-- The Rock recently noted on his Twitter account that he'll be growing his hair long following WWE's WrestleMania 27. This is due to his next movie role although we're not sure which movie the longer hair will be for as he's got several upcoming projects in the works.
-- John Cena posted the following comments via Twitter this morning:
"CeNation. Handled business last night. Tonight I will see what we do about the rock. If he wants some...come get some."
"This could be very interesting."
"Ps..grabbed a spare steel chain and lock off the elimination chamber just in case...gotta go now. Big peek a boo tournament b4 raw
That last tweet seems to indicate that he'll be returning to his old 'rapper' gimmick. Of course, that is pure speculation but it should be noted that there was a CM Punk-John Cena rap battle during one of the commercial breaks at RAW two weeks ago. We posted the video here on the website.
Also, as of last week there were no plans for The Rock to appear on RAW tonight but they are in California so who knows.
-- John Cena posted the following comments via Twitter this morning:
"CeNation. Handled business last night. Tonight I will see what we do about the rock. If he wants some...come get some."
"This could be very interesting."
"Ps..grabbed a spare steel chain and lock off the elimination chamber just in case...gotta go now. Big peek a boo tournament b4 raw
That last tweet seems to indicate that he'll be returning to his old 'rapper' gimmick. Of course, that is pure speculation but it should be noted that there was a CM Punk-John Cena rap battle during one of the commercial breaks at RAW two weeks ago. We posted the video here on the website.
Also, as of last week there were no plans for The Rock to appear on RAW tonight but they are in California so who knows.