Main Eventer
- Joined
- Apr 17, 2013
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- 1,817
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With these, you can replace the model of a character with another. For example, if you wanted to play as Jerry Lawler in an Exhibition match, you would use one of the addresses given below, using if you wanted: CEB28A66 BCA99B?? (A-Train), replace the ?? in CEB28A66 BCA99B?? with B8 (Jerry Lawler). Thus, CEB28A66 BCA99BB8 would let you play as Jerry Lawler when selecting A-Train in an Exhibition match. Also, for any wrestler with multiple attires, such as the Rock, Triple H, Steve Austin - when using these codes, always select their first attire if replacing them with another character.
Lastly & MOST importantly, these code modifiers are SAVABLE. If you use one of these code modifiers & save the game while the code is still active, any character being replaced by another will be overwritten - meaning his/her model will be replaced - even after the game has been restarted without the code.
Note 1: When using non-unlockables, it is best if Entrances are turned off; if on, any character without an Entrance might freeze the game.
Note 2: If using the ID mods. to play as Earl Hebner, play him in a match that Mike Chioda is refereeing. Playing him in a match that he would normally referee will cause the game to freeze while loading the match. The same results will happen if using the ID mods. to play as Mike Chioda in a match that he would normally referee.
Note 3: DO NOT REQUEST CAW ADDRESSES OR CAW VALUES. If they are discovered & are able to be used safetly, they will then be posted. As of 02/21, any requests for CAW ID Modifiers or Superstar ID Modifier CAW values will be ignored.
<big>AR2v2 & GS2v2 (NTSC)</big>
Replace the ?? with values.
83 (The Rock)
84 (Steve Austin)
85 (Triple H)
86 (Undertaker)
87 (Rob Van Dam)
88 (Kurt Angle)
89 (Chris Jericho)
8A (Kane)
8B (Booker T)
8C (Chris Benoit)
8D (Edge)
8E (Christian)
8F (Matt Hardy)
91 (Lita)
92 (Bubba Ray Dudley)
93 (D-Von Dudley)
95 (Lance Storm)
96 (Scott Steiner)
97 (Stephanie McMahon)
98 (Vince McMahon)
99 (Eric Bischoff)
9A (Rey Mysterio)
9C (Test)
9D (Big Show)
9E (Trish Stratus)
9F (Tajiri)
A0 (Rikishi)
A1 (Ric Flair)
A2 (Stacy Keibler)
A5 (Rico)
A8 (Chavo Guerrero)
A9 (Victoria)
AA (John Cena)
AB (The Hurricane)
AD (Torrie Wilson)
AF (Brock Lesnar)
B0 (Shawn Michaels)
B1 (Goldust)
B2 (Goldberg)
B3 (Sable)
B4 (Mike Chioda)
B5 (Michael Cole)
B6 (Earl Hebner)
B7 (Jim Ross)
B8 (Jerry Lawler)
B9 (Johnathan Coachman)
BA (Linda McMahon)
BB (Eddie Guerrero)
BD (Sargeant Slaughter)
BE (Rodney Mack)
BF (Batista)
C0 (Randy Orton)
C1 (Val Venis)
C2 (The Rock with no elbow pads - has Al Snow's name & moves)
C3 (A-Train)
C4 (Tazz)
C5 (Kevin Nash)
C6 (Steven Richards)
C7 (Roddy Piper)
C8 (Ted Dibiase)
C9 (Jimmy Snuka)
CA (Sean O’Haire)
CB (The Undertaker)
CC (Shelton Banjamin)
CD (Charlie Haas)
CE (Animal)
CF (Hawk)
D2 (Iron Sheik)
