Ban Announcements

The NekoMancer

Jun 17, 2011
Reaction score
I know, but people need to fucking stop blaming me for what happened when I had no part on it.

As a matter of fact I was all for keeping the section.

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<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>A.M Reigns</dt><dd>Nov 6 2015, 10:08:39 PM</dd></dl><div>
Keson said:
Now they're crying that their section was deleted, even though that's what they were planning on doing in the first place.

Sorry we beat you morons to the punch. Good riddance.

Stay mad. ;)
Oh, a quick note to the LOM guys: I WANT YOU TO SEE THIS, MORONS.

Shut the fuck up! our LOM is far better than your crappy forum
this forum used to be the best forum,until you and Nekomancer came and fucked up everything,i know you'll ban me for what i just said,guesss what? do it,i dont give a f***,
go on,use the BAN HAMMER!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO![/quote]If you don't care, you shouldn't have to tell people you don't care.

You're warnings were already at 75% due to your shit posting.

People like you are the reason OSR has a bad rep. Without morons like you coming here with your broken English and inane posts, we just might raise the collective I.Q. of the board.

If you didn't care, you wouldn't have even taken the time to write this dumbass, broken English post.

Stay mad, I'll continue to squeel with glee each time I get rid of another retard. ;)

Another one down. :) Your anger is sweet candy to me.


Feb 7, 2011
Reaction score
<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>The NekoMancer</dt><dd>Nov 6 2015, 10:57:17 PM</dd></dl><div>I know, but people need to fucking stop blaming me for what happened when I had no part on it.

As a matter of fact I was all for keeping the section.[/quote]The NekoMancer and I don't always get along. But I have to be fair, what he said IS true.

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<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>The Reverend</dt><dd>Nov 6 2015, 11:21:25 PM</dd></dl><div><blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>The NekoMancer</dt><dd>Nov 6 2015, 10:57:17 PM</dd></dl><div>I know, but people need to fucking stop blaming me for what happened when I had no part on it.

As a matter of fact I was all for keeping the section.[/quote]The NekoMancer and I don't always get along. But I have to be fair, what he said IS true.[/quote]This.

Hey, MORONS: If you're too stupid to realize this has been all me, then you are completely validating my actions.

Or, y'know, keep acting like your parents were related. Keep proving me right when I say you guys are too stupid to be allowed at this forum myself and AKIMAN created.

I was here before any of you idiots. I grew tired of your shit posts. Giving warnings did nothing, restructuring the rules did nothing.

You all decided to act like you were better than the rules the CREATORS of this board had set.

As one of the very few OSR Original Members still left, I'm getting rid of you cancerous fucks before you turn this place into complete shit.

This was MY home before it was yours. I allowed you idiots to come here, and all I asked was that you follow the rules.

You don't want to hold up your end of the agreement, then neither will I.

Get off my lawn, you stupid kids. This is MY home. You were GUESTS.

I no longer desire your company, and I have every right to do this.

5 years of ignoring the rules is more than enough time. You earned this exile. You did this to yourselves


Nov 11, 2013
Reaction score
i am an svr guy too but i agree with keson on a point hat all these spamming in shoutbox,shit posts,asking for passwords everywhere were all done by svr noobs.password protecting made it worse.
and in hctp 2k15 it was my mistake to make it password protected.and i didnt post proper tutorial on the topic how to install it.

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The password crap was the worst.

It made the staff, not the modders who use passwords, have to do more work and regulating.

When I told the community THREE YEARS AGO that it is adding to our workload as staff, no one cared.

Well, if you guys don't care, then I don't care, either.

See what happens when I treat the community the way it's treated me? :)


Feb 7, 2011
Reaction score
bangbros said:
No Mercy rules. SvR sucks!

This guy is banned until his species develop functioning brains and opposable thumbs.

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Ever since we got rid of the SvR modders.... this thread has slowed to a crawl.

Love it. :)

Sandeep has been banned for using the shoutbox as a search box. I decided to skip the part where we correct him and just get rid of the cancer.

PSPortman has been banned along with PSPRKO, both for instigating a fight with staff.

PSPortman has been banned from here numerous times already, this should be no surprise, as his warnings were already at 75%. PSPRKO is a dumbass, and at OSR,we have a standard, now..

Once again, the bans come from the SvR section........ big surprise.

Have fun where ever you go, just not here. ;)

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kribav2 said:
Keson can i ask you ?????
where are the svr 11 section

Banned for derailing this thread.

And for being a SvR Ar-Tard.

Boy, I sure miss this high quality traffic....

The NekoMancer

Jun 17, 2011
Reaction score
All we will lose is shit posters like you who can't improve their english even after years of pretending to type it.

SvR modders are more than welcome, only if they can behave. It proved to be too hard for you, guys.


Lower Midcard
Jun 26, 2014
Reaction score
and why are you talking like this?! Did i said anything wrong?! i should improve my english and you should improve your a$$ face. Evryone hate you, you think you're superior, but your are not, only think you have that we don't is the ADMIN CP. without it you're nothing.

You can ban me, i have nothing to lose. For sure in Click Here, THE BEST FORUM EVER, they're nice, always trying to help you, and they try to correct you. Here? no, you insult us, ban us for no reason. I've nothing more to say

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Cool! Then goodbye, shit-poster!

Old Age Gamer has been banned because he requested it. In terrible English.


Oct 30, 2010
Reaction score
OldAgeGamer said:
and why are you talking like this?! Did i said anything wrong?! i should improve my english and you should improve your a$$ face. Evryone hate you, you think you're superior, but your are not, only think you have that we don't is the ADMIN CP. without it you're nothing.

You can ban me, i have nothing to lose. For sure in Click Here, THE BEST FORUM EVER, they're nice, always trying to help you, and they try to correct you. Here? no, you insult us, ban us for no reason. I've nothing more to say
Your say your a old age gamer, but are probably only 10 and just got out of dippers. Congrats on your wonderful short stay here. :topicbump:


Nov 11, 2013
Reaction score
there is no point in restoring svr section now these arguments and fights just wont stop it will keep coming.
completely remove svr section and keep this site for old school gaming as the title says.then there wont be any shit posts and banning arguments.


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Fuck you, we'll do what we want, shit-poster.

Banned, along with his buddy Hasa, since both their warnings are already due to shitty posts. Two more morons gone.

I loooove taking out the trash.

1 for All

Main Eventer
Aug 29, 2014
Reaction score
That's our content. The svr section does it belong to OSR anymore. Its our content as I said. If if we want it removed, we can do it ourselves too. But still being innocent enough we asked you to do.

Romance you retard.

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:withflair: Watch us give a fuck.

I don't have to do shit, and something like that isn't worth my time, since I do this for free, mouth-breather.

My time, unlike yours, is valuable. I'm not deleting shit, feel free to do it yourselves. However, the section will remain. Nothing "belongs" to you, idiot. It's the internet.

We just want the little kids such as yourself gone. Your terrible posts and childish attitudes brought down our reputation, and anytime we would get a respectable member, your shit posts drove them away.

No more. You fuckers are too stupid to read our board rules, let alone follow them. Your contributions to the discussion sections are ALWAYS cringe-worthy, and I have taken it upon myself to rid OSR of the cancer that is members like you.

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