<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>Quote:</dt><dd> </dd></dl><div>Instructions: This mod is only compatible with Jabo's Direct3D8 plugin (The default Project 64 2.1 video plugin)! Place the 'WWF No Mercy" file into your texture folder, place the cht. file in your 'Config' folder, and place the fla. file in your 'Save' folder. Make sure the 'Showdown 64' box is ticked in your cheat file! Click them and play! This mod is only compatible with Project 64 1.7 or higher, though it is highly recommended you play this with a fresh install of 2.1. Make sure you double check your directory paths if the textures do not appear, as this is the most common problem with textures not appearing!![/quote]