Official WWE Discussion Topic


Dec 7, 2010
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Chris Jericho posted on twitter:
FYI- I am pulling out of DWTS due to complications w my sinuses. BUT I will be heading to Atlanta for Mania for a return match vs Funaki!


Oct 30, 2010
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Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson says he's "very open" to wrestling again after returning to World Wrestling Entertainment last month.

The host of WrestleMania XXVII appeared on Piers Morgan Tonight tonight on CNN. Piers Morgan asked Johnson whether he plans on wrestling again.

"I'm open to it," Johnson said.

Morgan asked, "You are?"

"Very open to it. Sure. I've always been open to it," Johnson replied.

"When I left wrestling seven years ago, at that time, two things happened. I accomplished everything I wanted to accomplish in wrestling and I also wanted to become a good actor. In order to do that, I felt, I needed to concentrate solely and commit myself to acting."

We reported last weekend that both WWE and The Rock are very happy with the current Cena-Miz-Rock storyline. The Rock originally agreed to host WrestleMania 27 back in January but he's so genuinely happy about being back that he's said to be more than willing to get back in the ring for a few more matches. WWE is being very secretive about any plans for more matches. Most people within WWE expect The Rock to wrestle both John Cena and The Miz at some point. He's also expected to stick around on a part-time basis following WrestleMania 27.

OH HELL YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! Rocky! Rocky! Rocky!. Damn, it will be so good to see him back in the ring again. Hopefully whipping Cena's ass. :cat



Oct 30, 2010
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The Atlanta Journal-Constitution lists the following as the match order for WrestleMania XXVII on Sunday:

* United States Champion Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan

* Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole with special referee "Stone Cold" Steve Austin

* Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes

* Big Show, Kane, Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov vs. Ezekiel Jackson, Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel and Wade Barrett

* John Morrison, Trish Stratus and Snooki vs. Dolph Ziggler and Lay-Cool

* Randy Orton vs. CM Punk

* World Heavyweight Champion Edge vs. Alberto Del Rio

* The Undertaker vs. Triple H (No Holds Barred Match)

* WWE Champion The Miz vs. John Cena



Oct 30, 2010
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At this morning's WrestleMania Axxess Q&A session, Shawn Michaels teased involving himself in The Undertaker vs. Triple H match at WrestleMania XXVII tomorrow.

When asked about Triple H ending "The Streak," Michaels said, "I'm not sure I can let him do what I couldn't."

He then commented on whether he plans to interfere in the match, saying, "I'll do everything I can not to stick my nose in. Maybe."

He added, "Do you ever find that you're meanest to the people you love the most? If I ruined his chances of ending The Streak, I'm sure he'd beat the tar out of me at that moment, but I'm sure he'd forgive me eventually."

Michaels' role in the match has not been announced by WWE.

It be good to see HBK regardless. I doubt we will see Undertaker loose his streak. Just so damn predictable.


Oct 30, 2010
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Former WWE Women's Champion Trish Stratus is on a promotional tour this weekend promoting the much anticipated release of Ball Enforcers. She appeared on the Busted Open satellite show this morning and notably confirmed reports that John Morrison gave her the cold shoulder during their post-match celebration at WrestleMania XXVII. She also confirmed reports that he passed over suggestions she had for working together.

Highlights are as follows:

Trish Stratus on John Morrison snubbing her at Wrestlemania: "I got a bit of cold shoulder action, correct. John Morrison himself is amazing. He’s a great athlete. I was really looking forward to working with him. I thought it would be cool if we could do some stuff together. He didn't think it would be that cool. It happens.

"Hey whatever. It happens. You know he's into his thing and just didn’t think that I should part of his thing I guess, but I still admire him as an athlete, as a performer. I think he does a great job out there. Cold shoulder? Yeah I felt it. I was shunned. Some people are not smart maybe? You know they wrestle well, but maybe they’re not smart. I don’t know.”

On John Cena’s persona, and could she teach him how to wrestle?: "Yeah because he has no idea right? I mean if he could only learn how to wrestle he’d really learn how to come along in this business. So you would like to have his character developed further. You would like to get to know him a little bit more? Maybe that’s all he’s got. What can I say?"

