I'm sorry it is too difficult for you to either ignore PMs or simply stop passwording your mods to avoid the flood of PMs (as many modders have already done), if you think it's getting worse here, you are free to leave, anytime. I don't get paid to do this
or to appease you, so lose the attitude. I'm sure with your many skills you'll be able to create a board better than OSR where everything is has passwords and treated like the holy grail, everyone tells you how cool you are and nothing bad ever happens.
The whole putting passwords (as I've said about a million times now) does nothing but encourage leeches to create an account and bother our members. Before you were even a member here, Kevin, I had already gone through this with many members, sorry you are late to the party, but maybe you should follow suit like every other respectable modder did and knock it off with the annoying passwords, it only attracts poor members. I'm NOT changing the solution to this we came to just because you want to make modders jump through hoops for 20 posts just to play a fucking video game.
Lose the passwords, lose the flood of PMs.... it's that simple. Others did a long time ago, before you even signed up here, new guy.
Thanks for complaining!
Your attitude sucks! :yes: