es el momento para un cambio.


Oct 30, 2010
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Kamelinvarvas on minun vihollinen, koska haluan roikkuu minun veli on taas imevät joitakin mehukkaita varvas. Yo Yo!


Main Eventer
Mar 26, 2011
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<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>Darth AKI</dt><dd>Nov 22 2012, 06:25:53 PM</dd></dl><div>Kamelinvarvas on minun vihollinen, koska haluan roikkuu minun veli on taas imevät joitakin mehukkaita varvas. Yo Yo![/quote]Tr:
Cameltoe is my enemy, because I want to be hanging on to my brother while sucking some juicy toe. Yo Yo


Feb 7, 2011
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Guys, intolerance won't be accepted here in ANY language.

The American Males have learned that jealousy know no language barriers.


Feb 7, 2011
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As stated so many times, OSR is an English only site.

And besides, I am pretty solid in Polish!



Main Eventer
Mar 26, 2011
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RagNaRoc said:
As stated so many times, OSR is an English only site.

And besides, I am pretty solid in Polish!
Come On, this is just for fun, we don't hate anyone or any language we're only joking!


Feb 7, 2011
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I understand that. But some of the non-English comments (not just in this thread) were pushing the line a little bit. I was just reminding you all to be careful.


Staff member
Jun 18, 2011
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<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>KG 24</dt><dd>Nov 22 2012, 05:42:25 PM</dd></dl><div>Yea because having jobbers in light green is SO terrorizing... plus my pee gets people more scared. You guys think you can just MAKE a group and get to the top? Please, you rookies need to be put in your place.

Além disso, ninguém pode falar em "latin". Olhe para mim, estou falando português agora! Estou caras tão especiais![/quote]"Estou caras tão especiais!" doesn't exist,it's like: "I'm guys much special!" lol

KG 24

Main Eventer
Jun 18, 2011
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KillerGV1 said:
<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>KG 24</dt><dd>Nov 22 2012, 05:42:25 PM</dd></dl><div>Yea because having jobbers in light green is SO terrorizing... plus my pee gets people more scared. You guys think you can just MAKE a group and get to the top? Please, you rookies need to be put in your place.

Além disso, ninguém pode falar em "latin". Olhe para mim, estou falando português agora! Estou caras tão especiais!
"Estou caras tão especiais!" doesn't exist,it's like: "I'm guys much special!" lol[/quote]Whatevs. It's still not a "talent" to speak another language online. Google translate makes that possible, but you guys are wailing around in another language like it's special.

Maybe if an ending sentence, signature, or something was in another language, that might be better.

The NekoMancer

Jun 17, 2011
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Uh, man, we are mostly speaking our native languages... English is my second language. Also, don't take this that serious, it's just a fucking joke


Feb 7, 2011
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And anyway, the lWo shall never run loco. Not as long as the American Males are patrolling OSR!


Main Eventer
Mar 26, 2011
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<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>Victor The Spodermin</dt><dd>Nov 22 2012, 10:03:23 PM</dd></dl><div>Uh, man, we are mostly speaking our native languages... English is my second language. Also, don't take this that serious, it's just a fucking joke[/quote]What Victor said is so true
Now you might be asking (If you actually know!)
If Im Moroccan & and my native language is Arabic why Am I doing this ?
Well, technically I am An Arabic, but only because I was born in an Arabic Country , I mean... I don't even look like one (Dark Brown soft hair, White skin..)
Looks isn't enough ?
Ok, I was Born in Tetouan (a formely Spanish colonised city along some other cities)
Present day effects: Perfect Spanish speakers and the whole habitans use A lot of Spanish words (Including me and my Entire family in our Daily life!
In addition, my father told me that Our Ancestors are Spanish

most Moroccans are of a Berber origin and that Arabs who invaded North Africa and Spain in the 7th century did not substantially contribute to the gene pool. The Moorish refugees from Spain settled in the coast-towns. According to a 2000 article in European Journal of Human Genetics, Moroccans from North-Western Africa were genetically closer to Iberians than to West Africans and Middle Easterners
& just for the record Tetouan is one the "coast-towns"

That why I am A Latino!


Feb 7, 2011
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<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>El Marrueco</dt><dd>Nov 22 2012, 10:52:47 PM</dd></dl><div> most Moroccans are of a Berber origin
[/quote]No offense intended, but I thought that said "most Moroccans are of Beiber origin" when I read it the first time!

That's pretty cool.

There are three kinds of Irish person. I am technically Ulster-Scots, the race of Scottish settlers which moved over to the north part of Ireland, which is now Northern Ireland. If you follow my family tree, you will find that I have several lineages merged into Ulster-Scot. The others married into Ulster Scots and denounced their previous heritages, which is why it is the dominant one. But in reality, I am actually more Irish Traveler. And that is a complicated tale...