On working with Snooki: "The first move she ever did when she was on Raw that one time was a ‘crotch drop,’ and then she did the ‘butt bump’ (at Wrestlemania). It works. It’s kind of cool because this is what I do as a tough enough trainer. I had to access these kids. Right? So I had to say what is your athletic background? If you’re an athlete? Boom. You’re already in. That’s the first thing I look for. Forget the charisma because I’ll see if that’s there, but initially I need to know in order to do what we need to do in this business you need to be an athlete.

"Number one she told me she came from a cheerleading background as well as being a gymnast. A partier does not qualify. Well you know we went to New Jersey her and I. Yeah so I saw the New Jersey side of things. Pretty interesting. She had some moves. The ‘bitch slap.’ I don’t know if that’s really a move, but that works, but that’s what I had to do. I had to access what she can do. Basically we play up her strengths. We play up what she can do.

"She did this crazy triple Lindy back flip thing. That worked awesome. I think she surprised everyone. I tell you the coolest thing that Snooki went out there and the fans did not like her. She’s on the good guys’ side and they booed the heck out of her. She just took it in though. The minute she did those flips the crowd was like 'that’s cool.' Okay, we’re down with that. So she swerved 70,000 fans in an instant, which is pretty awesome."

Ummm Trish, I love ya!! I think Morrison is a talented wrestler but he is arrogant as fuck.


Jan 1, 2011
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Goldust, who is currently nursing a shoulder injury, stated today on his Twitter account that he may retire soon.

He wrote, "Guys i think im gonna retire pretty soon."

He added, "Listen i love all of our roster....they work their #!@%*#es off and they r getting faster and stronger and better each day...very proud of all of em."




Oct 31, 2010
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Opening video was recapping Edge leaving.

No opening pyro or Smackdown video.

Alberto Del Rio comes down to the ring in a car. Alberto talks about how Edge is hurt and has to drop the title. Alberto says that makes him the new champion. Alberto calls out Edge and tells him to come down and hand him his title. Theodore Long came down to the ring instead. Long told Alberto that he would not be handed the title tonight, Long messed up his sentence.(at least he did not say “Hi Albany, Georgia like he did last time here). Long said Alberto is the number one contender and gets his title match at the PPV. Long said Alberto will face whoever wins a 20 man battle royal tonight. Long leaves and Alberto says he is glad it was him who injured Edge. Long music is still playing and the cameraman is talking to Alberto. Long makes his way back down to the ring and says the one sentence he messed up saying it again and leaves.

Ezekiel Jackson with The Corre vs. Kofi Kingston. Referee is Scott Armstrong. I went to the bathroom and came back and The Corre’s music was playing.

Cody Rhodes came down to the ring.

Backstage: Laycool in their Therapy session. They bicker and McCool says Layla only copies what she does. McCool says Layla is wearing her shoes. McCool wonders when Layla will grow 3 more feet and dye her hair blonde. McCool leaves. Layla yells something about her shoes and tells the doctor same time next week.

Cody talked for a few and the crowd was not into it. Cody said he would disfigure Rey as much as he disfigured him. Cody keeps talking and Rey Mysterio’s music plays and he comes down to the ring. Cody met him as he tried to get in the ring. They fight and Rey goes for the 619 but Cody escapes.

Video: Awesome King Vignette (same as Raw).

Rey Mysterio vs. Drew McIntyre. Referee is John Cone. Drew used a lot of sleeper moves. Some near falls and a lot of reversals. Drew went running after Rey and fell into the 619 to give Rey the win.

Backstage: Edge walking and hugging people.

Edge comes down to the ring. Crowd is alive and standing on their feet chanting “Edge”. Edge says he will never get old of that. Edge talks about Raw last night. Edge says he was In some of the crazy moments ever in WWE. From TLC to Chamber to Spears through mid air, tables on fire, cell matches, everything. The long travel days. Edge says his theme is the coolest in WWE and thanks Alter Bridge. He loves the feeling he gets from the fans.

Edge says he has goose bumps from coming down to the ring. Edge wants to feel the goose bumps one more time and says he wants to do his entrance for a final time. Edge chants again as he runs up the ramp. Edge does his entrance running around on stage And with pyro, sliding into the ring. Edge laughs that he is already out of shape.

Edge says everyone has been talking to him. Edge says he is happy WWE and the doctors caught this before he could never get up again after his Ladder Match at next PPV. Edge wants to go to the mountains and surfing in South America. Edge said he dressed up nice for tonight for $400 for his suit at JCPennys.

