The No Mercy Library


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Crowd Member

Hello everyone, I'd like to share with you my pet project, The No Mercy Library! The idea behind this was very simple, I wanted a place where No Mercy resources, whether hacks, mods, or tutorials, were easily accessible and reliable.

I would love to have anyone contribute anything they can, as I will be archiving content as much as I can. If anyone cares to join and contribute, your account must be upgraded to post topics outside of the discussion section, to keep the archives free of clutter.

We are currently working on a lot of things, the site is definitely a WIP, but soon we'll have previews for every texture mod, and hopefully, gifs and previews for hacks, as well. Bear with us. The site is updated regularly.



Oct 30, 2010
Reaction score
Excellent idea bro. If you want I can add all my attire hacks till date? Anything to help the cause old friend.



Oct 30, 2010
Reaction score
Excellent. I tell you what. I have done so many unreleased hacked caws and really need to get them all posted. Over the weekend, I will type up all the formulars/codes and make previews and do individual topics for each caw. It be better IMO.

Deleted User

Crowd Member
Awesome! I've been archiving stuff for awhile and get burned out, I figured enough content was available to advertise and get others in on this.

It's not so much a discussion forum as it is.... well..... a library. So maybe it'll catch some more modders and hackers attention. :)

Deleted User

Crowd Member
Thanks, after making my original No Mercy archives, I realized how futile it was to try and contain it in just one post. Then one thing led to another and whamo! Almost 800 posts already..... :blink:


Staff member
Jun 18, 2011
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I'm "Jobber"(if you're the Booker :D ),registered some time ago.

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Crowd Member
I'm bumping this again because there seems to be a bit of No mercy interest these days, but considering the staggering amount of No mercy content, I still believe No mercy needs a centralized site completely dedicated to it.

I'll be posting there, hopefully other will, too. The library has tons of tutorials, mods, and hacks archived, and I wouldn't mind seeing new stuff posted there and some honest forum discussion happening.

So yeah.... join up and spread the No Mercy love, guys!

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Crowd Member
Because it's for NO MERCY. I never have modded wrestling games for the Wii.

If you want an archive for the Wii games, feel free to go through the work yourself to make it, like I did. It's a lot of work.


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Crowd Member
Boss Steve is one of the reasons I want an alternative place for No Mercy modding. "hey bro, thx bro! sup bro! grt wrk, bro!" I'm sick of the bros. More-so, I'm sick of people I barely know or even like calling me bro. I'm not your fucking bro. It's like a nervous tick these people have, calling every single person they meet on the internet "bro". Shut the fuck up with the "bros", already!

"Hey guys! I made a site designed specifically for No Mercy modding!"

"Great idea, bro! Why u no make it for Wii?" :comp:

So in other words, my idea of creating a No Mercy site would have actually been a good idea if it was made for Wii. So my idea wasn't actually a good idea to Boss Steve, even though the first part of his inane sentence said otherwise. Maybe Boss Steve should stop being lazy and make his own damn Wii forum instead of asking me to create something I have zero interest in.

Where I come from, we have names for people like that. I would love to let loose on the sheer stupidity of that question but I'm afraid it might bring our young Boss Steve to tears.

Deleted User

Crowd Member
Bumping for some updates.

dnewgrounds has moved TONS of movesets and moveset replacement hacks into the Library, making it the largest source of movesets for No Mercy online anywhere!

We've opened registrations back up and have opened up the general discussion area, as well.

If you are a new Modder/Hacker or an old school guy, you are welcome to join. Shit-posting will not be tolerated, though. So if you sign on and proceed with a lot of bad posts, you probably won't last long.