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Crowd Member
This section of the memory is the "short term" memory of grapple slots:
Offset: 358
8115b1b2 xxxx - Grapple ID (broad action)
8115b1b6 xxxx - repetitive move counter
8115b1b8 xxxx - Move ID (2 digit)
8115b1ba xxxx - current animation being performed
8115b1bc xxxx - grapple slot ID (turns to 0000 as taunts are being performed)
8115b1be xxxx - grapple slot ID of last move performed
8115b1c0 xxxx - part one of addy of current grapple being performed
8115b1c2 xxxx - part two of addy of current grapple being performed (move ID)
What that means is it is the immediate location of damage/animation information.
What this tutorial will do is show you how to swap damage information from one grapple slot to another. It also seems possible to switch damage information with the rest of the game, though the values are different and I haven't figured out their order. When I figure it out, this will be the way to set damage mods in the future, as they do not effect the grapple or move long term, instead, we are simply point the memory in a different direction on where to find the damage information.
This is simply a how-to on switching damage information from one grapple slot to another instantly. It does not switch the animation information.
Here are the parts we need that I took from the information above:
Offset: 358
8115b1ba xxxx - current animation being performed
8115b1c2 xxxx - part two of addy of current grapple being performed (move ID)
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Click here to get the grapple slot addys, mapped by barskio</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">
Front Weak Grapple
Front Weak Grapple A : 800AB5E4
Front Weak Grapple Left/Right + A : 800AB608
Front Weak Grapple Up + A : 800AB62C
Front Weak Grapple Down + A : 800AB650
Front Weak Grapple B : 800AB674
Front Weak Grapple Up + B : 800AB7DC
Front Weak Grapple Left/Right + B : 800AB728
Front Weak Grapple Down + B : 800AB890
Front Strong Grapple
Front Strong Grapple A : 800AB944
Front Strong Grapple Up + A : 800ABAAC
Front Strong Grapple Left/Right + A : 800AB9F8
Front Strong Grapple Down + A : 800ABB60
Front Strong Grapple B : 800ABC14
Front Strong Grapple Up + B : 800ABD7C
Front Strong Grapple Left/Right + B : 800ABCC8
Front Strong Grapple Down + B: 800ABE30
Front Special Move: 800ABF98
Back Weak Grapple
Back Weak Grapple A : 800AC004
Back Weak Grapple D-Pad + A : 800AC028
Back Weak Grapple B : 800AC04C
Back Weak Grapple D-Pad + B : 800AC070
Back Strong Grapple
Back Strong Grapple A : 800AC094
Back Strong Grapple D-Pad + A : 800AC0B8
Back Strong Grapple B : 800AC0DC
Back Strong Grapple D-Pad + B : 800AC100
Back Special Move: 800AC124
Weak Striking
Weak Arm Striking B : 800ACDF0
Weak Arm Striking D-Pad + B : 800ACE14
Weak Leg Striking B : 800ACE38
Weak Leg Striking D-Pad + B : 800ACE5C
Strong Striking
Strong Striking B : 800ACFE8
Strong Striking D-Pad + B : 800AD030
Strong Striking A + B : 800AD078
Recovering Attack
Ducking Attack : 800AD444
Running Attack
Weak Running Attack B : 800AD0C0
Weak Running Attack A + B : 800AD108
Strong Running Attack B : 800AD150
Strong Running Attack A + B : 800AD198
Running Grapple
Running Front Grapple : 800AC460
Running Back Grapple : 800AC484
Running Ground Attack
Running Ground Attack (Facing Up) : 800AD36C
Running Ground Attack (Face Down) : 800AD390
Running Ground Attack (Sitting Up) : 800AD3FC
Running Ground Attack (Sitting Down) : 800AD420
Evasion : 800AD300
Upper Body Submission
