Official WWE Discussion Topic


Jan 1, 2011
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ProWrestling.NET is reporting that WGN Network has confirmed that WWE Superstars has been canceled and will cease broadcasting on April 7th 2011.

No other details are known at this time.


Oct 30, 2010
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WildForce67 said:
ProWrestling.NET is reporting that WGN Network has confirmed that WWE Superstars has been canceled and will cease broadcasting on April 7th 2011.

No other details are known at this time.
Thats bad news for Mid-carders, and am sure some are gonna get there Pink Slips. LOL.


Oct 30, 2010
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As noted earlier here on the website, TMZ got to speak with the former ninth wonder of the world, Joanie "Chyna" Laurer, who had quite a bit to say about Snooki's upcoming match at WrestleMania XXVII. Joanie said, "Snooki is trying to make a joke out of wrestling, and she needs to be taught a lesson."

She even offered Snooki a bit of a handicap, saying that she could take on both Snooki and "The Situation," and went on to say she would "have some fun doing it."

For what it's worth, WWE has absolutely no interest in signing Chyna to a deal.


Oct 30, 2010
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The Gay and Lesbian Anti-Defamation Defense League issued a statement announcing that WWE will be working with GLAAD to create and promote an anti-bullying initiative and also offered GLAAD the opportunity to conduct trainings for their staff of writers and editors. The issue came up after the John Cena used gay remark towards The Rock and The Miz on RAW, something that GLAAD wasn’t glad about. “We reached out to WWE Incorporated, which responded swiftly and positively,” said the statement. “The incidents were particularly troubling because WWE recently began promoting itself as PG-rated entertainment marketed primarily towards adolescent males,” the statement continued. “And there was wrestling superstar John Cena performing what amounted to scripted homophobic bullying of other wrestlers on a nationally broadcast show for kids.” WWE assured GLAAD that such incidents won’t happen again and issued an apology. “WWE takes this issue very seriously, and has already spoken with our talent about these incidents. We are taking steps and working with GLAAD to ensure that our fans know that WWE is against bullying or discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. We strongly value our fans in the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community, and apologize to them for these incidents.”

Absolutly. Im not a homophobic person and am sick of seeing shit like this. Who gives a fuck of what race, sexuality you are? Assholes


Oct 30, 2010
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Credit: TV Week

WWE sent a demand to a website that called them a wrestling company to change their wording. had a headline that ran "'Drew Carey inducted into pro wrestling Hall of Fame." According to the site, they received an email from WWE publicist Kellie Baldyga, ordering them to change the headline because "We are no longer a wrestling company but rather a global entertainment company with a movie studio, international licensing deals, publisher of three magazines, consumer good distributor and more."

The publicist further said "No, we don't do wrestling events. They're entertainments. And we don't call them wrestlers. They're superstars and divas."

TVWeek refused the request and removed the article rather than change the headline.

Yeah pretty much feel the same about the WWE as a company. They are expanding as IMO they need to, to change with the times. Though there films suck!!


Oct 30, 2010
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-- According to sources within WWE, a change is expected to be made to a top tier WrestleMania match over the next few days. Many are speculating that Christian will be added to the World Heavyweight Championship Match between Edge and Alberto Del Rio.

-- As of yesterday, creative plans called for Triple H vs. The Undertaker to conclude WrestleMania, with no career ending stipulations.

Hell YES!!! Christian must be added to the World Title match!!! What a huge boost that would give him.


Oct 30, 2010
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The latest issue of WWE Magazine features an interview with Edge and the "Rated-R Superstar" is asked why anyone should care that he's held the World Championship ten times (now eleven).

"I never expected to be able to say that I'm a 10-time World Champion. I was hoping to one day say I was a one-time World Champion," he replied. "Growing up, that number was impossible to reach. It was a different time, place and climate then. Things have changed. It's harder to recreate yourself and stay relevant. I guess I've changed enough to stay relevant, which is one of the hardest things to do. For me, anything past one title is pretty much gravy on top of mashed potatoes."

