<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>S.K. Stylez</dt><dd>Nov 17 2015, 11:06:29 PM</dd></dl><div>
sdot_thadon said:
Oh ok, must have been out of the loop too long. I haven't seen any rom hacking stuff around since I've been back on community sites the last few days. Something upcoming?
There's the VPW2 Patch.[/quote]Got it last night, that's awesome thanks. I've had the import cart since the early 2000's and sadly haven't learned Japanese yet. :RVD Just want to add that what you guys are doing currently has come a loooooong way from days of flashing codelists to my gameshark, just thought that by now someone would have made proper modding tools for it with the strong following it's managed to maintain all these years. Because that's the final frontier for modding, a fully accessible game to fool around with. Create and insert models, music, and animations to be used natively, things of that nature. What has been done up to here is pretty exciting and promising moving forward though.