Facing Up : 800AD6F0
Facing Down : 800AD738
Sitting Up : 800AD810
Sitting Down : 800AD858
Facing Up [Special] : 800ACB8C
Facing Down [Special] : 800ACBB0
Lower Body Submission
Facing Up : 800AD780
Facing Down : 800AD7C8
Facing Up [Special] : 800ACBD4
Facing Down [Special] : 800ACBF8
Ground Attack
Facing Up : 800AD324
Facing Down : 800AD348
Sitting Up : 800AD3B4
Sitting Down : 800AD3D8
Turnbuckle Attack
Turnbuckle Attack B : 800ACE80
Turnbuckle Attack D-Pad + B : 800ACEA4
Running Turnbuckle Attack B : 800AD1E0
Running Turnbuckle Attack A+B : 800AD228
Tree of Woe Attack
Tree of Woe Attack B : 800ACEC8
Tree of Woe Attack D-Pad + B : 800ACEEC
Running Tree of Woe Attack : 800AD270
Front Turnbuckle Grapple
Front Weak Grapple A: 800AC4F0
Front Weak Grapple B: 800AC5A4
Front Strong Grapple A: 800AC658
Front Strong Grapple B: 800AC70C
Front Special Grapple : 800AC7C0
Back Turnbuckle Grapple
Back Weak Grapple A: 800AC808
Back Weak Grapple B: 800AC850
Back Strong Grapple A: 800AC898
Back Strong Grapple B: 800AC8E0
Back Special Grapple : 800AC928
Counter Grapple
Front Counter Grapple : 800AC994
Back Counter Grapple : 800AC9B8
Flying Attack
Standing Opponent : 800AD9C0
Standing Opponent to Outside : 800ADABC
Standing Opponent[Special] : 800AD9E4
Laying Opponent : 800ADA74
Laying Opponent to Outside : 800ADAE0
Laying Opponent[Special] : 800ADA98
Turnbuckle Inside Attack
Turnbuckle Inside Attack : 800ADBB8
Grapple to Apron
Weak Grapple to Apron : 800ACA24
Strong Grapple to Apron : 800ACA48
Special Grapple to Apron : 800ACA6C
Counter Grapple From Apron : 800ACB20
Rope Inside Attack
Rope Inside Attack : 800ADB94
Flying Attack to Outside
Flying Attack : 800ADB70
Running Diving Attack A: 800ADB04
Running Diving Attack D-Pad + A : 800ADB28
Rebound Flying Attack
Rebound Flying Attack : 800ADCD8
Apron Attack
Apron Kick to Inside : 800AD468
Apron Kick to Outside : 800AD48C
Grapple from Apron
Weak Grapple from Apron : 800ACAD8
Strong Grapple from Apron : 800AD5D4
Special Grapple from Apron : 800ACB00
Counter Grapple to Apron : 800ACA90
Flying Attack from apron
Flying Attack : 800ADBDC
Running Flying Attack : 800ADC00
Flying Attack to Ring
Standing Opponent : 800ADC24
Laying Opponent : 800ADC48
Standing Opponent[Special] : 800ADC6C
Irish Whip
Irish Whip Attack
Irish Whip Attack : 800AD294
Irish Whip Grapple
Front Weak Grapple [Tap A] : 800AC1FC
Front Weak Grapple [Hold A] : 800AC244
Front Strong Grapple [Tap A] : 800AC28C
Front Strong Grapple [Hold A] : 800AC2D4
Front Special Grapple : 800AC31C
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Why I'm only using part two for this code</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">8115b1c0 xxxx - part one of addy of current grapple being performed -
We don't need this part to swap damage addys, as all the grapple slots start with 800a, however, they can be manipulated to access other damage properties. It can be for other codes</div>
In my game, when you are the Rock, your front strong grapple A slot is the headlock.
However, when you have a special stored, it changes the animation to the Rockbottom using an IRN mod. This creates a problem, since the headlock is a repeating animation and the Rockbottom is not. Using this method, we can change their status instantly:
I have written this code:
D115AF50 0001 - When Player 1 is the Rock,
d115b1ba 071c - And the Rockbottom is the animation being performed,
8115b1c2 BF98 - The Memory will read from the front special grapple slot instead of the front strong A slot for the damage information.
