Extra Music with JamStubbs' Music Tool and CM's Music Method


Lower Midcard
Nov 2, 2010
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I'm posting this in a couple of places in case anyone has any ideas about this.

I have been playing around with CM's codes where he theorised that JamStubbs' tool can potentially recognise hundreds (actually thousands) of extra themes and play them in game.
His ideas are sound and I have been getting the code to a point where they play perfectly during entrances without glitching or sound issues.

However, having tried many methods, I can't get the themes to work properly post match, so I'm going to leave this code here in case anyone can think of a solution.
For the correct theme to play at the right time, I imagine the code would have to recognise that the match has ended, but also which wrestler got the win.

This is using CM's Music Method and works flawlessly during entrances for all attires.

Tested using The Rock slot (0001).
Here is the breakdown: -

8031A3E3 0063 - Rock Attire 1 Theme is 0x63
8031A431 0060 - Rock Attire 2 Theme is 0x60
8031A47F 0061 - Rock Attire 3 Theme is 0x61
8031A4CD 0062 - Rock Attire 4 Theme is 0x62

D10AAAD0 0001 - Player 1 is Rock
D00AAAD2 0000 - Player 1 Attire 1
D10A9C5E 0003 - Entrance Timer Player 1
810485A4 0063 - 0x63 plays
D10AAAD0 0001
D00AAAD2 0001 - Player 1 Attire 2
D10A9C5E 0003
810485A4 0060 - 0x60 plays
D10AAAD0 0001
D00AAAD2 0002 - Player 1 Attire 3
D10A9C5E 0003
810485A4 0061 - 0x61 plays
D10AAAD0 0001
D00AAAD2 0003 - Player 1 Attire 4
D10A9C5E 0003
810485A4 0062 - 0x62 plays

D10AAADC 0001 - Player 2 is Rock
D00AAADE 0000 - Player 2 Attire 1
D10A9C5E 0009 - Entrance Timer Player 2
810485A4 0063
D10AAADC 0001
D00AAADE 0001
D10A9C5E 0009
810485A4 0060
D10AAADC 0001
D00AAADE 0002
D10A9C5E 0009
810485A4 0061
D10AAADC 0001
D00AAADE 0003
D10A9C5E 0009
810485A4 0062

D10AAAE8 0001 - Player 3 is Rock
D00AAAEA 0000 - Player 3 Attire 1
D10A9C5E 000F - Entrance Timer Player 3
810485A4 0063
D10AAAE8 0001
D00AAAEA 0001
D10A9C5E 000F
810485A4 0060
D10AAAE8 0001
D00AAAEA 0002
D10A9C5E 000F
810485A4 0061
D10AAAE8 0001
D00AAAEA 0003
D10A9C5E 000F
810485A4 0062

D10AAAF4 0001 - Player 4 is Rock
D00AAAF6 0000 - Player 4 Attire 1
D10A9C5E 0015 - Entrance Timer Player 4
810485A4 0063
D10AAAF4 0001
D00AAAF6 0001
D10A9C5E 0015
810485A4 0060
D10AAAF4 0001
D00AAAF6 0002
D10A9C5E 0015
810485A4 0061
D10AAAF4 0001
D00AAAF6 0003
D10A9C5E 0015
810485A4 0062


Staff member
Jun 18, 2011
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Orson said:
I'm posting this in a couple of places in case anyone has any ideas about this.

I have been playing around with CM's codes where he theorised that JamStubbs' tool can potentially recognise hundreds (actually thousands) of extra themes and play them in game.
His ideas are sound and I have been getting the code to a point where they play perfectly during entrances without glitching or sound issues.

However, having tried many methods, I can't get the themes to work properly post match, so I'm going to leave this code here in case anyone can think of a solution.
For the correct theme to play at the right time, I imagine the code would have to recognise that the match has ended, but also which wrestler got the win.

This is using CM's Music Method and works flawlessly during entrances for all attires.

I found that instead of activators, and extensive codes, doing something much simpler works, although it will be dependent on the save file.

For an instance:

1. I want The Rock first attire's theme to be The Nation theme, which will be 000B (0x21). First thing I'll do is go to Smackdown Mall and leave the cursor at the Rock, then, I'll go to 8031A3E3 in the memory viewer.


2. I can see The Rock's default theme value (25). I'll change that to 0B.


3. Now, I'll select good old Dwayne on Smackdown Mall, to look at this profile. And would you look at that? His theme is now "75lbs". This is 000B (with a glitched name).


4. Save it just like that. Test the theme in-game and see if it works, for me, it works for both entrance and post-match (although celebrations, like The Rock's, Too Cool's and etc., use their default theme I believe, no clue why). Here's video footage:



Lower Midcard
Nov 2, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks for the response.
I'll have a play around with this and report back.


