I don't really know why those people steal other people's work..I mean if Vicky asked ERI619 to help him to improve his way of modding or even teach him ,,i'm sure he will accept .But this kind of people loves to be lazy and they never try to work hard and try to make something even if its bad.
I was very bad in modding but many great modders are helped me a lot and ERI619 is one of them (Tnx brother!) and now i feel that i got improved rather than before,But those people don't like to waste their time in cutting and pasting and fixing..and they will never learn because they didn't try
So,,,if you try and work hard you will gain experience and you will be professionnel and enjoy what you love to do because modding is pleasure but if you want to keep working on this way its your choice
More you try,more you gain
I think i will set a password to my mods too,,to avoid this kind of problems