B1E 640B
81322B20 4108
81322B22 4E09
81322B24 0301
81322B26 680D
81322B28 0103
81322B2A 0100
81322B2C E041
81322B3A 0000
81322B3E 0210
81322B44 0082
81322B48 2088
81322B4A 5340
81322B4C 0111
81322B4E 4C4C
81322B50 88CC
81322B52 1502
81322B5A 8800
81322B5C 0000
81322B5E 0000
81322B60 0000
81322B62 0148
81322B64 9404
</code></blockquote> This code is Move Replacement BIg Show to Albert.. but this is short code.. it is possible to edit this code and code replace malenko not albert???? Sorry of bad english :) Have a good day! :)


Young Lion
Feb 27, 2012
Reaction score
I have a code that puts big show over caw 2 if that helps? This is his default moveset that is hidden in the game including AI, parameters etc. Only thing I've removed is for some reason he had a slingshot leg drop from the apron and he would spam it a lot. Never seen him do that and it kind of ruined match flow so it's gone. If you're desperate to have it over malenko you can switch out the addresses and leave the values.

81324080 0181
81324082 9C44
81324084 1500
81324086 4024
81324088 0381
8132408A F0A0
8132408C 0418
8132408E 300A
81324090 102D
81324092 04F0
81324094 5A09
81324096 BA1A
81324098 0002
8132409A 1A03
8132409C 40D0
8132409E 280A
813240A0 0A61
813240A2 4C21
813240A4 0420
813240A6 2200
813240A8 0088
813240AA 0C10
813240AC 00C0
813240AE 8012
813240B0 0300
813240B2 1810
813240B4 2004
813240B6 0801
813240B8 8AC2
813240BA 6824
813240BC 4B02
813240BE 0410
813240C0 20C1
813240C2 8102
813240C4 0410
813240C6 0040
813240C8 40C0
813240CA 0080
813240CC 0000
813240CE 0000
813240D0 0050
813240D2 2081
813240D4 01A0
813240D6 1002
813240D8 0284
813240DA 1082
813240DC 8828
813240DE 8282
813240E0 4080
813240E2 80A0
813240E4 3009
813240E6 0AE0
813240E8 7A83
813240EA E0B0
813240EC 1EC0
813240EE A01E
813240F0 124A
813240F2 286C
813240F4 0070
813240F6 20A0
813240F8 3015
813240FA 0183
813240FC 8040
813240FE 1B07
81324100 0380
81324102 E080
81324104 8204
81324106 0020
81324108 1051
8132410A 0590
8132410C 2C81
8132410E 660B
81324110 4108
81324112 4606
81324114 0281
81324116 6803
81324118 0502
8132411A 8100
8132411C E041
8132411E 0400
81324120 4004
81324122 0400
81324124 0000
81324126 1000
81324128 0001
8132412A 0080
8132412C 0000
8132412E 0010
81324130 0000
81324132 0000
81324134 0492
81324136 001E
81324138 2058
8132413A C320
8132413C 00D0
8132413E 908D
81324140 0490
81324142 2880
81324144 048C
81324146 0600
81324148 4280
8132414A 8880
8132414C C810
8132414E 0080
81324150 030C
81324152 0140
81324154 9440
81324156 8000

Actually this one might have the slingshot leg drop? Try it and see!
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