Feb 14, 2015
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I have been trying to look into this over the last few months as well. It seems like I am at around the same point that you are at. I am working on creating an attire tool that will do all of the coding for the user. So far, I am able to get it to work with having the 1000s of additional themes for the entrances, but not for in-match music or for post match themes as well.

@KWG I am pretty sure that I have seen that method before. If I recall correctly, because some wrestlers were released before the game came out, there are a few values for unused theme slots that are easily able to be used for the roster tool. I believe they were 0002, 0007, 000B, 0017, 001D, 001F, and 002E. These 7 values should work as in-match and post match themes. I still think I am close to getting it to work with the other 1000s of values that were not in unused areas, but I think I might need an additional addy to get it all working.


Lower Midcard
Nov 2, 2010
Reaction score
Good minds and all that. Heh heh.

You are right about those extra 7 themes. Y2J Countdown can also be used if not already utilised.

As for the (1000s) extra, I can't get them to save, so a code is necessary to hold them in place I think.


Staff member
Jun 18, 2011
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Orson said:
As for the (1000s) extra, I can't get them to save, so a code is necessary to hold them in place I think.

I'm not sure it will work but I'll throw the idea here anyway. Maybe use something like N64 Soundlist Tool to add more empty slots to the theme data bank? So it recognizes those extra themes? Also, @"randymanfoo" has played around with themes before, I'm pinging him in the case maybe he has some useful information.


Lower Midcard
Nov 2, 2010
Reaction score
KWG. Adding extra slots would be the ideal solution. I will look into it.

Killacam made a nice suggestion, which is almost there: -

D115AF50 0001 (If P1 is the rock)
D115B1B8 00EB (P1's current grapple slot is celebration taunt)
810485A4 0063 (0x63 plays)

Good news; the tool certainly picks up the mp3s.

There are two issues I am having: -
1. The tool keeps wanting to restart the theme, causing a stuttering effect. I'm not sure if anything can be done about this or if it's a tool issue.
2. During Tag Matches, it's having trouble recognising who got the win and sometimes jumps between the two or plays the other team member's theme.
I suppose this wouldn't be an issue if the Tag Team shares a theme.

(I changed 0x59 to 0x63 as 59 was causing issues with fireworks etc and I didn't want to waste time fixing that.)

D115AF50 0001 - Player 1 is Rock
D00AAAD2 0000 - Player 1 Attire 1
D115B1B8 00EB - Player 1 current grapple slot is Celebration Taunt
810485A4 0063 - 0x63 is played
D115AF50 0001
D00AAAD2 0001
D115B1B8 00EB
810485A4 0060
D115AF50 0001
D00AAAD2 0002
D115B1B8 00EB
810485A4 0061
D115AF50 0001
D00AAAD2 0003
D115B1B8 00EB
810485A4 0062

D115B2A8 0001 - Player 2 is Rock
D00AAADE 0000 - Player 2 Attire 1
D115B510 00EB - Player 2 current grapple slot is Celebration Taunt
810485A4 0063 - 0x63 is played
D115B2A8 0001
D00AAADE 0001
D115B510 00EB
810485A4 0060
D115B2A8 0001
D00AAADE 0002
D115B510 00EB
810485A4 0061
D115B2A8 0001
D00AAADE 0003
D115B510 00EB
810485A4 0062

D115B600 0001 - Player 3
D00AAAEA 0000
D115B868 00EB
810485A4 0063
D115B600 0001
D00AAAEA 0001
D115B868 00EB
810485A4 0060
D115B600 0001
D00AAAEA 0002
D115B868 00EB
810485A4 0061
D115B600 0001
D00AAAEA 0003
D115B868 00EB
810485A4 0062

D115B958 0001 - Player 4
D00AAAF6 0000
D115BBC0 00EB
810485A4 0063
D115B958 0001
D00AAAF6 0001
D115BBC0 00EB
810485A4 0060
D115B958 0001
D00AAAF6 0002
D115BBC0 00EB
810485A4 0061
D115B958 0001
D00AAAF6 0003
D115BBC0 00EB
810485A4 0062


Young Lion
Apr 18, 2011
Reaction score
Exciting to see this getting closer and closer to having 1,000s of options for in-game music & themes. It blows my mind how many new and exciting changes are still being made in No Mercy in 2020.


Feb 14, 2015
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This might be able to help us finally figure some of this out. I went through and did a few memory searches and found a few separate addresses that have an effect on the Music Tool in specific situations including the one that was mentioned earlier:

810485A4 - changes the music during entrances
811533F8 - changes the music playing in-match
80099510 - changes the music during the replays once a wrestler wins the match
80135189 - changes the music playing during a post-match cutscene (Rock, Austin, Kane, 2 Cool)

Currently, it looks like the first two addys can have values go up to FFFF for the Music Tool while the last two addys can only register up to 004F on the Music Tool at this time. Anything above 004F does not have an effect on the Music Tool. Maybe there is a way to get the value higher.