The result:
Edit: Here's a quick code generator: http://www.mediafire.com/file/y1fr1w07b38hane/Damage Swapper 1.0.ods
Offset: 358
8115b1b2 xxxx - Grapple ID (broad action)
8115b1b6 xxxx - repetitive move counter
8115b1b8 xxxx - Move ID (2 digit)
8115b1ba xxxx - current animation being performed
8115b1bc xxxx - grapple slot ID (turns to 0000 as taunts are being performed)
8115b1be xxxx - grapple slot ID of last move performed
8115b1c0 xxxx - part one of addy of current grapple being performed
8115b1c2 xxxx - part two of addy of current grapple being performed (move ID)
What that means is it is the immediate location of damage/animation information.
What this tutorial will do is show you how to swap damage information from one grapple slot to another. It also seems possible to switch damage information with the rest of the game, though the values are different and I haven't figured out their order. When I figure it out, this will be the way to set damage mods in the future, as they do not effect the grapple or move long term, instead, we are simply point the memory in a different direction on where to find the damage information.
This is simply a how-to on switching damage information from one grapple slot to another instantly. It does not switch the animation information.
Here are the parts we need that I took from the information above:
Offset: 358
8115b1ba xxxx - current animation being performed
8115b1c2 xxxx - part two of addy of current grapple being performed (move ID)
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Click here to get the grapple slot addys, mapped by barskio</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">
Front Weak Grapple
Front Weak Grapple A : 800AB5E4
Front Weak Grapple Left/Right + A : 800AB608
Front Weak Grapple Up + A : 800AB62C
Front Weak Grapple Down + A : 800AB650
Front Weak Grapple B : 800AB674
Front Weak Grapple Up + B : 800AB7DC
Front Weak Grapple Left/Right + B : 800AB728
Front Weak Grapple Down + B : 800AB890
Front Strong Grapple
Front Strong Grapple A : 800AB944
Front Strong Grapple Up + A : 800ABAAC
Front Strong Grapple Left/Right + A : 800AB9F8
Front Strong Grapple Down + A : 800ABB60
Front Strong Grapple B : 800ABC14
Front Strong Grapple Up + B : 800ABD7C
Front Strong Grapple Left/Right + B : 800ABCC8
Front Strong Grapple Down + B: 800ABE30
Front Special Move: 800ABF98
Back Weak Grapple
Back Weak Grapple A : 800AC004
Back Weak Grapple D-Pad + A : 800AC028
Back Weak Grapple B : 800AC04C
Back Weak Grapple D-Pad + B : 800AC070
Back Strong Grapple
Back Strong Grapple A : 800AC094
Back Strong Grapple D-Pad + A : 800AC0B8
Back Strong Grapple B : 800AC0DC
Back Strong Grapple D-Pad + B : 800AC100
Back Special Move: 800AC124
Weak Striking
Weak Arm Striking B : 800ACDF0
Weak Arm Striking D-Pad + B : 800ACE14
Weak Leg Striking B : 800ACE38
Weak Leg Striking D-Pad + B : 800ACE5C
Strong Striking
Strong Striking B : 800ACFE8
Strong Striking D-Pad + B : 800AD030
Strong Striking A + B : 800AD078
Recovering Attack
Ducking Attack : 800AD444
Running Attack
Weak Running Attack B : 800AD0C0
Weak Running Attack A + B : 800AD108
Strong Running Attack B : 800AD150
Strong Running Attack A + B : 800AD198
Running Grapple
Running Front Grapple : 800AC460
Running Back Grapple : 800AC484
Running Ground Attack
Running Ground Attack (Facing Up) : 800AD36C
Running Ground Attack (Face Down) : 800AD390
Running Ground Attack (Sitting Up) : 800AD3FC
Running Ground Attack (Sitting Down) : 800AD420
Evasion : 800AD300
Upper Body Submission
Facing Up : 800AD6F0
Facing Down : 800AD738
Sitting Up : 800AD810
