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I've been waiting for my spare time to do this, now it's finally time, how to hack movesets by hex editing the ROM.
For this, I recommend using a unbyteswapped rom, sent to me by Flashman. Check this video's description since ROMs could get us in legal trouble.
CREDITS - Flashman for teaching me, I just took the time to explain it to everyone.
Keep in mind this modifies the AI too, so you should edit the CAWs AI before doing this.
Have fun.
For this, I recommend using a unbyteswapped rom, sent to me by Flashman. Check this video's description since ROMs could get us in legal trouble.
Step 1. Download Nemu 0.8 with Rice Plugin (yes, you can click here to do that).
Step 2. Create a CAW with the moveset, parameters and even the AI you want (use the Edit AI code on the CAW).
Step 3. Start a match where your CAW is Player 1 (yes, it can be against anyone, what matters is the CAW needs to be P1) and pause it.
Step 4. Go to Plugins -> Debugger: Memory.
Step 5. Click on Dump.
Step 6. Let's dump the moveset! Put "8008DC34" as the Start address, and "8008DCFC" as the end address, filename can be whatever you want it to be, but it has to end in ".bin" and the format has to be "RAW - Big endian (n64)", no more no less, press dump.
Step 7. Let's dump the parameters/fighting style/artificial intelligence! Put "8008DCFC" as the Start address, and "8008DD1A" as the end address, filename can be whatever you want it to be, but it has to end in ".bin" and the format has to be "RAW - Big endian (n64)", no more no less, press dump.
Done. You should now have the moveset and parameters files.

Step 2. Create a CAW with the moveset, parameters and even the AI you want (use the Edit AI code on the CAW).

Step 3. Start a match where your CAW is Player 1 (yes, it can be against anyone, what matters is the CAW needs to be P1) and pause it.

Step 4. Go to Plugins -> Debugger: Memory.

Step 5. Click on Dump.

Step 6. Let's dump the moveset! Put "8008DC34" as the Start address, and "8008DCFC" as the end address, filename can be whatever you want it to be, but it has to end in ".bin" and the format has to be "RAW - Big endian (n64)", no more no less, press dump.

Step 7. Let's dump the parameters/fighting style/artificial intelligence! Put "8008DCFC" as the Start address, and "8008DD1A" as the end address, filename can be whatever you want it to be, but it has to end in ".bin" and the format has to be "RAW - Big endian (n64)", no more no less, press dump.

