Would WWE Fast Lane have done better as a past PPV?

KG 24

Main Eventer
Jun 18, 2011
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I know you were all looking at this as a Rev post. Or not. Bu still, it's me. I know a lot of you guys might see me as random, and I do intelligent posts at times, but this is the first time that I've done something about such an issue like this, so bare with me, it could be a good read.

First, which old PPV name am I talking about? No Way Out? No Mercy? Unforgiven? Armageddon? Any of the other emo-like PPV names they had back in the early and mid 2000s (no wonder the edgy teens love them so much)? Nope, this PPV, in my opinion, would have done better as an Elminination Chamber PPV, with the main event having the best change.

Let me explain. The storyline that was built for Fast Lane is that Roman "didn't prove himself" as ready for Brock, even though he won the Royal Rumble. Now in past years, the No.1 Contender for a championship has been decided in Elimination Chamber matches, as sort of a proving ground for which superstar can survive the monstrosity. So, why not put Roman in with 5 other top superstars who also have a claim that they should have a match with the Beast Incarnate himself? In this scenario, the other 5 wrestlers would be:

-Daniel Bryan (Authority puts him in as a teaser for the fans, he's DANIEL FUCKING BRYAN I SHOULDN'T EVEN EXPLAIN THIS)
-John Cena (15 time World Champ, most color changes ever, one of the best characters in Total Divas, the accomplishments go on and on)
-Rusev (Has never been defeated clean, dominant force and a possible legitimate opponent for Lesnar)
-Seth Rollins (Future of WWE, Authority loves him, compensation for his dick being leaked on Twitter that lead to a shitty Valentine's Day)
-Dolph Ziggler (Sole Survivor at the Survivor Series match that put the Authority out of power, another teaser for the fans)

With this, it puts Ziggler and Rollins out of a crappy and non-hyped opener with Big Show/Kane and Ryback/Rowan, and saves Cena/Rusev from having the match at Fast Lane with the rematch at WrestleMania, while still allowing both men to interact and fight each other in the chamber match. What it also does is it would put huge pressure on Reigns to keep his title shot for WrestleMania.

In short, the match would go like this: Bryan and Ziggler would enter 1st and 2nd, Roman 3rd, Cena 4th, Rusev 5th, and Rollins 6th (because he needs time in that pod to think about the shit he did with the nudes and stuff, a form of a rib and a mental torture type of thing). No one's eliminated until Rollins enters, and then Ziggler is eliminated by Rollins, ending their feud (HOPEFULLY). Rollins then crawls back into the pod and locks himself from Roman, until RANDY FUCKING ORTON comes out from the bottom of Rollins' pod, with Rollins having to run and getting hit with a RKO (outta nowhere!) before Orton slithers out the ring, reviving the Orton/Rollins rivalry. Cena would then catch a flurry of finishers, shades of 2009, getting kicked by Rusev and then passing out in the chamber, building up Rusev vs Cena. Bryan eliminates Rollins with the knee, Rusev gets speared back to Russia, and the two men with the most time in the Chamber, Bryan and Reigns, face off for the final shot at Mania.

Now this can go both ways. If WWE is trying to build up Roman as the man who has a chance at Brock, this is where he would win, because surviving the Chamber with those great talents would make him look great. The fans wouldn't like it, but if it's in the plans, they have to go for it. If they changed to Bryan as the man, it would be good because it builds Bryan back as the underdog while still building up Roman as a legit threat to be champion one day (in other words, that one match does more good for him than the 2 month build he had for the Rumble). Still, with those 6 talents, the fans should be able to enjoy the match.

Note: I hate doing fantasy booking, but in this case, why the hell not? I thought it would be fun.


Feb 7, 2011
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No, this is not a Tired topic. But if KG 24 or anyone else wants to post stuff like this... that is encouraged! Heck, Savage101 has been doing it for months and they are usually pretty great. In the words of Batista "Original topics are not just welcomed, but they are allowed."

Onto the topic... you actually made a lot of sense there. I didn't like Elimination Chamber being in February because it sort of undermined the importance of the Royal Rumble match. It fit better when there was two major titles. But it could have been great this year.

The Daniel Bryan match was Reigns' first proper singles match. Okay, you may argue that he had a good match with Randy Orton, but that was several months ago. We are supposed to believe that he can put on a great match with Lesnar on his own because he hasn't yet? That's a bit of a hard sell. We have seen Seth Rollins hold his own against John Cena and Brock Lesnar at the same time. And he legit hurt Lesnar. Why isn't Rollins getting a shot at Lesnar?

Winning the Elimination Chamber would've been a bit obvious, but it could've helped Reigns. He needed to start early in order to be truly tested, but not so early that it would've appeared desperate. So #3 would have been ideal.

Bryan and Ziggler first would've been a good option. Their early entry is proof that the Authority is trying to screw them. Especially if Roman and Cena entered next. It could set up a potential match at 'Mania for them too.

Rusev entering after Cena would allow Cena to lose while still giving him an excuse for losing. Because Cena cannot lose clean without an excuse.

Rollins entering last also makes sense. The Authority is trying to rig the match so that their guy wins.

Reigns entering third would have him facing both Bryan and Ziggler. As they have both been tearing into each other first, they can be eliminated without looking bad. They could survive until Cena so that they would have had a real fight on their hands. If it finishes with Reigns and Rollins, it would make up for their previous feud not ending. If Rusev reached the end with Reigns, it would solve the "Rumble Rematch" issue, and will give Cena a bigger opponent for WM.


Nov 6, 2013
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1st good topic brother. Yes, Fast lane could have been better. I think they dumped the chamber due to risk of injury more than anything sadly. I don't have time for a paragraph tonight but thanks for kinds words Reverend.

KG 24

Main Eventer
Jun 18, 2011
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Risk of injury? Never heard about that...

Anyway, in my opinion, if Elimination Chamber isn't coming back, there shouldn't be a Feb. WWE PPV anymore. It isn't really necessary anymore. Just build off WrestleMania in 2 months from the Royal Rumble, it gives WM more build and importance than having to build a Feb. PPV then having to make the feuds for WrestleMania.


Nov 6, 2013
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<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>KG 24</dt><dd>Feb 28 2015, 03:48:24 AM</dd></dl><div>Risk of injury? Never heard about that...

Anyway, in my opinion, if Elimination Chamber isn't coming back, there shouldn't be a Feb. WWE PPV anymore. It isn't really necessary anymore.[/quote]The risk of injury was always very real with the chamber. Go back and watch some of those. The high spots consisted mainly of dropping somebody on the steal on the outside. Whether they got a legit injury or not from that it still hurt like hell I'm sure. And yes I agree. They should stop PPV's in February all together.

The NekoMancer

Jun 17, 2011
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I think the chamber was eliminated due to the venue installing a big screen in the top of the bulding, so there would be no place to hold it in.

That's what I heard, I could be wrong.

Also, it's too fucking enormous, that's another reason i heard.
Mar 10, 2014
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We want Chambers. Good stuff KG. I think the same thing you wrote. For Reigns beating 5 top superstars would be a great result. He would be credible as Lesnar's opponent. I also heard about lack of place to put the Chamber