I can speak little bits of Spanish and Gaelic (native Irish). Even though all road signs in Ireland are printed in two languages, the Gaelic language is almost gone. And Spanish was taught in school. And I have picked up a lot of Polish through time I have spent out in Poland. I do not know why, but Polish has come more naturally to me than any other language I have ever attempted. I was progressing well with it before I ever went there.


Main Eventer
Mar 26, 2011
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RagNaRoc said:
<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>El Marrueco</dt><dd>Nov 22 2012, 10:52:47 PM</dd></dl><div> most Moroccans are of a Berber origin
No offense intended, but I thought that said "most Moroccans are of Beiber origin" when I read it the first time!

That's pretty cool.

There are three kinds of Irish person. I am technically Ulster-Scots, the race of Scottish settlers which moved over to the north part of Ireland, which is now Northern Ireland. If you follow my family tree, you will find that I have several lineages merged into Ulster-Scot. The others married into Ulster Scots and denounced their previous heritages, which is why it is the dominant one. But in reality, I am actually more Irish Traveler. And that is a complicated tale...

I can speak little bits of Spanish and Gaelic (native Irish). Even though all road signs in Ireland are printed in two languages, the Gaelic language is almost gone. And Spanish was taught in school. And I have picked up a lot of Polish through time I have spent out in Poland. I do not know why, but Polish has come more naturally to me than any other language I have ever attempted. I was progressing well with it before I ever went there.[/quote]Im definitly not a Berber, I can't Speak Berber !
No one of my big family does
We Use Arabic & Spanish in Daily life
French & English in work & School, Tv...
I forgot to mention that I have spanish Family members, Our National Tv Channels air Arabic, French, Berber & Spanish news programs
Tetouan is in the Extreme north of Morocco

In Addition I learned French when I was 6 years old
Making me A Latino!

About what you said
That' actually and wierd at the same time!

The NekoMancer

Jun 17, 2011
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There were lots of different races here in Chile, but they all were murdered until they disappeared because of the Spanish colonization. The remaining one that stands the most is the Mapuche race, but no one of my heritage is actually fully chilean. My ancestors were german and spanish, lol.

The spanish colonization is mostly due to the "discovery" of a fuck-tard who thought this continent was India. He never knew where the fuck he was. The guy who actually discovered this, as a new place was Americo Vespucio, from which this whole big continent's name was taken.

I've seen argues about what america really is. "Americans" say it's their country... But hell no! It's not, America is a whole fucking continent, they are just "The united states of America". Our continent is divided in three parts. North America, the uber-developed one, South-America, the one in ways to development and Central-America, Sadly, the economically poorest.

Chile is well known for its good relationship with the USA, and The UK. They say we are one of the safest countries in the world. Also, we are the only country with three different weather variations and the one that is closest to the antarctic pole.


Main Eventer
Mar 26, 2011
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<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>Victor The Spodermin</dt><dd>Nov 22 2012, 11:39:32 PM</dd></dl><div>There were lots of different races here in Chile, but they all were murdered until they disappeared because of the Spanish colonization. The remaining one that stands the most is the Mapuche race, but no one of my heritage is actually fully chilean. My ancestors were german and spanish, lol.

The spanish colonization is mostly due to the "discovery" of a fuck-tard who thought this continent was India. He never knew where the fuck he was. The guy who actually discovered this, as a new place was Americo Vespucio, from which this whole big continent's name was taken.

I've seen argues about what america really is. "Americans" say it's their country... But hell no! It's not, America is a whole fucking continent, they are just "The united states of America". Our continent is divided in three parts. North America, the uber-developed one, South-America, the one in ways to development and Central-America, Sadly, the economically poorest.

Chile is well known for its good relationship with the USA, and The UK. They say we are one of the safest countries in the world. Also, we are the only country with three different weather variations and the one that is closest to the antarctic pole.[/quote]I just Remembred that I've watched a Chile serial on 2m (Moroccan National Tv Channel)
Its name was Papi Ricky!

By the way by saying I had Spanish Ancestors, I meant Andalus


Upper Midcard
Sep 12, 2011
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<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>Victor The Spodermin</dt><dd>Nov 22 2012, 11:39:32 PM</dd></dl><div>I've seen argues about what america really is. "Americans" say it's their country... But hell no! It's not, America is a whole fucking continent, they are just "The united states of America". Our continent is divided in three parts. North America, the uber-developed one, South-America, the one in ways to development and Central-America, Sadly, the economically poorest.

[/quote]Totally agree with you.

My family comes from Spain and France, but i love México (the people, the art and the amazing culture) and the spanish language, because for me, it's a perfect language; yes, spanish have a ton of rules but that make's it a beatiful language.