Superstar Height Modifiers


Main Eventer
Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
<big>Superstars' Height Modifiers (AR2/GS2v2 [NTSC])</big>

With these, you can make a superstar as tall or as small in height as you want. The values for these codes range from 9B83 to 9A82; you'll need to experiment with them if you want a specific height. (Altogether, there are 65,535 values.) Now you can make Rey Rey tall enough to ride roller coasters as well as play as 50' divas. Also note that these codes ARE SAVABLE. If you use these to modify the height of a superstar, then save while the code is still active, that superstar will remain his/her new height until modified with a height modifier code again. Be careful!

Replace the ???? with the given values.

9B83 = microscopic
A083 = around 1'
BB83 = around 15'
9A82 = planetary

Original Superstar Values:
AB45 = A-Train
ABC4 = Animal
AB04 = Batista
AC07 = Big Show
AA6D = Billy Gunn
A980 = Billy Kidman
AB83 = Booker T
ABC4 = Brock Lesnar
AA6D = Bubba Ray Dudley
AA58 = Charlie Haas
A980 = Chavo Guerrero
AAC1 = Chris Benoit
AAD7 = Chris Jericho
AA2D = Christian
AA17 = D-Von Dudley
A915 = Earl Hebner
AA58 = Edge
A980 = Eddie Guerrero
A980 = Eric Bischoff
AA58 = George Steele
ABC4 = Goldberg
ABC4 = Goldust
ABEF = Hawk
ABEF = Hillbilly Jim
AA96 = The Hurricane
AA42 = Iron Shiek
A940 = Jazz
AA17 = Jerry Lawler
A980 = Jim Ross
AA17 = Jimmy Snuka
AA6D = John Cena
AAAB = Jonathan Coachman
AC9B = Kane
AC07 = Kevin Nash
AA02 = Kurt Angle
AAD7 = Lance Storm
A9FF = Linda McMahon
A980 = Lita
AAAB = Matt Hardy
A96B = Michael Cole
A915 = Mike Chioda
AA17 = Nicholai Volkoff
ABAE = Randy Orton
A915 = Rey Mysterio
AAEC = Rhyno
AA2D = Ric Flair
AAEC = Rico
ABAE = Rikishi
AAAB = Rob Van Dam
ABAE = The Rock
A980 = Roddy Piper
AA58 = Rodney Mack
A980 = Sable
AA58 = Sean O'Haire
AB04 = Sergeant Slaughter
AA58 = Scott Steiner
AAEC = Shawn Michaels
AA58 = Shelton Benjamin
AAEC = Stacy Keibler
A9FF = Stephanie McMahon
ABC4 = Steve Austin
AAD7 = Steven Richards
A980 = Tajiri
AAAB = Tazz
AB83 = Ted DiBiase
AB04 = Test
AAAB = Torrie Wilson
ABAE = Triple H
A993 = Trish Stratus
A915 = Ultimo Dragon
AB1A = Undertaker
AB1A = The Undertaker
AA58 = Val Venis
A9FF = Victoria
AA42 = Vince McMahon