He also explains why he has yet to join Twitter.

"I will never be on Twitter," he said. "Here's my thing: I really don't want people to know what I'm doing. I'm off the grid by choice. It doesn't mean I have anything against anybody. If I'm out and I see you, let's have a conversation. Cool. But I'm not going to tell you where I am. I'm not the most technological guy in the world, nor will I ever be. I will be in the mountains growing a massive beard at some point and hiking with my dogs and thinking about climbing Mount Everest. This is all ties back into my attack on the Raw GM's computer. There was real frustration there. I'm not a computer guy. I can appreciate what computers do, but all I need is e-mail."

Finally, Edge discusses how he remains inventive after several years inside the squared circle.

He says, "One of the most difficult elements is figuring out how to do new things within our parameters. How can I stop Kane in a Last Man Standing Match? How can I defeat three other guys in a TLC bout? How can I win a match when my signature move has been "outlawed"? Those are problems that I really enjoy solving. I love creative solutions, and I don't like to take the easiest path."

Honest interview. I cants believe he is a 10-time World champion!! I know he said he wants to call it a day in a few years time. I think his performances in the past 1-2 years has not been as good as previous. There is always acting for him.


Oct 30, 2010
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Event: WWE Monday Night RAW
Airdate: Monday, March 21st, 2011 (USA Network)
Location: The CONSOL Energy Center in Pittsburgh, PA

WWE RAW Opener:

Tonight’s WWE RAW opens up with Justin Roberts introducing the voice of the WWE, Jim Ross. The music hits but instead out comes Michael Cole dressed as JR with a pillow under his shirt. Cole is wearing the black cowboy hat and carrying a bottle of BBQ sauce. His ankle is also taped up. Cole is mocking Ross as Josh Matthews and Jerry Lawler are on commentary.

Cole walks over and taunts Lawler, giving him the BBQ sauce. Lawler gets up and security hurries Cole into his cube at ringside. Cole taunts Lawler some more and welcomes us to RAW as the crowd chants “Jerry.”

- Triple H’s music hits and out he comes to the ring to a big pop. He enters the ring and looks up at the WrestleMania sign. He talks about 20 years in the business and wonders if this is the last time he will work in this building. Triple H says in two weeks it will be the defining moment of he and Undertaker’s careers. Triple H talks about Taker’s Streak and says it’s bigger than any championship or any he’s had combined. Triple H says ending it will be a career defining moment. Triple H invites Taker to RAW next week.

Triple H wants to look Taker in the eye and tell him that he will lose at WrestleMania 27. Triple H says he will end the streak. He says if he can’t do it, he will die trying. Triple H says at WrestleMania, Taker will rest in peace. His music hits and out comes Ted DiBiase to interrupt.

Ted says last year he was one of the best up and coming stars but this year he’s just an afterthought. Ted says he’s making his own opportunity now. He asks what will happen if he takes out Triple H live on RAW. He says the people will have no choice but to take notice. Ted enters the ring but Triple H rushes him. Triple H beats Ted around ringside. Ted fights back and they go at it. Triple H slams Ted into the steel steps and throws him hard into the other set. He continues tp toss Ted around ringside. Triple H grabs a steel chair and whacks Ted in the back with it. Ted gets hit a few more times with the chair while he’s down on the ground. Triple H takes apart the RAW announcer’s table now and puts Ted through it with a Pedigree. His music hits again and he points to the WrestleMania sign.

- Matthews hypes John Cena’s response to The Miz. He says Cena will be live via satellite from his home. Cole says The Miz will have a segment tonight where he re-writes “Miz-story.” We go to commercial.

Sheamus vs. Evan Bourne

Back from the break and our new WWE United States Champion Sheamus is in the ring waiting. Out next comes his opponent Evan Bourne. The bell rings and they lock up. Sheamus knocks Bourne down first and goes to work. Sheamus with a big clothesline and knee drops to the face.

