Search results

  1. luchamucha

    People still like caws?

    Great I will be waiting for your caws. Ideally I would like to make a gigantic roster so all members of OSR are invited to join in on this
  2. luchamucha

    Thoughts on my new Bracelet

    <blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>The Lord Of Dorkness</dt><dd>Jun 14 2013, 07:55:51 PM</dd></dl><div> you! shudup, i'll crush you! Fuk u dork.
  3. luchamucha

    Hogan Comments On Possible Ring Return

    Hulk hogan is obviously going to be the saviour of TNA. I expect him to face bully ray at BFF and beat him
  4. luchamucha

    Thoughts on my new Bracelet

    <blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>The Lord Of Dorkness</dt><dd>Jun 14 2013, 07:48:07 PM</dd></dl><div>Really Gay (not homosexual... gay) that you're talking about a bracelet. GUUURL Last time I saw this was the general discussion section. So with that said he can discuss about...
  5. luchamucha

    People still like caws?

    Well if u can do your own move sets and send me your mpk's I will add them .
  6. luchamucha

    People still like caws?

    Well I use to make simple attire hacks at HH and HC and unhacked caws. I noticed tnafan nod govos are the main caws guys here and are really talented. My question is would any of u guys be down for doing a community save ? Even a unhacked legends save. We could take one legend each and make a...
  7. luchamucha

    Thoughts on my new Bracelet

    I kinda feel like a jerk now. I honestly just prefer being honest and not a kiss ass. That's how I role. As long as you like it is all that matters
  8. luchamucha

    Thoughts on my new Bracelet

    Listen, sorry if I seem harsh. My intentions are not to offend but being honest. I won't approve of something just to make you happy.
  9. luchamucha

    Virtual Pro Wrestling

    Jazz man, you have serious potential to be among the greats of no mercy hacking. Stubbs, Cmx would be proud. Shame the no mercy community has declined so fast, as if this was like 3 or 4 years ago people would be marking out more than they are now. Incredible.
  10. luchamucha

    Thoughts on my new Bracelet

    Just stating the obvious dude. It's fucking shit and looks like something a 10 year old punk rocker would wear
  11. luchamucha

    Thoughts on my new Bracelet

    Looks fucking shit dude. Looks like $1 and not $11
  12. luchamucha

    Yup sup

    I fucking just want to fucking say that I fucking love being fucking registered to fucking OSR. Fuck yeah. Well I am a fucking fan of fucking no mercy and fucking vpw2. I fucking enjoy playing fucking soccer and fucking baseball. I hope to have a fucking good time hear. Fucking thanks for...