Yes, the Rock has some Mic skills. But even these were highly over-rated.
Mic skills are important. But just because he could talk on the microphone, it doesn't mean that he should've been allowed the mic on live broadcasts nearly as often as he had it. Think about it: of all the promos that he has ever cut, how many of them have been truly memorable? Wrestlers claimed that they were heavily edited in the 80s when they were confronted by Hogan. This is even more true for the Rock.
And when he started, he did have a lot of energy. He but an athletic and charismatic twist on many of his moves. But then he started doing the more skilled moves less and less. Eventually, his matches were all about the punches, the stomps and the no-selling before he hit the Rock Bottom and People's elbow. His greatest matches were only with guys who are generally known for having great matches.
And he is given far too much credit for the boom in professional wrestling. Seriously, did the likes of Steve Austin, Triple H, Edge & Christian, Undertaker, and even Mr. McMahon himself really play such a minor role in that?
And worst of all, Rock was only a full-time performer for LESS THAN 5 YEARS. I don't mean that he was only a full-time performer in the WWE, but anywhere. He started working a part-time schedule after only 5 years, and still was pushed as one of the top men in the industry. He disappeared for 6 months and then did WrestleMania. Disappeared for 9 months and did WrestleMania. Then 2 matches in a year. And then random appearances years apart. And he was recently hailed as the saviour of the WWE.