Help with improved rope breaks code


Lower Midcard
Jan 12, 2013
Reaction score
Does anyone know how to cause people to move towards the ropes during submissions in matches where rope breaks are turned off?

I am trying to create a code to improve rope breaks (so that they can't happen immediately after a submission is applied or a pin begins). The way it works is that when a wrestler is (1) either receiving a submission or being pinned, (2) is close to the ropes, and (3) has a low value for the timer address (the one that gradually counts down to zero and causes the person to escape or kick out when it reaches zero), then the "break" or "rope break" sound plays and the person escapes/kicks out.

In doing this, I ran into a catch-22: In order for this to work, the match has to have "No" for the rope break match option, but doing this means that people receiving submissions won't try to move towards the ropes, thus meaning the code won't work.

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I have no clue what causes that. I quickly went through my notepads and jamstubbs, I don't see anything there.

Do you have the addys for the first two parts of your code?


Lower Midcard
Jan 12, 2013
Reaction score
Yes, I'm using the broad action addys (8115AEC6 and the equivalents for P2-P4), the timer addys (8115AFC4, etc.), and the location addys (8115AFAC, etc. for left/right and 8115AFB4, etc. for top/bottom). I check if the first part of the location addys is either C3 or 43, meaning that it's near the ropes (e.g., D015AFAC 00C3).

What I have so far is actually an okay code if you want the match to have (delayed instead of immediate) rope breaks for pins but not for submissions.