Xbox One Games At E3 Were Running On Windows 7 PCs


Main Eventer
Apr 23, 2013
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Back when DLC didn't exist,man those were the days.

Heck my first ever console was the PS1 and i always remember waking up at like 8 or 9 in the morning and hook up Tekken 3 and play for the whole fucking day lol.

To be honest,Not just consoles but games today are not that enjoyable like they were before,WWE is a very clear example if you know what i mean.



Nov 10, 2011
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Swifty said:
Back when DLC didn't exist,man those were the days.

Heck my first ever console was the PS1 and i always remember waking up at like 8 or 9 in the morning and hook up Tekken 3 and play for the whole fucking day lol.

To be honest,Not just consoles but games today are not that enjoyable like they were before,WWE is a very clear example if you know what i mean.
Since you mention WWE, I have another example: SVR 2005 (SmackDown! vs. Raw) VS WWE'12 & WWE'13. I can bet 2 billion dollar that SVR 2005 is 365% more better than WWE'12 & WWE'13.

Man, If I have DeLorean, I want to travel back to 1998 or 2002 or maybe 2005. Those were the good ol' days of gaming.


Jan 1, 2011
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nadimmania said:
Today, DLC is a common way to get the consumer to spend their money on a thing that already exist in the game. God, I hate DLC.
You do realize, not all DLC is on the game right? For instance I have almost 9 gigs of DLC I bought for Sleeping Dogs , that among other things added 4 completely new stories to the game and made my enjoyment of the game last that much longer. So not all DLC is bad, simple solution is don't want it? You hate it so much? Don't buy it.


Main Eventer
May 29, 2011
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DLC that are not on the disc is worth it because well, its not on the disc. Also, the reason why games are shitter nowadays because with very very very nice graphics, developers believe they do not need to work on the story as much due to the lousy graphics in the past.


Jan 1, 2011
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stylesismilo said:
DLC that are not on the disc is worth it because well, its not on the disc. Also, the reason why games are shitter nowadays because with very very very nice graphics, developers believe they do not need to work on the story as much due to the lousy graphics in the past.
I'll give you that one, it's damn nice to find a game like Sleeping Dogs that has drawn me into the story like it has.

A couple of others that have done the same to me lately are Remember Me, The Last Of Us & Tomb Raider.....


Main Eventer
May 29, 2011
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Bioshock Infinite is pretty good too, currently playing it now. It can be frustrating at times though.

But yeah, look at Final Fantasy series, with better graphics, the shittier the stories are. FF12 had so much promise....


Nov 10, 2011
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<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>Connor MacLeod</dt><dd>Jun 16 2013, 09:36:10 AM</dd></dl><div>
nadimmania said:
Today, DLC is a common way to get the consumer to spend their money on a thing that already exist in the game. God, I hate DLC.
You do realize, not all DLC is on the game right? For instance I have almost 9 gigs of DLC I bought for Sleeping Dogs , that among other things added 4 completely new stories to the game and made my enjoyment of the game last that much longer. So not all DLC is bad, simple solution is don't want it? You hate it so much? Don't buy it.[/quote]I don't hate DLC at all, I just hate the DLC "That has already in the game" (Not the DLC "who wasn't already in the game").

<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>Quote:</dt><dd> </dd></dl><div>A couple of others that have done the same to me lately are Remember Me, The Last Of Us & Tomb Raider.....[/quote]For me, The Last Of Us is one of the greatest PlayStation 3 game ever (#2 PlayStation 3 Greatest Game, To be exact). The chemistry of Joel and Ellie, The story of the game, The emotion, The soundtrack....... It was F'N Perfect, A Masterpiece of gaming.

Deleted User

Crowd Member
You are acting like gaming today is much shittier than is was back in the late 90's, early 2000's. Keep in mind, the ratio of shitty games compared to the good ones are still pretty much the same as they were back then, we just tend to forget things we didn't like.