Sheamus with a series of forearm shots to Bourne’s chest. Sheamus throws Bourne into the corner but Bourne comes back with a spin kick. Bourne goes up top for the Air Bourne but Sheamus moves. He comes back with the Brogue Kick for the pin and the win.

Winner: Sheamus

After the match, Sheamus declares himself the new champion and out comes Daniel Bryan. Bryan wants his rematch at WrestleMania. Sheamus tosses the United States Title in Bryan’s face and hits him with a Brogue Kick. Sheamus leaves Bryan laying in the ring as we get ready for commercial.


Back from the break and we see Randy Orton exiting his tour bus out back. Scott Stanford stops Orton and asks Orton what’s it like traveling on the bus. Orton says it offers him privacy and a home away from home. Orton talks about how he watched the new Nexus being formed on the bus and talks about he’s taken them all out with punt kicks. He says if CM Punk thinks he is sick and twisted, he has no idea what sick and twisted is. Orton walks off.

Maryse vs. Eve Torres

We go to the ring and Maryse is in the ring. Out comes her opponent, the WWE Divas Champion Eve Torres.

The bell rings and Maryse taunts Eve and then poses on the ropes. They talk some trash and Maryse goes for a slap but gets slapped by Eve. Maryse rushes Eve and takes her down, slamming her face into the mat. Maryse throws Eve into the corner and slaps her, then slams her head into the turnbuckle. Maryse uses the ropes now. She charges but Eve moves. Michael Cole interrupts things over the mic again. Eve and Maryse go at it. Eve misses a moonsault and Maryse takes control. Eve counters with a neckbreaker for the pin and the win.

Winner: Eve Torres

After the match, Cole says thank goodness the Divas match is over and we can get down to business. Eve goes to his cube and starts yelling at him. Cole stands on his table but gets slapped by Eve. Cole orders security to take her away. Cole puts one leg over his cube and asks Eve if she wants some of him.

- Matthews promotes the re-writing “Miz-story” segment with The Miz tonight as we go to commercial.

Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater vs. Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov

Back from commercial and The Corre is in the ring – Wade Barrett, Ezekiel Jackson and the WWE Tag Team Champions Heath Slater & Justin Gabriel. We see replays from SmackDown of The Corre beating down Big Show and Kane. Out next come their opponents Vladimir Kozlov and Santino Marella with Tamina.

Santino and Gabriel start the match off. Santino takes Gabriel down first and calls for the Cobra but Slater provides the assist. Slater is tagged in and goes to work on Santino. Santino fights out and goes to tag but Slater stops him. Santino kicks him off and tags in Kozlov. Kozlov fights Slater off and goes to work. Barrett gets on the apron and distracts Kozlov, allowing Slater to attack from behind and take him down. Gabriel comes in and goes up top to hit the 450 on Kozlov for the win.

Winners: Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel

After the match, The Corre enters the ring and beats Santino and Kozlov down. Big Show and Kane’s music hit and here they come. Show and Kane come in and clean house. They double chokeslam Ezekiel Jackson as Santino and Kozlov look on from the corner. Kane makes the ring posts explode as Show’s music hits and they shake hands with Santino and Kozlov.

- We see John Cena via satellite being prepared for his interview. We go to commercial.

Via Satellite:

Back from commercial and we get a video package from last week’s RAW where Brodus Clay, Alberto Del Rio and The Miz attacked John Cena. We go to John Cena live via satellite from home. Matthews asks him about The Rock being live on RAW next week. Cena says he will be face to face with The Rock and if they do have a problem, it gets settled next week. Lawler asks him if all The Rock stuff has his mind off The Miz and WrestleMania. Cena says yes and that’s why Miz has done what he has for the past four weeks. Cena says him sitting at home right now is proof. He says it’s also proof why The Miz deserves to be WWE Champion.

Cena says he will be watching from home tonight and hopes The Miz truly re-writes history because at WrestleMania, he plans on making history.

- Cole takes the mic and says while Cena is on satellite, he is here live and in person tonight. Cole tells Lawler that he has another world exclusive, something Lawler is not going to want to miss and it’s up next. We go back to commercial.

