I don't care what he said and neither should any of you. It was behind closed doors and was not meant for any of us to hear. I guarantee worse shit comes from Vince McMahon's mouth.
The audio that started this mess is from that same leaked sex tape. Gawker is currently being sued by Hogan for 100 million dollars, and they used this as a threat to try and get Hogan to dismiss the case.
Hogan said: "Fuck that, I'm getting paid you bitches. Release it." And they did, wait 5 years when this blows over and he'll be back in WWE.
Gawker is to blame for this, when a bunch of female actresses this year had their phones hacked and privacy invade people were enraged. But since they can point their fucking fingers at someone's ethical values in their private lives they feel like they are on the "good" side of this, you're not. You are supporting the invasion of private fucking lives for petty reasons.
Hulk Hogan did nothing fucking wrong, the assholes who made a sex tape, and the assholes who DISTRIBUTED this tape and audio are the sick fucks no one is getting pissed at.