wwf no mercy removed


Staff member
Feb 25, 2013
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and here it is in back and white it was Nintendo

"Removed Due to Copyrights

This page has been removed due to a request from Nintendo of America Inc.

We are very grateful to have served the emulation community for so many years and to have CoolROM still exist today. From the very beginning, our goal was to allow users to re-live classic moments from video games that they have lost and cannot purchase anymore. We feel we have reached this goal and helped cure more cases of nostalgia than we could have ever imagined.

Thank you for all of your support throughout the years - CoolROM will continue strong. We still have titles for 23 systems and this will not change in the foreseeable future!

Read more at http://coolrom.com/removed.php#33YxPbqFLkDg2bzP.99"

i may sound like a dick for my comments, but unfortunately i'll speak my mind and sound like a unintelligent wanker in the process

so a lot of this stuff is no longer being made, and has been left to gather dust, so why should people not be able to experience these games in all there glory, the systems are no longer produced, company's are no longer earning money from these games so whats the problem ? i always try to buy games legally, i use gog.com but unfortunately it is for pc games and alas it does not have every game know to man on it, for instance i was looking for outlaws the other day to buy on Gog and they didn't have it, luckily i was just being lazy and didn't want to go looking through my large pile of games, so i can still play it but, as you can see if i didn't have this game where could i buy it, the answerer is nowhere......... so in my heart of hearts i find this to be a prick move by Nintendo, and you know what if Nintendo offered up better prices (7.50 for mario golf :0 ) on there extremely limited virtual store then i could possibly understand however they don't and i cant see it happening in the near future, i don't know why i've done this big rant, i think it's got something to do with, the destruction of the videogame industry, it's become a self serving business that is full of hypocrisy and greed, every games got to have paid for dlc, micro-transactions, a high fucking asking price for something that will take me 2 and a half days to finish, bugs, bugs and more bugs, and just a general lack of respect for the consumer, us gamers got the industry where it is, because it was always looked down upon we the consumers made it possible for these extremely talented devs to make these games, we the gamers made the industry a multi million dollar industry it is today, and for what to get shitted upon by the powers that be


Dec 11, 2013
Reaction score
Eh most games these days take what anywhere from 4-24 hours non stop?

Films last generally 2 hours, and they cost...I will do it in pounds because I'm not sure about about other currencies, sorry about that..

Generally it's 10 pounds for a brand new film...so 5 pounds an hour.
Generally it's 40 quid for a brand new game...
...so anywhere from 10 pound an hour for a 4 hour game...
...to 1.6 pound an a hour for a 24 hour game.

Four hour games are stupidly expensive new.
But anything that lasts longer then 8 hours with re-playability is worth it in the long run.

Buy games when they're are cheap and/or pre-owned.

I don't think we're being ripped off for the product we buy...anymore then other industries anyway.

Except first day DLC...fuck those guys.


Jan 11, 2015
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I still remember in WWE2k15 that if you paid $100 for their Hulk Hogan Edition you will get a piece of the mat that Hulk Hogan walked on

That's like receiving the toilet paper Micheal Jackson wiped his ass with

Not worth the $100 Fucking Dollars