CEB28A64 BCA9???? (A-Train)
CEB27AB4 BCA9???? (Animal)
CEB29024 BCA9???? (Batista)
CEB2C1C4 BCA9???? (Big Show)
CEB2DBE4 BCA9???? (Booker T)
CEB2AF24 BCA9???? (Brock Lesnar)
CEB2D1F4 BCA9???? (Bubba Ray Dudley)
CEB284C4 BCA9???? (Charlie Haas)
CEB2B114 BCA9???? (Chavo Guerrero)
CEB2D954 BCA9???? (Chris Benoit)
CEB2E584 BCA9???? (Chris Jericho)
CEB2DEB4 BCA9???? (Christian)
CEB2D764 BCA9???? (D-Von Dudley)
CEB2A534 BCA9???? (Earl Hebner)
CEB29EE4 BCA9???? (Eddie Guerrero)
CEB2D8C4 BCA9???? (Edge)
CEB2CE84 BCA9???? (Eric Bischoff)
CEB272D4 BCA9???? (George Steele)
CEB2A3F4 BCA9???? (Goldberg)
CEB2AC04 BCA9???? (Goldust)
CEB27924 BCA9???? (Hawk)
CEB27044 BCA9???? (Hillbilly Jim)
CEB2B5E4 BCA9???? (The Hurricane)
CEB27DF4 BCA9???? (Iron Sheik)
CEB275A4 BCA9???? (Jazz)
CEB29A14 BCA9???? (Jerry Lawler)
CEB29BA4 BCA9???? (Jim Ross)
CEB28184 BCA9???? (Jimmy Snuka)
CEB2B674 BCA9???? (John Cena)
CEB29884 BCA9???? (Johnathan Coachman)
CEB2E474 BCA9???? (Kane)
CEB28F44 BCA9???? (Kevin Nash)
CEB2E714 BCA9???? (Kurt Angle)
CEB2D444 BCA9???? (Lance Storm)
CEB29F74 BCA9???? (Linda McMahon)
CEB2D204 BCA9???? (Lita)
CEB2DD24 BCA9???? (Matt Hardy)
CEB2A644 BCA9???? (Michael Cole)
CEB2A0D4 BCA9???? (Mike Chioda)
CEB27364 BCA9???? (Nicholai Volkoff)
CEB29694 BCA9???? (Randy Orton)
CEB2CD74 BCA9???? (Rey Mysterio)
CEB27734 BCA9???? (Rhyno)
CEB2BB04 BCA9???? (Ric Flair)
CEB2BD44 BCA9???? (Rico)
CEB2C494 BCA9???? (Rikishi)
CEB2E0A4 BCA9???? (Rob Van Dam)
CEB2EE64 BCA9???? (The Rock)
CEB28CA4 BCA9???? (Roddy Piper)
CEB291B4 BCA9???? (Rodney Mack)
CEB2A164 BCA9???? (Sable)
CEB293C4 BCA9???? (Sargeant Slaughter)
CEB2CB34 BCA9???? (Scott Steiner)
CEB28074 BCA9???? (Sean O'Haire)
CEB2AD94 BCA9???? (Shawn Michaels)
CEB28554 BCA9???? (Shelton Benjamin)
CEB2BAF4 BCA9???? (Stacy Keibler)
CEB2C9A4 BCA9???? (Stephanie McMahon)
CEB2EDD4 BCA9???? (Steve Austin)
CEB28E34 BCA9???? (Steven Richards)
CEB2C624 BCA9???? (Tajiri)
CEB289D4 BCA9???? (Tazz)
CEB28314 BCA9???? (Ted Dibiase)
CEB2C254 BCA9???? (Test)
CEB2AAC4 BCA9???? (Torrie Wilson)
CEB2E344 BCA9???? (Triple H)
CEB2C7B4 BCA9???? (Trish Stratus)
CEB27414 BCA9???? (Ultimo Dragon)
CEB2E234 BCA9???? (Undertaker)
CEB287E4 BCA9???? (The Undertaker)
CEB29504 BCA9???? (Val Venis)
CEB2B784 BCA9???? (Victoria)
CEB2C814 BCA9???? (Vince McMahon)
CEB26DC4 BCA9???? (Bald Create-an-Animation Model)
CEB263B4 BCA9???? (Red Create-a-Move-Set Model)
CEB26224 BCA9???? (Green Create-a-Move-Set Model)
CEB26704 BCA9???? (Cop Model)
CEB266F4 BCA9???? (Paramedic Model)
CEB26464 BCA9???? (WWE Roadie Model)

Credit: tokidoim & Chinhouse


Main Eventer
Jun 7, 2013
Reaction score
wow, awesome update for HCTP, keep it up bro:)