Done. You should now have the moveset and parameters files.
Steve Austin
Moveset Address = 482262
Parameters Address = 482244
The Rock
Moveset Address = 484680
Parameters Address = 484662
Shawn Michaels
Moveset Address = 4840BE
Parameters Address = 4840A0
Dude Love
Moveset Address = 482EB0
Parameters Address = 482E92
Cactus Jack
Moveset Address = 4828F2
Parameters Address = 4828D4
Moveset Address = 484F88
Parameters Address = 484F6A
Triple H
Moveset Address = 4836E6
Parameters Address = 4836C8
Vince McMahon
Moveset Address = 48512C
Parameters Address = 48510E
Shane McMahon
Moveset Address = 4849CA
Parameters Address = 4849AC
Moveset Address = 483054
Parameters Address = 483036
Moveset Address = 48267C
Parameters Address = 48265E
The Big Bossman
Moveset Address = 4825AA
Parameters Address = 48258C
Moveset Address = 4851FE
Parameters Address = 4851E0
Moveset Address = 484190
Parameters Address = 484172
Paul Bearer
Moveset Address = 482334
Parameters Address = 482316
The Big Show
Moveset Address = 482406
Parameters Address = 4823E8
Moveset Address = 483E48
Parameters Address = 483E2A
Ken Shamrock
Moveset Address = 4848F8
Parameters Address = 4848DA
Moveset Address = 484D12
Parameters Address = 484CF4
Road Dogg
Moveset Address = 482D0C
Parameters Address = 482CEE
Billy Gunn
Moveset Address = 483470
Parameters Address = 483452
Moveset Address = 4852D0
Parameters Address = 4852B2
Moveset Address = 483CA4
Parameters Address = 483C86
Val Venis
Moveset Address = 48505A
Parameters Address = 48503C
The Godfather
Moveset Address = 4832CC
Parameters Address = 4832AE
Chris Jericho
Moveset Address = 48339E
Parameters Address = 483380
Mark Henry
Moveset Address = 483614
Parameters Address = 4835F6
D'lo Brown
Moveset Address = 482C3A
Parameters Address = 482C1C
Jeff Jarrett
Moveset Address = 483A2E
Parameters Address = 483A10
Steve Blackman
Moveset Address = 4824D8
Parameters Address = 4824BA
Moveset Address = 482DDE
Parameters Address = 482DC0
Moveset Address = 481FEA
Parameters Address = 481FCC
Moveset Address = 483FEC
Parameters Address = 483FCE
Moveset Address = 484DE4
Parameters Address = 484DC6
Moveset Address = 484334
Parameters Address = 484316
Moveset Address = 482F82
Parameters Address = 482F64
Moveset Address = 483126
Parameters Address = 483108
Moveset Address = 4829C4
Parameters Address = 4829A6
Al Snow
Moveset Address = 482190
Parameters Address = 482172
Hardcore Holly
Moveset Address = 4837B8
Parameters Address = 48379A
Blue Meanie
Moveset Address = 484262
Parameters Address = 484244
Brian Christopher
Moveset Address = 48274E
Parameters Address = 482730
Scott Taylor
Moveset Address = 484B6E
Parameters Address = 484B50
Jeff Hardy
Moveset Address = 483B00
Parameters Address = 483AE2
Matt Hardy
Moveset Address = 483F1A
Parameters Address = 483EFC
Pat Patterson
Moveset Address = 4845AE
Parameters Address = 484590
Gerald Brisco
Moveset Address = 482820
Parameters Address = 482802
Michael Hayes
Moveset Address = 483542
Parameters Address = 483524
Jerry Lawler
Moveset Address = 483D76
Parameters Address = 483D58
Jim Ross
Moveset Address = 483BD2
Parameters Address = 483BB4
Moveset Address = 484826
Parameters Address = 484808
Terri Runnels
Moveset Address = 484C40
Parameters Address = 484C22
Moveset Address = 48395C
Parameters Address = 48393E
Moveset Address = 48388A
Parameters Address = 48386C
Moveset Address = 482B68
Parameters Address = 482B4A
Moveset Address = 484EB6
Parameters Address = 484E98
Moveset Address = 482A96
Parameters Address = 482A78
Stephanie McMahon
Moveset Address = 484A9C
Parameters Address = 484A7E
Moveset Address = 482262
Parameters Address = 482244
The Rock
Moveset Address = 484680
Parameters Address = 484662
Shawn Michaels
Moveset Address = 4840BE
Parameters Address = 4840A0
Dude Love
Moveset Address = 482EB0
Parameters Address = 482E92
Cactus Jack
Moveset Address = 4828F2
Parameters Address = 4828D4
Moveset Address = 484F88
Parameters Address = 484F6A
Triple H
Moveset Address = 4836E6
Parameters Address = 4836C8
Vince McMahon
Moveset Address = 48512C
Parameters Address = 48510E