In the Arena:

Back from commercial and Michael Cole is jogging around the ring with Jack Swagger. Swagger goes to the announcer’s table and stares Jerry Lawler down. Cole introduces Swagger and says he will be the man that trains him to beat Lawler at WrestleMania. Cole talks about bringing Brian Christopher back to RAW last week and shows us clips from the father and son meeting last week.

Cole rubs it in to Lawler. Cole says Christopher sent him a gift and it’s the Lawler family photo album. Cole shows us a photo of Lawler’s late father. Cole mocks Lawler’s dad. We see another photo of Lawler with his dad and brother. Cole is saying how Lawler’s dad must have thought bad about him. Another photo is shown. Cole says he went to Memphis this past week and talked to some old friends. He learned that Lawler and his dad are both gutless cowards and big bullies. Cole says he is going to put Lawler in his place at WrestleMania. Swagger is still staring Lawler down at the announcer’s table. Cole says Lawler, his mother, his father and his son all have one thing in common – their family is nothing but a bunch of losers, Cole says.

Lawler slams the headset down and goes for the ring. Swagger decks him with a right hand. Lawler fights back and slams Swagger into the table. Lawler chases Cole at ringside but gets clotheslined by Swagger. Cole runs and shuts himself in his cube. Swagger rubs Lawler’s face into Cole’s cube as Cole talks trash about Lawler and his family. Swagger applies the ankle lock on Lawler as Cole cheers him on. Cole comes out of his cube and puts the ankle lock on Lawler while Swagger has a knee in the back of his head. Swagger raises Cole’s hand as the crowd tells them they suck. Swagger’s music hits and they leave Lawler laying at ringside.

- We get hype for Randy Orton vs. Rey Mysterio as we go back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we get a video package showing all the media coverage for Snooki’s WWE appearance. They plug the Jersey Shore finale on MTV this week.

Dolph Ziggler vs. John Morrison

We go to the ring and out comes Dolph Ziggler with Vickie Guerrero, Layla and Michelle McCool. John Morrison is out next and he’s accompanied by Trish Stratus. The bell rings and Ziggler takes control early. Morrison comes back and rams Ziggler into the corner. More back and forth action. Ziggler with a clothesline and a 2 count. Ziggler with an elbow drop and another 2 count. Ziggler applies a headlock as Trish cheers Morrison on from ringside.

Morrison ducks a clothesline and dropkicks Ziggler. Morrison sends Ziggler to the floor where his Divas check on him. Morrison charges but McCool gets on the apron and stops him. Trish runs over and takes out LayCool. She stands beside Morrison in the ring when the e-mail alert goes off and Michael Cole has an announcement from the RAW GM. He changes it to a mixed tag match.

John Morrison and Trish Stratus vs. Layla, Michelle McCool, Vickie Guerrero and Dolph Ziggler

As soon as the match is made official Trish reaches through the ropes and grabs Vickie by her hair. Vickie’s team pulls her away as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Morrison is going at it with Ziggler. Morrison fights out of a hold and kicks Ziggler in the head. Morrison misses a running knee to the head. Ziggler tags in Layla which forces Morrison to tag in Trish. Trish comes in and hits forearms on Layla. Trish kicks Layla down in the corner but runs into a big boot. Trish with the big move out of the corner. More back and forth until McCool hits Trish from behind and gets tagged in. McCool works Trish over and gets a 2 count.

McCool goes to work on Trish’s knee. Layla is eventually tagged back in. Layla dominates Trish, slamming her on her head and face. Vickie is tagged in. She goes to leg drop Trish but lands on her rear. Morrison comes in which brings in Ziggler. Morrison unloads and hits a big springboard kick on Ziggler. Layla runs over and slams Trish off the apron which distracts Morrison. Morrison misses Starship Pain and Ziggler hits the Zig Zag. Ziggler tags in Vickie, allowing her to get the pin for their team.

