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Crowd Member
Site: http://w11.zetaboards.com/No_Mercy_Library/index/
Hello everyone, I'd like to share with you my pet project, The No Mercy Library! The idea behind this was very simple, I wanted a place where No Mercy resources, whether hacks, mods, or tutorials, were easily accessible and reliable.
I would love to have anyone contribute anything they can, as I will be archiving content as much as I can. If anyone cares to join and contribute, your account must be upgraded to post topics outside of the discussion section, to keep the archives free of clutter.
We are currently working on a lot of things, the site is definitely a WIP, but soon we'll have previews for every texture mod, and hopefully, gifs and previews for hacks, as well. Bear with us. The site is updated regularly.
Hello everyone, I'd like to share with you my pet project, The No Mercy Library! The idea behind this was very simple, I wanted a place where No Mercy resources, whether hacks, mods, or tutorials, were easily accessible and reliable.
I would love to have anyone contribute anything they can, as I will be archiving content as much as I can. If anyone cares to join and contribute, your account must be upgraded to post topics outside of the discussion section, to keep the archives free of clutter.
We are currently working on a lot of things, the site is definitely a WIP, but soon we'll have previews for every texture mod, and hopefully, gifs and previews for hacks, as well. Bear with us. The site is updated regularly.