Shane McMahon
Moveset Address = 4849CA
Parameters Address = 4849AC
Moveset Address = 483054
Parameters Address = 483036
Moveset Address = 48267C
Parameters Address = 48265E
The Big Bossman
Moveset Address = 4825AA
Parameters Address = 48258C
Moveset Address = 4851FE
Parameters Address = 4851E0
Moveset Address = 484190
Parameters Address = 484172
Paul Bearer
Moveset Address = 482334
Parameters Address = 482316
The Big Show
Moveset Address = 482406
Parameters Address = 4823E8
Moveset Address = 483E48
Parameters Address = 483E2A
Ken Shamrock
Moveset Address = 4848F8
Parameters Address = 4848DA
Moveset Address = 484D12
Parameters Address = 484CF4
Road Dogg
Moveset Address = 482D0C
Parameters Address = 482CEE
Billy Gunn
Moveset Address = 483470
Parameters Address = 483452
Moveset Address = 4852D0
Parameters Address = 4852B2
Moveset Address = 483CA4
Parameters Address = 483C86
Val Venis
Moveset Address = 48505A
Parameters Address = 48503C
The Godfather
Moveset Address = 4832CC
Parameters Address = 4832AE
Chris Jericho
Moveset Address = 48339E
Parameters Address = 483380
Mark Henry
Moveset Address = 483614
Parameters Address = 4835F6
D'lo Brown
Moveset Address = 482C3A
Parameters Address = 482C1C
Jeff Jarrett
Moveset Address = 483A2E
Parameters Address = 483A10
Steve Blackman
Moveset Address = 4824D8
Parameters Address = 4824BA
Moveset Address = 482DDE
Parameters Address = 482DC0
Moveset Address = 481FEA
Parameters Address = 481FCC
Moveset Address = 483FEC
Parameters Address = 483FCE
Moveset Address = 484DE4
Parameters Address = 484DC6
Moveset Address = 484334
Parameters Address = 484316
Moveset Address = 482F82
Parameters Address = 482F64
Moveset Address = 483126
Parameters Address = 483108
Moveset Address = 4829C4
Parameters Address = 4829A6
Al Snow
Moveset Address = 482190
Parameters Address = 482172
Hardcore Holly
Moveset Address = 4837B8
Parameters Address = 48379A
Blue Meanie
Moveset Address = 484262
Parameters Address = 484244
Brian Christopher
Moveset Address = 48274E
Parameters Address = 482730
Scott Taylor
Moveset Address = 484B6E
Parameters Address = 484B50
Jeff Hardy
Moveset Address = 483B00
Parameters Address = 483AE2
Matt Hardy
Moveset Address = 483F1A
Parameters Address = 483EFC
Pat Patterson
Moveset Address = 4845AE
Parameters Address = 484590
Gerald Brisco
Moveset Address = 482820
Parameters Address = 482802
Michael Hayes
Moveset Address = 483542
Parameters Address = 483524
Jerry Lawler
Moveset Address = 483D76
Parameters Address = 483D58
Jim Ross
Moveset Address = 483BD2
Parameters Address = 483BB4
Moveset Address = 484826
Parameters Address = 484808
Terri Runnels
Moveset Address = 484C40
Parameters Address = 484C22
Moveset Address = 48395C
Parameters Address = 48393E
Moveset Address = 48388A
Parameters Address = 48386C
Moveset Address = 482B68
Parameters Address = 482B4A
Moveset Address = 484EB6
Parameters Address = 484E98
Moveset Address = 482A96
Parameters Address = 482A78
Stephanie McMahon
Moveset Address = 484A9C
Parameters Address = 484A7E
Step 1. For this I will use HxD Hex Editor.
Step 2. Make a copy of your rom, after that, open the moveset and parameters bin files.
Step 3. Open the rom copy you wanna modify.
Step 4. Let's change Taker's moveset first, press Ctrl + G or go here.
Step 5. You will search the moveset address that we found earlier, don't forget to choose hex!
Step 6. It found this specific place,that's "484F88", where Undertaker's moveset is located.
Step 7. Now,go to the moveset file, press Ctrl+A and Ctrl+C (basically,copy everything), and pay attention to the size,for movesets it's normally "B4".
Step 8. Go back to the rom,select from the number that is "484F88" (in this case 43) till the size is "B4".
Step 9. Paste it,and it should look something like this.
Step 10. Now search for the parameter address.
Step 11. Go to the parameter file and copy every bit expect the last two.
Step 12. Select from the start of the parameter address (20 here) till the size is "1E"
Step 13. Paste it,and it should look like this.
Step 14. Save the ROM with Ctrl + S,test in-game and have fun.