Winners: Dolph Ziggler, Vickie Guerrero, Layla and Michelle McCool

- We get more hype for The Miz tonight as Team Vickie celebrates in the ring. Back to commercial.

- Back from commercial and we get another promo video for Sin Cara.

- Matthews leads us to a Triple H vs. Undertaker hype video with comments from John Cena, Big Show, Arn Anderson, Randy Orton, Ricky Steamboat, Jerry Lawler, John Morrison, Jim Ross, Steve Austin, Booker T, Harley Race, Chris Jericho, Dusty Rhodes and Shawn Michaels.

Randy Orton vs. Rey Mysterio

We go to the ring and out comes Randy Orton for tonight’s WrestleMania Rewind match. We see clips of Orton taking out Nexus over the past few weeks. We go to commercial as Orton is making his entrance.

Back from the break and out comes Rey Mysterio. The bell rings and Orton locks up with Mysterio but Rey goes behind his back. They break and Rey kicks Orton. Orton throws him to the corner but Rey boots Orton in the head. More kicks from Rey. Rey dropkicks Orton’s knee out. Rey goes for a roundhouse but Orton ducks it and drops Rey with a forearm. Orton slides Rey across the ring and under the bottom rope to the floor. Orton comes out after him and brings it back in the ring. 2 count for Orton.

Orton with a knee drop on Rey and another 2 count. Orton with a headlock now. Rey fights out of it but Orton whips him into the corner. Orton takes Rey up top but Rey fights him off. Rey with a seated senton on Orton. Rey runs the ropes and Orton catches him in a scoop slam. Orton goes for the second-rope DDT but Rey counters and goes for 619. Orton catches his legs and finally hits the second-rope DDT. Orton drops to the mat but CM Punk appears on the big screen.

Punk is ouitside by Orton’s tour bus. He says he can’t wait to meet Orton’s wife. Orton runs out of the ring and we see him running backstage. Orton arrives outside and is attacked by Punk from behind. Punk takes out his knee. Orton’s wife opens the bus door and screams for help. Punk tells her to shut up and she goes back inside. Punk tells Orton he shouldn’t have punted the Nexus members. Punk says Orton won’t be punting anyone at WrestleMania and kicks him again. Punk blows the actress pretending to be Orton’s wife a kiss and walks off. She goes to him and calls for help as we go to another commercial.

In the Arena:

Back from the break and Alex Riley is in the ring with a podium covered up. Riley says he has been re-hired as the Vice President of Corporate Communications and is back on RAW. Riley introduces the WWE Champion and out comes The Miz, without his WWE Title belt. Miz says people have been blessed with the honor of watching him.

Miz talks about impersonating The Rock last week and puts himself over everyone else. He says he is the greatest WWE Champion in history. Miz says he has become bigger than the WWE Universe and everyone in it. Miz turns the W logo upside down on the microphone to make an M, that stands for Miz he says. Miz pulls the cover off the podium after the lights go out and we get a spotlight. The WWE Title spinner belt is in a glass case with the W turned upside down. The lights come back on and Riley puts the belt around Miz’s waist. Miz says the WWE Title will look like this from now on and not spin like a toy. Miz says he doesn’t plan on being a multi-time champion because he never plans on losing the title, because he’s The Miz and he’s awesome.

John Cena appears on the big screen and mocks Miz for his new title belt. Cena says Miz should never make him angry. Cena tells them he has targeted the wrong man. WWE crew members begin to take Cena’s room apart and we see that he’s not at home, he’s backstage. Cena says he is broadcasting from home because WWE has been his home for the past 9 years. Cena says he’s coming to take out the trash and heads for the ring as Riley and Miz get ready to fight.

Cena comes out and rushes the ring. He starts brawling with Riley and Miz. They eventually beat him down. Cena comes back but The Miz retreats from the ring. Cena applies the STF on Riley. Miz comes back down the ramp half-way and stares down with Cena. Cena gets Riley again and applies the STF. Another staredown between Cena and The Miz. Cena applies the STF one more time. Referees run down and try to pull him off Riley but they can’t break the hold. Cena finally breaks it and poses for the fans as RAW goes off the air.



