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  1. JulianBITW

    WCW Mayhem - SLX's Content contributions topic

    @Jordyad He misread it and thought it said 2018, yea that was his fault but banning someone for bumping and old thread is a stupid reason. @KWG "Wasn't his first time" - It was his only post on the entire forum. "You keep coming back" - Yea mate 2 posts = I keep coming back. He showed me what...
  2. JulianBITW

    WCW Mayhem - SLX's Content contributions topic

    If you really think that Hova would steal anything you either are just ignorant fucks who believe anything they hear or you are too fucking stupid to do your research correctly. I've known him for years now and I know that he would never steal anything. He makes it all from scratch himself...
  3. JulianBITW

    Bromazepan's mods (Jeff Hardy released)

    We aren't on any list lol, we are modding 2k18 not no mercy
  4. JulianBITW

    Bromazepan's mods (Jeff Hardy released)

    He pretty much took stuff from the mods we make for WWE 2K18, the gargano attire is mine. The green paint and the black/white paint on jeff is from Alclegacy. (I asked him and he was sure those were his, he was also credited so that kinda confirms it lol) *EDIT* The armbands that are on the...
  5. JulianBITW

    Bromazepan's mods (Jeff Hardy released)

    I don't remember you asking me or Alclegacy if you can use anything, yes you gave us credit but we never gave you permission in the first place. Can you please take the mods down that us our stuff?.
  6. JulianBITW

    Showdown 64

    Just had a 5 Star match between Omega and Zayn, I love you. xD
  7. JulianBITW

    Showdown 64

    I used Orson's Allignment tool now, I hope it doesn't look too bad. xD
  8. JulianBITW

    Showdown 64

    Thanks, I'll fix the Trunks later. I also updated Rollins.(the body already was in seth's folder) The SR Logo looks like shit tho, I couldn't get it to look good.
  9. JulianBITW

    Showdown 64

    I really love everything about this Mod it even made me Mod the game myself. (Nothing special I just tried to Update the Jericho in the Game) Is there any way that I can contribute to the Mod?[/SPOILER]
  10. JulianBITW

    Global Wars

    All the stuff here looks absolutely Awesome, I would help somehow but I'm a total Noob with NM Modding. You probably get this question alot and It's probably annoying as fuck but do you have plans on when you're going to Release your Mod?