WWE.com writes damage control article


Feb 7, 2011
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The WWE’s website has posted a list that is sure to cause more damage to morale.

The article lists 8 “surprise breakout stars of 2014”. This is a poor attempt at damage limitation. Vince McMahon recently put down the entire roster in his podcast interview with Steve Austin. Triple H later held a meeting with the locker room and claimed that McMahon’s comments were intended to motivate them. Instead it served to cause even more upset.

This list is likely to cause more upset. For one reason, there are going to be some people who feel like they deserve to be on this list but are not. For a second reason, it implies that the people who did make the list were not meant to get over this year. It is supposed to be the WWE’s way of saying that they have noticed the hard work that the roster has put in. Instead, it may only serve to make superstars feel left out.

8. Stardust – Cody Rhodes was already a star before debuting the Stardust gimmick. Whatever it was that was keeping Rhodes from the top-tier, it was not something he was doing wrong. In fact, Rhodes was expected to have a heel push when he debuted the new character. Stardust was supposed to be done within a few weeks, thus setting up the split with tag team partner Goldust. But the Stardust gimmick got over so rapidly that the WWE were compelled to do something with it.

7. SlaterGator – SlaterGator should not be on this list because they are not stars yet. Okay, Heath Slater has a cult following and is even respected by several legends. But his new tag team partner Titus O’Neal isn’t over yet. If anything, their new team has set both men back. Fans actually dislike the team. Since the team debuted, most of their matches have been singles matches. No tag partner at ringside or even tag team theme music. With Slater’s current legal issues, it is not likely that the tag team will advance any further until those are sorted. But let’s not forget that SlaterGator were involved with the worst match of 2014: their mascot MiniGator (Hornswoggle dressed as a crocodile) against the Los Matadores mascot El Torito.

6. Jack Swagger – Swagger is not over yet either, and it is all management’s fault. Swagger turned face for the first time this year, and fans got behind him instantly. But any time he gains any momentum at all, he takes a crucial loss. He was involved with an embarrassing story line in which he was removed from Team Cena after suffering an injury by the Authority. His injury was so serious that he could no longer compete on Team Cena, but he could still work a full-time schedule. Swagger is ready to get over, but he needs some proper booking.

5. The Bunny – Can’t argue with this entry. The mascot was supposed to be that and nothing more; a mascot. He gained attention during the Adam Rose debut promos. Since then, he has been upgraded to an active superstar. Why? Because the live audiences keep cheering for him.

4. Erick Rowan – Rowan was a genuine surprise. At one point, he was the weak link in the Wyatt Family. He was not going to be pushed nearly as hard as Luke Harper or Bray Wyatt. However, when Rowan called Rene “pretty”, fans were genuinely interested in seeing where this one was going. The WWE credits his success to the current “genius” story line. But they have got it wrong. It is the simple, child-like innocence of this monster that has won fans over. And that sheep mask, of course.

3. Damien Mizdow – The plan was NEVER for Mizdow to go over. His alliance with the Miz was supposed to elevate the Miz. Fans never understood why such an entertaining and talented technician like Sandow was in Miz’s shadow. But like he had down for several months, Mizdow took a bad gimmick and made it work. During one of the Miz’ matches against Sheamus, Mizdow punched a prone Sheamus. The sudden fan pop genuinely startled Mizdow. The WWE has realised that the only way that Miz will get over is with Mizdow’s popularity. Also, the fact that Sandow was once a major heel waiting to breakthrough doesn’t hurt.

2. Nikki Bella – The word “surprise” does not work here at all. The WWE has been pushing Nikki Bella for over a year and a half. You didn’t notice it because it was taking her so long to make any real connection with fans. You cannot say that Nikki was a “surprise breakout” star because her push was intentional. The WWE were determined to make a star out of John Cena’s girlfriend this year. Yes, she has improved greatly and she has put on some great matches (all involving A.J. Lee or Natalya). But honestly, if she lost the Divas title tonight and disappeared from television for 2 months, would you notice she was gone? This is not entirely her fault. Most Divas matches are shorter than the pre-match entrances. It is difficult to build an entire division on so little time.

1. Dolph Ziggler – The most insulting listing because Ziggler was already over. The only reason why he is not a main-eventer is because management keep preventing it. Ziggler has been one of the hottest WWE stars for at least 2 years now. Even legends and veterans are exasperated by how poorly the WWE uses him. It is only now that the WWE are doing something worthwhile with him.


Nov 23, 2013
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I really need to catch that podcast. Seems like it fouled everything up


Main Eventer
May 29, 2011
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Anyone can direct me to the match where Mizdow got that huge pop? Will be interesting to watch.

Deleted User

Crowd Member
Any match he's been in the last two months will do.

The NekoMancer

Jun 17, 2011
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Everything Sandow does gets huge pops. The guy's awesome. Cody Rhodes, Ziggler and Sandow should have been main eventing MONTHS ago!


Staff member
Feb 25, 2013
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<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>Hairy Old Man From The Hill</dt><dd>Dec 30 2014, 10:19:36 PM</dd></dl><div>Everything Sandow does gets huge pops. The guy's awesome. Cody Rhodes, Ziggler and Sandow should have been main eventing MONTHS ago![/quote]cant agree more with this statement.........

it will be interesting to see if any wrestlers heed Vince's advice, and steps up and takes a more hands on approach to there characters and even story lines and promos god knows there are a lot of talented people on the roster