Oct 30, 2010
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-- On his Twitter page @RealKevinNash today, Nash commented on the 10 year anniversary of WCW being bought out by the then-WWF.

He said: "I feel I helped make it the number one promotion jn (sic) the world.AOL stock crashing during the dot com crash was the bullet to it's heart"

It's worth nothing that AOL went into their merger with Time Warner on a good deal (which is how they were able to buy out a company bigger than they were), and the stock actually went up after their merger with that company. At that time , AOL only wanted divisions that were assets, and WCW was losing money constantly due to poor creative decisions and large contracts so they were sold before the merger went down.



Oct 30, 2010
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Partial Source: Pwinsider

The website for the YES Network has an article covering the ten names that aren't inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame that should be. You can check that out at

Sin Cara will be working Monday's RAW tapings, but it will likely be a dark match.

Sin Cara vs. CM Punk is scheduled for the May tour of Mexico.

Some talents are not happy about Sin Cara being brought up to the main roster right away. More on that shortly.


Oct 30, 2010
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The Rock recently spoke about his WWE return, here is what he had to say….

Why Did He Return?: "This opportunity came along and it felt right and I felt we could do something that's never been done. They've never had a host at Wrestlemania. And as a performer, the adrenaline rush and excitement to host 75-80,000 people, in the Georgia Dome? S—! There's nothing like it."

On The Night He Returned: "When my music hit, going out…. It was f—ing incredible. That night was the greatest Raw moment I've ever experienced. And that's saying a lot. I've had the privilege of working with a lot of icons in the WWE. The goosebumps never left my body during that monologue."

What Is His Role With WWE, Post WM?: "It's all up in the air. It depends on what makes sense to the audience. You always think audience first. Much like this return to wrestling, I'm always looking forward to do big and better. [Laughs]...After Wrestlemania, you'll see what I'm talking about… Coming back into the business, I wanted to partner up with [WWE chairman and CEO] Vince [McMahon] and create something special that's never been done that's big on a global scale. And hosting Wrestlemania answered that. In addition to that, it's not only hosting. It's evolved into me whopping somebody's ass. I'm looking to do something big and special with Vince after Wrestlemania."



Oct 30, 2010
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Dan Gelston of The Associated Press has an article up hyping WrestleMania 27 and discussing The Rock's WWE return and a possible match. Here are some highlights…

John Cena on The Rock being back: "I can't tell you how much it plugs our product back in. It's like getting hooked up to defibrillators. It's the one little jump-start we needed.

John Cena on a match with The Rock: "I have been willing to do anything for that match. I will do anything for that match. If I have to talk more trash about The Rock, I’m your guy."

John Cena on WrestleMania 27: “WWE will always be the greatest show you’ll ever see.”

The Rock on a possible match: "I've never said never. I'm open to it. For years when I was asked that, I kept my emotions very close to my sleeve. I would say, 'No, I don't see myself wrestling a match,' because I didn't want to leave that open too much. I wanted to make sure I was concentrating solely on my goals in acting. It’s ‘The People’s Era’ that’s getting ready to happen. It’s just beginning.”


Oct 30, 2010
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Source: The Pro Wrestling Torch

Rumors recently surfaced online indicating that Rey Mysterio asked World Wrestling Entertainment officials to release him from his contract following WrestleMania XXVII. Mysterio, however, shot down the rumors on his Twitter account, saying he did not ask to be released and that he will be around for a while. According to a source, Mysterio did in fact have a 'blow-up' with WWE management back in February.

Former WCW star Konnan, a longtime friend of Mysterio, told a source that the assumption that the SmackDown! star is bothered by the recent signing of Mexican sensation Sin Cara is way off. He said Mysterio isn't the type to be jealous. Rather, he welcomes new talent as potential rivals or teammates.

