NXT Takeover: 2018

Tyler Black

Upper Midcard
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score

After watching Takeover Philly and seeing possibly the greatest match of all time, I was inspired to make an NXT save. Roster is based on current day NXT and Current day NXT ONLY. From Takeover Philly - Takeover New Orleans. Anyone joining the roster after New Orleans won't be included in the save. Currently have roughly 75% of the roster textured. 20 have movesets. Interface done as well as seen in the gif. 5 arenas are done and more are coming. Movesets will be as accurate as possible. I'm learning move hacking and it's coming along nicely. Certain moves are out of my grasps as of right now, but im hopping to advance my hacking in the next few months. Game will not be released until its 100% done.

Tyler Black


Main Eventer
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
Looking good so far bro!! Can't wait to make videos of it in action!!


Young Lion
Jan 12, 2018
Reaction score
LOVE the idea, instead of current tallent only, can you make a stable of nXt alumni??? like roode, sasha, finn Bálor and the quinticential nxt stars???

Tyler Black

Upper Midcard
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
schmerz said:
LOVE the idea, instead of current tallent only, can you make a stable of nXt alumni??? like roode, sasha, finn Bálor and the quinticential nxt stars???
The problem with doing that, and the reason i don't want to go down that path, is where do i draw the line on that?
off the top of my head id need
Th 4 horsewomen-theres 4 slots gone
tyson kidd
tyler breeze

it would get too out of hand too quick. theres so much talent to be had on the current NXT roster, plus the fact that more talent will be signed by new orleans, it doesnt pay to cater to NXT's past. I'd rather stick to today's NXT, than waste 13, at minimum, slots.


Young Lion
Feb 13, 2018
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I'm super stoked for this. Keep up the great work! Let me know if you would like any help with movesets and/or moveset replacements. I'm certainly not saying you need help, I just enjoy watching wrestlers past matches on Youtube to get very specific movesets. Just for example I have a list of about every strike, move, taunt that Ricochet has ever done. I think you will come to find he will need alot of movehacks. I would also love to see you try Adam Coles jumping TB destroyer one day,

Tyler Black

Upper Midcard
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
xXxVillain_ClubxXx said:
I'm super stoked for this. Keep up the great work! Let me know if you would like any help with movesets and/or moveset replacements. I'm certainly not saying you need help, I just enjoy watching wrestlers past matches on Youtube to get very specific movesets. Just for example I have a list of about every strike, move, taunt that Ricochet has ever done. I think you will come to find he will need alot of movehacks. I would also love to see you try Adam Coles jumping TB destroyer one day,
; )

I forgot who made that hack exactly(Keson or Barsiko, maybe even Killacam?) but ive had it for forever, like since the global wars days. I have about 9 hacks for ricochet right now but i'd certainly love to take a look at that list you have. i want the movesets to be as accurate as possible!
Cleaned up the arena a bit, no more glitched guardrails, accurate ringpost(thanks to wolfpac and showdown) and new health/name bars! tell me what you guys think

Tyler Black

Upper Midcard
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
After giving it some thought, i've decided to pull the release date and expand the roster cut off. I want to get this 100% right and not be rushed or sloppy. if a wrestler has a role in NXT in 2018, expect to see them in the save.
Takeover Philly



Main Eventer
Jul 13, 2011
Reaction score
Good to see you doing some arena work man I love that stage and the ring post's makes it look much more accurate

Deleted User

Crowd Member
Some advice: NEVER set an official release date. Especially with modding. Things just happen sometimes, life/work/ect and you never know.

That way, there won't be angry marks butt-hurt when it gets pushed back, lelz.

Great work on this.


Lower Midcard
Nov 7, 2010
Reaction score
Love this save. Those move hacks and turnbuckle posts are excellent!

Tyler Black

Upper Midcard
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
Monarch said:
Love this save. Those move hacks and turnbuckle posts are excellent!
I wish i could take credit for the ringpost hack but all i can take credit for is the texture lol, Wolfpac and Homyohmy made that great ringpost hack

Deleted User

Crowd Member
<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>Tyler Black</dt><dd>Mar 13 2018, 01:31:47 PM</dd></dl><div>
Monarch said:
Love this save. Those move hacks and turnbuckle posts are excellent!
I wish i could take credit for the ringpost hack but all i can take credit for is the texture lol, Wolfpac and Homyohmy made that great ringpost hack [/quote]Also SK Stylez. ;)


Young Lion
Jan 12, 2018
Reaction score
you really need the ppl that fance accociate with NXT... fin, joe, owens, etc as well as the nxt guys, i know ur worried about slots, but the game will do much better if those guys r in it... without the best of nxt it wont be as good... how can u justify no fin Bálor to save a spot for ridic moss..... should be an NXT all stars type deal witht he best of the currents and an alumni page imo..... done like that that game would be AMAZING

pics look amazing tho

Tyler Black

Upper Midcard
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
schmerz said:
you really need the ppl that fance accociate with NXT... fin, joe, owens, etc as well as the nxt guys, i know ur worried about slots, but the game will do much better if those guys r in it... without the best of nxt it wont be as good... how can u justify no fin Bálor to save a spot for ridic moss..... should be an NXT all stars type deal witht he best of the currents and an alumni page imo..... done like that that game would be AMAZING

pics look amazing tho
I can justify no Finn Bálor but riddick moss because Riddick Moss is on the 2018 roster and Finn went up to the main roster in 2016. If that turns you off, don’t play it. It’s NXT 2018, NOT NXT All Stars.

Deleted User

Crowd Member
schmerz said:
you really need the ppl that fance accociate with NXT... fin, joe, owens, etc as well as the nxt guys, i know ur worried about slots, but the game will do much better if those guys r in it... without the best of nxt it wont be as good... how can u justify no fin Bálor to save a spot for ridic moss..... should be an NXT all stars type deal witht he best of the currents and an alumni page imo..... done like that that game would be AMAZING

pics look amazing tho
People who use ellipses at the end of every sentence are easily some of my least favorite on the internet.

Probably in real life, too.

I also dislike people who don't have the slightest understanding how to mod this game give extremely nonconstructive criticism.

Barskio and Tyler Black have done an amazing job with this project. Be happy you get an NXT focused videogame project.

You don't like the roster? Go play a better NXT game. You'll find one at the same stores that have Wrestlemania 40 on blu-ray.

Tyler Black

Upper Midcard
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
Keson said:
schmerz said:
you really need the ppl that fance accociate with NXT... fin, joe, owens, etc as well as the nxt guys, i know ur worried about slots, but the game will do much better if those guys r in it... without the best of nxt it wont be as good... how can u justify no fin Bálor to save a spot for ridic moss..... should be an NXT all stars type deal witht he best of the currents and an alumni page imo..... done like that that game would be AMAZING

pics look amazing tho
People who use ellipses at the end of every sentence are easily some of my least favorite on the internet.

Probably in real life, too.

I also dislike people who don't have the slightest understanding how to mod this game give extremely nonconstructive criticism.

Barskio and Tyler Black have done an amazing job with this project. Be happy you get an NXT focused videogame project.

You don't like the roster? Go play a better NXT game. You'll find one at the same stores that have Wrestlemania 40 on blu-ray.
Yup! Also this is my fault for not making my credit more clear, but it’s actually me, barsiko, latallah, Nekomancer, and a very talented arena modder who shall remain a secret for now ; )

Laptops currently under repairs so i havent been able to make many updates, but i wanted to let y’all know the UK division will have a strong presence in this save.