D3 (Nicholai Volkoff)
D4 (George Steele)
D5 (Hillbilly Jim)
D6 (Rhyno)
D7 (Jazz)
D8 (Ultimo Dragon)
DD (Bald Model from Create-an-Animation)
DE (Red Model from Create-a-Move-Set)
DF (Green Model from Create-a-Move-Set)
E1 (Cop from Season)
E2 (Paramedic Model from Season)
E3 (Model in black attire with WWE logo on upperleft chest)
CEB28A66 BCA99B?? (A-Train)
CEB27AB6 BCA99B?? (Animal)
CEB29026 BCA99B?? (Batista)
CEB2C1C6 BCA99B?? (Big Show)
CEB2DBE6 BCA99B?? (Booker T)
CEB2AF26 BCA99B?? (Brock Lesnar)
CEB2D1F6 BCA99B?? (Bubba Ray Dudley)
CEB284C6 BCA99B?? (Charlie Haas)
CEB2B116 BCA99B?? (Chavo Guerrero)
CEB2D956 BCA99B?? (Chris Benoit)
CEB2E586 BCA99B?? (Chris Jericho)
CEB2DEB6 BCA99B?? (Christian)
CEB2D766 BCA99B?? (D-Von Dudley)
CEB2A536 BCA99B?? (Earl Hebner)
CEB29EE6 BCA99B?? (Eddie Guerrero)
CEB2D8C6 BCA99B?? (Edge)
CEB2CE86 BCA99B?? (Eric Bischoff)
CEB272D6 BCA99B?? (George Steele)
CEB2A3F6 BCA99B?? (Goldberg)
CEB2AC06 BCA99B?? (Goldust)
CEB27926 BCA99B?? (Hawk)
CEB27046 BCA99B?? (Hillbilly Jim)
CEB2B5E6 BCA99B?? (The Hurricane)
CEB27DF6 BCA99B?? (Iron Sheik)
CEB275A6 BCA99B?? (Jazz)
CEB29A16 BCA99B?? (Jerry Lawler)
CEB29BA6 BCA99B?? (Jim Ross)
CEB28186 BCA99B?? (Jimmy Snuka)
CEB2B676 BCA99B?? (John Cena)
CEB29886 BCA99B?? (Johnathan Coachman)
CEB2E476 BCA99B?? (Kane)
CEB28F46 BCA99B?? (Kevin Nash)
CEB2E716 BCA99B?? (Kurt Angle)
CEB2D446 BCA99B?? (Lance Storm)
CEB29F76 BCA99B?? (Linda McMahon)
CEB2D206 BCA99B?? (Lita)
CEB2DD26 BCA99B?? (Matt Hardy)
CEB2A646 BCA99B?? (Michael Cole)
CEB2A0D6 BCA99B?? (Mike Chioda)
CEB27366 BCA99B?? (Nicholai Volkoff)
CEB29696 BCA99B?? (Randy Orton)
CEB2CD76 BCA99B?? (Rey Mysterio)
CEB27736 BCA99B?? (Rhyno)
CEB2BB06 BCA99B?? (Ric Flair)
CEB2BD46 BCA99B?? (Rico)
CEB2C496 BCA99B?? (Rikishi)
CEB2E0A6 BCA99B?? (Rob Van Dam)
CEB2EE66 BCA99B?? (The Rock)
CEB28CA6 BCA99B?? (Roddy Piper)
CEB291B6 BCA99B?? (Rodney Mack)
CEB2A166 BCA99B?? (Sable)
CEB293C6 BCA99B?? (Sargeant Slaughter)
CEB2CB36 BCA99B?? (Scott Steiner)
CEB28076 BCA99B?? (Sean O'Haire)
CEB2AD96 BCA99B?? (Shawn Michaels)
CEB28556 BCA99B?? (Sheltton Benjamin)
CEB2BAF6 BCA99B?? (Stacy Keibler)
CEB2C9A6 BCA99B?? (Stephanie McMahon)
CEB2EDD6 BCA99B?? (Steve Austin)
CEB28E36 BCA99B?? (Steven Richards)
CEB2C626 BCA99B?? (Tajiri)
CEB289D6 BCA99B?? (Tazz)
CEB28316 BCA99B?? (Ted Debiase)
CEB2C256 BCA99B?? (Test)
CEB2AAC6 BCA99B?? (Torrie Wilson)
CEB2E346 BCA99B?? (Triple H)
CEB2C7B6 BCA99B?? (Trish Stratus)
CEB27416 BCA99B?? (Ulitmo Dragon)
CEB2E236 BCA99B?? (Undertaker)
CEB287E6 BCA99B?? (The Undertaker)
CEB29506 BCA99B?? (Val Venis)
CEB2B786 BCA99B?? (Victoria)
CEB2C816 BCA99B?? (Vince McMahon)
Credit: tokidoim, BasicThuganomics, and Duke Ellis AKA CRE3Duke
Lastly & MOST importantly, these code modifiers are SAVABLE. If you use one of these code modifiers & save the game while the code is still active, any character being replaced by another will be overwritten - meaning his/her model will be replaced - even after the game has been restarted without the code.