It would appear that Mysterio and Sin Cara will be kept on opposite WWE brands for the time being as the newcomer is slated to initially work RAW live events. As noted earlier here on the website, he made his first appearance inside a WWE ring at last night's RAW house show in Assembly Hall in Champaign, Illinois, defeating WWE Superstars fixture Primo.

Meanwhile, Alberto Del Rio was asked to comment on WWE signing Sin Cara during an interview published earlier this week on While the article says he is "pleased" to hear WWE sign a fellow countryman, he doesn't acknowledge Sin Cara in particular. He instead says that he's happy WWE is using a number of Latino wrestlers, before turning the subject back to himself.

"I'm just happy this company uses so many Latino talent," Del Rio said. "There is so much talent out there, from Puerto Rico to Mexico, just to name a few. I hope it continues like that. Because of that, I am here and getting all these opportunities.”

According to another backstage source, the claim of Del Rio being "pleased" about Sin Cara joining WWE is contrary to a behind the scenes story they've heard. We'll have more on that shortly.


Oct 30, 2010
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Could this mean The Miz retains at WM27 and possibly The Rock screws Cena costing him the title and a match between Cena & Rock? I F'N hope so. This = MONEY/PPV Buys!!!!! :"":


Oct 30, 2010
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--, which was revamped today, has switched the main event listing for WrestleMania XXVII from Triple H vs. The Undertaker to WWE Champion The Miz vs. John Cena as we noted earlier. They have gone back and forth on this numerous times already and that is expected to continue throughout the week as everyone states their case.

Makes perfect sense IMO. The WWE & World Title matches should go last on a card regardless of who is wrestling. :chr:


Oct 30, 2010
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Source: The Pro Wrestling Torch

Many within World Wrestling Entertainment feel that Michael Cole's ego has gotten out of control in recent months. There have been reports of "The Voice of WWE" having tremendous heat amongst the locker room. In light of Cole's Twitter miscue over the weekend, one company source gave his opinion on how the lead WWE announcer conducts himself behind the scenes.

"Is Cole getting a big head? HELL YES," the source exclaimed. "Ever since he was reading the GM e-mails he started begging to become GM and walks around like his shit doesn't stink. He has an opinion on everything."

The source also indicated that Cole berates creative writers who hand him scripts, as he feels he can say whatever he wants on television. Many feel Cole's on-screen persona has gone to his head as how he portrays himself on television reflects his behavior behind the scenes.

The source indicated that incidents such as his flagrant remark on Twitter would be cause for termination if Vince McMahon was looking for an excuse to release a talent. However, the organization has too much invested in the Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole program to abandon it.

LMAO Micheal Cole. What a asshole.


Oct 30, 2010
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Partial Source: Pwinsider

-- The Rock posted the following on Twitter, regarding John Cena laying him out on Raw last night…"John Cena - God himself can't save you from the ass kicking I will give you this Sunday at WrestleMania."



Oct 30, 2010
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Oct 30, 2010
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Bret Hart posted a long WrestleMania 27 blog on his official website, Here is the blog:

WrestleMania 27, especially because it's in Atlanta, a city that had a truly rich pro wrestling history going back decades until Eric Bischoff killed it deader than dead with WCW in 2000. I worked Atlanta back in 1981 when it was Georgia Championship Wrestling and it's terrific that WWE is inducting the greatest monster heel the wrestling business ever knew. Abdullah the Butcher terrorized the Stampede territory when I was a kid. From there he hit Japan like Godzilla, drawing tons of money and tons of fans. He is the King of Heels, if you ask me. I won't be at Wrestlemania this year but just knowing legends like Harley Race will be at Axxess makes me want to book my flight.

As for the actual line-up, it's been a slow build for much of the card, but for the past few weeks the promos and backstage situations seemed to be rather plain and flat, totally predictable. The Undertaker and Triple H segment with Shawn Michaels played out exactly like I expected, the usual smoke blowing up the rectum stuff, more grunts and then a staring contest, thank God Shawn was there just to add something, anything to it. I suppose there isn't much else these two legends can do as far as buildup goes but it came across to me as having little imagination, the match itself should be one of the better match ups because Taker brings it all the way for Wrestlemania and Triple H can turn it up when he wants to. Triple H has had some hard fought battles over the years, but I don't know if he's ever had his chance to literally blow them away at Wrestlemania but this might be his best chance. Taker, in my opinion, is truly one of the all-time best and time and time again, he has delivered the best match on the show so I expect a good solid match, old school but intense. It could steal the show.