Step 2. Make a copy of your rom, after that, open the moveset and parameters bin files.

Step 3. Open the rom copy you wanna modify.

Step 4. Let's change Taker's moveset first, press Ctrl + G or go here.

Step 5. You will search the moveset address that we found earlier, don't forget to choose hex!

Step 6. It found this specific place,that's "484F88", where Undertaker's moveset is located.

Step 7. Now,go to the moveset file, press Ctrl+A and Ctrl+C (basically,copy everything), and pay attention to the size,for movesets it's normally "B4".

Step 8. Go back to the rom,select from the number that is "484F88" (in this case 43) till the size is "B4".

Step 9. Paste it,and it should look something like this.

Step 10. Now search for the parameter address.

Step 11. Go to the parameter file and copy every bit expect the last two.

Step 12. Select from the start of the parameter address (20 here) till the size is "1E"

Step 13. Paste it,and it should look like this.

Step 14. Save the ROM with Ctrl + S,test in-game and have fun.

CREDITS - Flashman for teaching me, I just took the time to explain it to everyone.
Keep in mind this modifies the AI too, so you should edit the CAWs AI before doing this.
Have fun.
Step 1. Now we need to find the rom address to the moveset and parameter we are replacing, for this example I'm gonna replace Taker's moveset/parameter for Cena's moveset/parameter. We need to find the moveset value, for that, we will need some character specific addresses, which you can find here (yes,click right here).
Step 2. Since it's Undertaker's stuff I wanna replace, "Undertaker : 80040348 Movesets 8004034A Parameters" is what I'm looking for.
Step 3. Let's find his moveset address! Go to Nemu,open up the Memory debugger again,and search for the Moveset Address (in my case, "80040348").
Step 4. I found "042C042B", good, that means that the moveset (80040348) value is 042C and his parameter (8004034A) is 042B, I will type it down on Notepad.
Step 5. Now,to find the ROM address, you should follow a little math equation my friend Flashman made.
Step 6. Now I'm gonna find Undertaker's moveset Toki3 Address. Just do the math, use the Windows "programmer mode" for calculator in hex mode if you want to.
Step 7. Calculation:
Step 8. Now that you have the value to search the Toki 3, search it in Nemu64,and copy the 8 digit value you find.
Step 9. With that 8 digit value/Toki 3 (mine was "003404E8"), just do the hex math, and nice! I have Taker's moveset address.
Step 10. You do all of this again to find the parameter, however, I found out a easier way to do this, just get your moveset address and remove 1E from it.
Step 1. Now we need to find the rom address to the moveset and parameter we are replacing, for this example I'm gonna replace Taker's moveset/parameter for Cena's moveset/parameter. We need to find the moveset value, for that, we will need some character specific addresses, which you can find here (yes,click right here).

Step 2. Since it's Undertaker's stuff I wanna replace, "Undertaker : 80040348 Movesets 8004034A Parameters" is what I'm looking for.

Step 3. Let's find his moveset address! Go to Nemu,open up the Memory debugger again,and search for the Moveset Address (in my case, "80040348").

Step 4. I found "042C042B", good, that means that the moveset (80040348) value is 042C and his parameter (8004034A) is 042B, I will type it down on Notepad.

Step 5. Now,to find the ROM address, you should follow a little math equation my friend Flashman made.

Step 6. Now I'm gonna find Undertaker's moveset Toki3 Address. Just do the math, use the Windows "programmer mode" for calculator in hex mode if you want to.

Step 7. Calculation:

Step 8. Now that you have the value to search the Toki 3, search it in Nemu64,and copy the 8 digit value you find.

Step 9. With that 8 digit value/Toki 3 (mine was "003404E8"), just do the hex math, and nice! I have Taker's moveset address.

Step 10. You do all of this again to find the parameter, however, I found out a easier way to do this, just get your moveset address and remove 1E from it.