Weight Class Modifiers


Main Eventer
Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
Weight Class Modifiers (CB2 & GS2v3)

Simply put, these are weight class modifiers. With 'em, heavyweights & super heavyweights can be modified to win the cruiserweight championship, as well as cruiserweights can be modified to be super heavyweights. You get the point, right? Again, just like the gender modifiers, I included the CAWs' codes here, just in case you feel like modifying their weight class when already entered during Season mode. Too, these codes are SAVABLE.

Lastly, these codes are in HEX, but can be used - no converting required - with a CB2 & a GS2v3.

Note: Just like with Lightweight - Super Heavyweight, with which a Lightweight can pick up another Lightweight as well as a Light Heavyweight, wrestlers modified to be Super-Super Heavyweights can only be picked up by Super Heavyweights, Super-Super Heavyweights & Super-Super-Super Heavyweights, while Super-Super-Super Heavyweights can only be picked up by Super-Super Heavyweights & Super-Super-Super Heavyweights. As for Light-Lightweights & Light-Light-Lightweights, Light-Lightweights can only pick up a Light-Light-Lightweight, another Light-Lightweight or Lightweight; Light-Light-Lightweights can only pick up another Light-Light-Lightweight or Light-Lightweight.

Replace the ? with the given values.

FE = Light-Light-Lightweight (says Other in CAW profile)
FF = Light-Lightweight (says PRESS START button in CAW profile)
00 = Lightweight
01 = Light Heavyweight
02 = Heavyweight
03 = Super Heavyweight
04 = Super-Super Heavyweight (says errid 1102577664n in CAW profile)
05 = Super-Super-Super Heavyweight (says PRESS START button in CAW profile)

004B65BD 000000?? (CAW 1)
004B6A1D 000000?? (CAW 2)
004B6E7D 000000?? (CAW 3)
004B72DD 000000?? (CAW 4)
004B773D 000000?? (CAW 5)
004B7B9D 000000?? (CAW 6)
004B7FFD 000000?? (CAW 7)
004B845D 000000?? (CAW 8)
004B88BD 000000?? (CAW 9)
004B8D1D 000000?? (CAW 10)
004B917D 000000?? (CAW 11)
004B95DD 000000?? (CAW 12)
004B9A3D 000000?? (CAW 13)
004B9E9D 000000?? (CAW 14)
004BA2FD 000000?? (CAW 15)
004BA75D 000000?? (CAW 16)
004BABBD 000000?? (CAW 17)
004BB01D 000000?? (CAW 18)
004BB47D 000000?? (CAW 19)
004BB8DD 000000?? (CAW 20)
004BBD3D 000000?? (CAW 21)
004BC19D 000000?? (CAW 22)
004BC5FD 000000?? (CAW 23)
004BCA5D 000000?? (CAW 24)
004BCEBD 000000?? (CAW 25)
004BD31D 000000?? (CAW 26)
004BD77D 000000?? (CAW 27)
004BDBDD 000000?? (CAW 28)
004BE03D 000000?? (CAW 29)
004BE49D 000000?? (CAW 30)
004BE8FD 000000?? (CAW 31)
004BED5D 000000?? (CAW 32)
004C6CB1 000000?? (A-Train)
004C7C81 000000?? (Animal)
004C66F1 000000?? (Batista)
004C3611 000000?? (Big Show)
004C1C31 000000?? (Booker T)
004C4FF1 000000?? (Brock Lesnar)
004C2641 000000?? (Bubba Ray Dudley)
004C7B11 000000?? (Charlie Haas)
004C45E1 000000?? (Chavo Guerrero)
004C1DA1 000000?? (Chris Benoit)
004C1951 000000?? (Chris Jericho)
004C2081 000000?? (Christian)
004C27B1 000000?? (D-Von Dudley)
004C6131 000000?? (Eddie Guerrero)
004C1F11 000000?? (Edge)
004C3051 000000?? (Eric Bischoff)
004C8521 000000?? (George Steele)
004C5441 000000?? (Goldberg)
004C52D1 000000?? (Goldust)
004C7DF1 000000?? (Hawk)
004C8691 000000?? (Hillbilly Jim)
004C4A31 000000?? (The Hurricane)
004C8241 000000?? (Iron Sheik)
004C8971 000000?? (Jazz)
004C7551 000000?? (Jimmy Snuka)
004C48C1 000000?? (John Cena)
004C1AC1 000000?? (Kane)
004C6F91 000000?? (Kevin Nash)
004C17E1 000000?? (Kurt Angle)
004C2A91 000000?? (Lance Storm)
004C24D1 000000?? (Lita)
004C21F1 000000?? (Matt Hardy)
004C83B1 000000?? (Nicholai Volkoff)
004C6861 000000?? (Randy Orton)
004C31C1 000000?? (Rey Mysterio)
004C8801 000000?? (Rhyno)
004C3BD1 000000?? (Ric Flair)
004C4191 000000?? (Rico)
004C3A61 000000?? (Rikishi)
004C1671 000000?? (Rob Van Dam)
004C10B1 000000?? (The Rock)
004C7271 000000?? (Roddy Piper)
004C6581 000000?? (Rodney Mack)
004C55B1 000000?? (Sable)
004C6411 000000?? (Sargeant Slaughter)
004C2C01 000000?? (Scott Steiner)
004C76C1 000000?? (Sean O'Haire)
004C5161 000000?? (Shawn Michaels)
004C79A1 000000?? (Shelton Benjamin)
004C3D41 000000?? (Stacy Keibler)
004C2D71 000000?? (Stephanie McMahon)
004C1221 000000?? (Steve Austin)
004C7101 000000?? (Steven Richards)
004C38F1 000000?? (Tajiri)
004C73E1 000000?? (Ted Dibiase)
004C34A1 000000?? (Test)
004C4D11 000000?? (Torrie Wilson)
004C1391 000000?? (Triple H)
004C3781 000000?? (Trish Stratus)
004C8AE1 000000?? (Ultimo Dragon)
004C1501 000000?? (Undertaker)
004C7831 000000?? (The Undertaker)
004C69D1 000000?? (Val Venis)
004C4751 000000?? (Victoria)
004C2EE1 000000?? (Vince McMahon)

004C6B41 000000?? (Al Snow [The Rock w/o elbow pads - has Snow's move-set])
004C5A01 000000?? (Earl Hebner)
004C5CE1 000000?? (Jerry Lawler)
004C5B71 000000?? (Jim Ross)
004C5E51 000000?? (Johnathan Coachman)
004C5FC1 000000?? (Linda McMahon)
004C5891 000000?? (Michael Cole)
004C5721 000000?? (Mike Chioda)
004C6E21 000000?? (Tazz)

Credit: Trigin