Actually, fuck you guys. Games were a LOT shittier back in my day. Ever played Rambo on NES? That was the first game I ever rented when i was a kid. It was all I had that weekend, the only other game we had was the Mario Bros./Duck Hunt cart.

I spent all weekend playing that fucking game. I'll still play that fucking game when I want to get pissed.

You guys get a game with good graphics, functional 3d cameras, and get pissed when the story isn't up to Hollywood standards or the gameplay isn't "innovative" enough.

You really don't have much to complain about, guys. Go play Rambo on NES for a weekend.


Nov 10, 2011
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CBV said:
I spent all weekend playing that fucking game. I'll still play that fucking game when I want to get pissed.
CBV, I'm not joking (This is serious), And since I was not joking, I must say this to you: <big>This is your best quote ever!</big>


Main Eventer
May 29, 2011
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CBV said:
You are acting like gaming today is much shittier than is was back in the late 90's, early 2000's. Keep in mind, the ratio of shitty games compared to the good ones are still pretty much the same as they were back then, we just tend to forget things we didn't like.

Actually, fuck you guys. Games were a LOT shittier back in my day. Ever played Rambo on NES? That was the first game I ever rented when i was a kid. It was all I had that weekend, the only other game we had was the Mario Bros./Duck Hunt cart.

I spent all weekend playing that fucking game. I'll still play that fucking game when I want to get pissed.

You guys get a game with good graphics, functional 3d cameras, and get pissed when the story isn't up to Hollywood standards or the gameplay isn't "innovative" enough.
Actually to be honest, while the ratio is the same, the amount of titles are actually lesser, no? At least I remember reading it somewhere.... think it was EGM

Actually, the only complain I have is that with better graphics, everything is realism this, realism that. I want to play games so I can escape reality. Annnnnnd that's when the story suffers. Lack of imagination. And also that's why I mark out with games like Bioshock Infinite.

And wait, wasn't it the snes/genesis that had Rambo? That game annoyed the hell out of me too.


Jan 1, 2011
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stylesismilo said:
CBV said:
You are acting like gaming today is much shittier than is was back in the late 90's, early 2000's. Keep in mind, the ratio of shitty games compared to the good ones are still pretty much the same as they were back then, we just tend to forget things we didn't like.

Actually, fuck you guys. Games were a LOT shittier back in my day. Ever played Rambo on NES? That was the first game I ever rented when i was a kid. It was all I had that weekend, the only other game we had was the Mario Bros./Duck Hunt cart.

I spent all weekend playing that fucking game. I'll still play that fucking game when I want to get pissed.

You guys get a game with good graphics, functional 3d cameras, and get pissed when the story isn't up to Hollywood standards or the gameplay isn't "innovative" enough.
Actually to be honest, while the ratio is the same, the amount of titles are actually lesser, no? At least I remember reading it somewhere.... think it was EGM

Actually, the only complain I have is that with better graphics, everything is realism this, realism that. I want to play games so I can escape reality. Annnnnnd that's when the story suffers. Lack of imagination. And also that's why I mark out with games like Bioshock Infinite.

And wait, wasn't it the snes/genesis that had Rambo? That game annoyed the hell out of me too.
There were 2 Rambo games & for what's it's worth the Genesis version was bteer. but that's not saying much.

One of my best memories of NES gaming was Dragon Warrior still in my opinion one of the greatest RPGs of all time no matter what system you play on.

Deleted User

Crowd Member
I know Sega Master System has a "Rambo III" game, but the one I am refering to is the NES cart, this shitty NES cart:



Jan 1, 2011
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CBV said:
I know Sega Master System has a "Rambo III" game, but the one I am refering to is the NES cart, this shitty NES cart:


Whatcha gonna do when Rambo runs wild on you?!!?!?

(I forgot about the master system had a version too, Here is video of the Genesis one.)
<iframe type='text/html' width='250' height='250' src='
' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen=''></iframe>


Main Eventer
May 29, 2011
Reaction score
Well crap. That Rambo 3 irritated the hell out of me. And CBV is that you in real life?