Sitting Down : 800AD858
Facing Up [Special] : 800ACB8C
Facing Down [Special] : 800ACBB0
Lower Body Submission
Facing Up : 800AD780
Facing Down : 800AD7C8
Facing Up [Special] : 800ACBD4
Facing Down [Special] : 800ACBF8
Ground Attack
Facing Up : 800AD324
Facing Down : 800AD348
Sitting Up : 800AD3B4
Sitting Down : 800AD3D8
Turnbuckle Attack
Turnbuckle Attack B : 800ACE80
Turnbuckle Attack D-Pad + B : 800ACEA4
Running Turnbuckle Attack B : 800AD1E0
Running Turnbuckle Attack A+B : 800AD228
Tree of Woe Attack
Tree of Woe Attack B : 800ACEC8
Tree of Woe Attack D-Pad + B : 800ACEEC
Running Tree of Woe Attack : 800AD270
Front Turnbuckle Grapple
Front Weak Grapple A: 800AC4F0
Front Weak Grapple B: 800AC5A4
Front Strong Grapple A: 800AC658
Front Strong Grapple B: 800AC70C
Front Special Grapple : 800AC7C0
Back Turnbuckle Grapple
Back Weak Grapple A: 800AC808
Back Weak Grapple B: 800AC850
Back Strong Grapple A: 800AC898
Back Strong Grapple B: 800AC8E0
Back Special Grapple : 800AC928
Counter Grapple
Front Counter Grapple : 800AC994
Back Counter Grapple : 800AC9B8
Flying Attack
Standing Opponent : 800AD9C0
Standing Opponent to Outside : 800ADABC
Standing Opponent[Special] : 800AD9E4
Laying Opponent : 800ADA74
Laying Opponent to Outside : 800ADAE0
Laying Opponent[Special] : 800ADA98
Turnbuckle Inside Attack
Turnbuckle Inside Attack : 800ADBB8
Grapple to Apron
Weak Grapple to Apron : 800ACA24
Strong Grapple to Apron : 800ACA48
Special Grapple to Apron : 800ACA6C
Counter Grapple From Apron : 800ACB20
Rope Inside Attack
Rope Inside Attack : 800ADB94
Flying Attack to Outside
Flying Attack : 800ADB70
Running Diving Attack A: 800ADB04
Running Diving Attack D-Pad + A : 800ADB28
Rebound Flying Attack
Rebound Flying Attack : 800ADCD8
Apron Attack
Apron Kick to Inside : 800AD468
Apron Kick to Outside : 800AD48C
Grapple from Apron
Weak Grapple from Apron : 800ACAD8
Strong Grapple from Apron : 800AD5D4
Special Grapple from Apron : 800ACB00
Counter Grapple to Apron : 800ACA90
Flying Attack from apron
Flying Attack : 800ADBDC
Running Flying Attack : 800ADC00
Flying Attack to Ring
Standing Opponent : 800ADC24
Laying Opponent : 800ADC48
Standing Opponent[Special] : 800ADC6C
Irish Whip
Irish Whip Attack
Irish Whip Attack : 800AD294
Irish Whip Grapple
Front Weak Grapple [Tap A] : 800AC1FC
Front Weak Grapple [Hold A] : 800AC244
Front Strong Grapple [Tap A] : 800AC28C
Front Strong Grapple [Hold A] : 800AC2D4
Front Special Grapple : 800AC31C
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Why I'm only using part two for this code</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">8115b1c0 xxxx - part one of addy of current grapple being performed -
We don't need this part to swap damage addys, as all the grapple slots start with 800a, however, they can be manipulated to access other damage properties. It can be for other codes</div>
In my game, when you are the Rock, your front strong grapple A slot is the headlock.
However, when you have a special stored, it changes the animation to the Rockbottom using an IRN mod. This creates a problem, since the headlock is a repeating animation and the Rockbottom is not. Using this method, we can change their status instantly:
I have written this code:
D115AF50 0001 - When Player 1 is the Rock,
d115b1ba 071c - And the Rockbottom is the animation being performed,
8115b1c2 BF98 - The Memory will read from the front special grapple slot instead of the front strong A slot for the damage information.
The result:

Edit: Here's a quick code generator: http://www.mediafire.com/file/y1fr1w07b38hane/Damage Swapper 1.0.ods