Note 1: When using non-unlockables, it is best if Entrances are turned off; if on, any character without an Entrance might freeze the game.
Note 2: If using the ID mods. to play as Earl Hebner, play him in a match that Mike Chioda is refereeing. Playing him in a match that he would normally referee will cause the game to freeze while loading the match. The same results will happen if using the ID mods. to play as Mike Chioda in a match that he would normally referee.
Note 3: DO NOT REQUEST CAW ADDRESSES OR CAW VALUES. If they are discovered & are able to be used safetly, they will then be posted. As of 02/21, any requests for CAW ID Modifiers or Superstar ID Modifier CAW values will be ignored.
<big>AR2v2 & GS2v2 (NTSC)</big>
Replace the ?? with values.
83 (The Rock)
84 (Steve Austin)
85 (Triple H)
86 (Undertaker)
87 (Rob Van Dam)
88 (Kurt Angle)
89 (Chris Jericho)
8A (Kane)
8B (Booker T)
8C (Chris Benoit)
8D (Edge)
8E (Christian)
8F (Matt Hardy)
91 (Lita)
92 (Bubba Ray Dudley)
93 (D-Von Dudley)
95 (Lance Storm)
96 (Scott Steiner)
97 (Stephanie McMahon)
98 (Vince McMahon)
99 (Eric Bischoff)
9A (Rey Mysterio)
9C (Test)
9D (Big Show)
9E (Trish Stratus)
9F (Tajiri)
A0 (Rikishi)
A1 (Ric Flair)
A2 (Stacy Keibler)
A5 (Rico)
A8 (Chavo Guerrero)
A9 (Victoria)
AA (John Cena)
AB (The Hurricane)
AD (Torrie Wilson)
AF (Brock Lesnar)
B0 (Shawn Michaels)
B1 (Goldust)
B2 (Goldberg)
B3 (Sable)
B4 (Mike Chioda)
B5 (Michael Cole)
B6 (Earl Hebner)
B7 (Jim Ross)
B8 (Jerry Lawler)
B9 (Johnathan Coachman)
BA (Linda McMahon)
BB (Eddie Guerrero)
BD (Sargeant Slaughter)
BE (Rodney Mack)
BF (Batista)
C0 (Randy Orton)
C1 (Val Venis)
C2 (The Rock with no elbow pads - has Al Snow's name & moves)
C3 (A-Train)
C4 (Tazz)
C5 (Kevin Nash)
C6 (Steven Richards)
C7 (Roddy Piper)
C8 (Ted Dibiase)
C9 (Jimmy Snuka)
CA (Sean O’Haire)
CB (The Undertaker)
CC (Shelton Banjamin)
CD (Charlie Haas)
CE (Animal)
CF (Hawk)
D2 (Iron Sheik)
D3 (Nicholai Volkoff)
D4 (George Steele)
D5 (Hillbilly Jim)
D6 (Rhyno)
D7 (Jazz)
D8 (Ultimo Dragon)
DD (Bald Model from Create-an-Animation)
DE (Red Model from Create-a-Move-Set)
DF (Green Model from Create-a-Move-Set)
E1 (Cop from Season)
E2 (Paramedic Model from Season)
E3 (Model in black attire with WWE logo on upperleft chest)
CEB28A66 BCA99B?? (A-Train)
CEB27AB6 BCA99B?? (Animal)