I think that Edge and Alberto Del Rio should be a great showdown. These two can dance and Del Rio has been getting more annoying every week. Edge is one of those solid workers that can and will deliver when the time comes, and nobody should underestimate the skill of Alberto. Having grown up in the business, he has waited his entire lifetime for this exact moment. He's just starting to hit his stride now. They'll be no stopping him soon enough.

Cody Rhodes against Rey Mysterio should also be a classic simply because this is a clash of the greatest Mexican wrestler that ever lived squaring off with Cody Rhodes, who is one of the very best American style wrestlers in the business. Son of a legendary father, he has all the tools. If you don't believe me take a look at Cody's punches and kicks, spot on, enough I bet to make some of the bigger stars in the company cringe when they watch their stuff back on TV.

I expect that Randy Orton will give a great fight at Mania against CM Punk. This is one that, again, seemed to build up pretty much like I expected; same promo and psychology I envisioned before they even came out on RAW last night. These two are some of my favorites and they're at the very top of their game. I don't like to criticize either one of them, but I do wish there was more possibility for the unexpected. The angles are becoming harder and harder to differentiate from what they were doing a few months ago. With the storylines, I know it's a difficult job to be original in a business where everything has been done, but with two pros like these two, you'd think their buildup could've been slightly more unpredictable and actually think up something fitting as far as drama and intrigue. So I guess what I'm saying is the talent is there, I'm curious to see where it all ends up at Mania.

I know I've raved about certain guys, but the match I'd tell any young aspiring wrestler to concentrate on and study over and over will be the Sheamus versus Daniel Bryan. I was impressed by Daniel back in ROH but he's absolutely brilliant since his WWE arrival. He reminds me of my brother Owen at times, but he is everything that is good and true about pro wrestling. He makes me rise up to my feet in my living room every time I watch him. He is the best in the world right now as far as workrate goes. As for Sheamus, he has only gotten better and better. His moves are rock solid and his timing is perfect. The timing for a guy his size to jump up and kick his opponent in the face as he jumps off the top rope is sublime and these two will steal the show if they let 'em.

As for the Miz versus Cena match, again I thought for sure that The Rock would end up as part of it all along, but maybe not. If not, then I feel very disappointed. Rock brings so much. He looks great and he stoked a fire in me with his blazing promos. if anything, this storyline seems empty without him, which is a shame because Miz and Cena deserve better. This one seems to be all about Rock versus Cena. I thought some of the writing these past weeks came seriously close to killing the goose laying the golden eggs in WWE. I think with the main event, as a fan, I'd like to see them get to the damn point and focus on that, rather than dressing something up to look like a something else. Oh, and by the way the point is the actual wrestling.

I've never underestimated my onetime nemesis Jerry 'The KIng' Lawler. People can say what they want but Jerry is an old pro. I have no doubts he'll deliver a entertaining match and having Stone Cold there adds a lot as well. As for Michael Cole, he might be the most hated heel in wrestling right now and it will be worth the price of the PPV to see Lawler kick Cole's butt from one end of the ring to the other. No doubt Andy Kaufman will be watching from above. This one will deliver the smiles needed to complete a first rate Wrestlemania. I expect an excellent show, but I'm putting

I agree with Bret on the involvement of Rock between the Miz vs Cena match! It would have been epic to see The Rock in a triple threat match! PPV buys would be good, Merchandise sales, the whole feeling of something special. I can understand if that did happen, it would take away from the miz and cena as this is there feud and there moment, but I have seen too many shitty Cena moments I would rather forget TBH. I hope Miz retains and we get a Rock vs Cena match! :cat