CEB29026 BCA99B?? (Batista)
CEB2C1C6 BCA99B?? (Big Show)
CEB2DBE6 BCA99B?? (Booker T)
CEB2AF26 BCA99B?? (Brock Lesnar)
CEB2D1F6 BCA99B?? (Bubba Ray Dudley)
CEB284C6 BCA99B?? (Charlie Haas)
CEB2B116 BCA99B?? (Chavo Guerrero)
CEB2D956 BCA99B?? (Chris Benoit)
CEB2E586 BCA99B?? (Chris Jericho)
CEB2DEB6 BCA99B?? (Christian)
CEB2D766 BCA99B?? (D-Von Dudley)
CEB2A536 BCA99B?? (Earl Hebner)
CEB29EE6 BCA99B?? (Eddie Guerrero)
CEB2D8C6 BCA99B?? (Edge)
CEB2CE86 BCA99B?? (Eric Bischoff)
CEB272D6 BCA99B?? (George Steele)
CEB2A3F6 BCA99B?? (Goldberg)
CEB2AC06 BCA99B?? (Goldust)
CEB27926 BCA99B?? (Hawk)
CEB27046 BCA99B?? (Hillbilly Jim)
CEB2B5E6 BCA99B?? (The Hurricane)
CEB27DF6 BCA99B?? (Iron Sheik)
CEB275A6 BCA99B?? (Jazz)
CEB29A16 BCA99B?? (Jerry Lawler)
CEB29BA6 BCA99B?? (Jim Ross)
CEB28186 BCA99B?? (Jimmy Snuka)
CEB2B676 BCA99B?? (John Cena)
CEB29886 BCA99B?? (Johnathan Coachman)
CEB2E476 BCA99B?? (Kane)
CEB28F46 BCA99B?? (Kevin Nash)
CEB2E716 BCA99B?? (Kurt Angle)
CEB2D446 BCA99B?? (Lance Storm)
CEB29F76 BCA99B?? (Linda McMahon)
CEB2D206 BCA99B?? (Lita)
CEB2DD26 BCA99B?? (Matt Hardy)
CEB2A646 BCA99B?? (Michael Cole)
CEB2A0D6 BCA99B?? (Mike Chioda)
CEB27366 BCA99B?? (Nicholai Volkoff)
CEB29696 BCA99B?? (Randy Orton)
CEB2CD76 BCA99B?? (Rey Mysterio)
CEB27736 BCA99B?? (Rhyno)
CEB2BB06 BCA99B?? (Ric Flair)
CEB2BD46 BCA99B?? (Rico)
CEB2C496 BCA99B?? (Rikishi)
CEB2E0A6 BCA99B?? (Rob Van Dam)
CEB2EE66 BCA99B?? (The Rock)
CEB28CA6 BCA99B?? (Roddy Piper)
CEB291B6 BCA99B?? (Rodney Mack)
CEB2A166 BCA99B?? (Sable)
CEB293C6 BCA99B?? (Sargeant Slaughter)
CEB2CB36 BCA99B?? (Scott Steiner)
CEB28076 BCA99B?? (Sean O'Haire)
CEB2AD96 BCA99B?? (Shawn Michaels)
CEB28556 BCA99B?? (Sheltton Benjamin)
CEB2BAF6 BCA99B?? (Stacy Keibler)
CEB2C9A6 BCA99B?? (Stephanie McMahon)
CEB2EDD6 BCA99B?? (Steve Austin)
CEB28E36 BCA99B?? (Steven Richards)
CEB2C626 BCA99B?? (Tajiri)
CEB289D6 BCA99B?? (Tazz)
CEB28316 BCA99B?? (Ted Debiase)
CEB2C256 BCA99B?? (Test)
CEB2AAC6 BCA99B?? (Torrie Wilson)
CEB2E346 BCA99B?? (Triple H)
CEB2C7B6 BCA99B?? (Trish Stratus)
CEB27416 BCA99B?? (Ulitmo Dragon)
CEB2E236 BCA99B?? (Undertaker)
CEB287E6 BCA99B?? (The Undertaker)
CEB29506 BCA99B?? (Val Venis)
CEB2B786 BCA99B?? (Victoria)
CEB2C816 BCA99B?? (Vince McMahon)
Credit: tokidoim, BasicThuganomics, and Duke Ellis AKA CRE3Duke