Edge is happy to be here in Albany, and its no lie, as it’s a special place in his heart. Edge talks about cashing in Money in the Bank to win his first ever WWE Title back here. He says he was sitting in a rental car here in Albany when he created his name “Edge”. Edge talks about his Mom being here tonight and talks about how great she is. Fans chant “Thanks Edge’s mom.” Edge tells the fans to call their Mom when they get home tonight. Edge says the fans mean everything to him. He says his World title is not his, nor anyone in the locker room, nor the WWE’s. He says the World title has always belonged to the fans and that in the title is a little bit of every fan. Edge thanks the fans and sets down the World title in the middle of the ring as the fans cheer. Edge hugs his mom and walks up the ramp, poses and leaves.

Chimel reminds everyone the night is not over and our main event is the battle royal. Ref Justin King picks the World title up and takes it away.

Graphic showing who’s in the battle royal tonight.

Backstage: Rosa is talking to Edge in Spanish. Edge says he did not understand a single thing she said. Rose gets emotional and thanks Edge for everything he has done (in English). Edge walks up to Kane and they smile and shake hands.

Kelly Kelly vs. Layla with Michelle McCool. Ref Justin King. McCool goes to commentary. About 5 minute match. They fight outside the ring and Kelly almost throws Layla into McCool but Layla hits the Cole Mine. Layla and McCool stare at each other. Kelly wins with a rollup. Kelly & Ref King leave. McCool gets in the ring. McCool walks around Layla and then shoves her down and leaves.

Video Recap of Lawler/JR/Cole/Swagger from Raw.

Cole is talking to the camera from inside the Cole mine.

Chimel announces the main event is next.

20 Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal match, where the winner faces Alberto for the World Title at the next PPV. Refs are Chad Patton and Scott Armstrong.

Everyone came out with their own music. Big Show and Kane both got pyro for their entrances and Alberto’s entrance was very long. Alberto sits ringside. First one out is Baretta followed by JTG. Big Show is third out followed by Ezekiel 4th. Slater is thrown out 5th. Rey and Cody fight on the top rope and Cody is eliminated 6th. Hawkins goes to eliminate Rey but Rey reverses and eliminates Hawkins 7th (big cheer from crowd). Rey goes and sits outside the ring. Brodus throws Chavo off his back to eliminate him 8th. Mcintyre is eliminated 9th. Kane & Brodus go face to face and crowd erupts. Kane goes for a chokeslam but Brodus gets out and clotheslines Kane down. Brodus picks Kane up on his shoulder and carries him towards the ropes but Kane gets free and throws Brodus out 10th.

The Final 10 are: Masters, Yoshi, Wade, Gabriel, Reks, Kingston, Christian, Swagger, Rey, & Kane. Kingston and Reks are both hanging over the top rope and Kingston gets Reks out 11th but Wade knocks Kingston out 12th. Rey gets back in ring. Yoshi is kicking Christian and Christian grabs him and throws Yoshi out 13th. Kane saves Rey from Wade. Kane goes to double chokeslam Wade & Gabriel but they overpower him and double clothesline him out of the ring 14th.

Wade and Masters fight by the ropes and Wade kicks Masters out 15th, Justin runs over and pushes Wade out 16th. Wade tries to get back in the ring after Gabriel but Refs hold him back. The final four are: Christian, Rey, Gabriel, and Swagger. Gabriel & Rey fight on one side of the ring as Swagger & Christian on the other. Rey goes for the 619 on Gabriel but he catches him and goes to powerbomb him out of the ring but Rey reverses and eliminates Gabriel 17th. Rey & Christian fight.

Swagger thinks he threw Rey over the top rope but Rey hangs on. Rey sets up Swagger for the 619 but Michael Cole runs out of his Cole mine and covers Swagger and takes the 619 from Rey, Cole falls to the ground. Swagger goes after Rey but Rey jumps on Swagger and tries to throw him out but Swagger holds on as Rey falls out 18th.

The final two are Swagger and Christian. They fought for about 3 more minutes with some near eliminations a few times. Swagger goes for the ankle lock with Christian half over but he gets back in and out of it. Swagger throws Christian over the top rope but he holds on and Swagger thinks he won. Cole gets up and is holding onto Christian trying to pull him out of the ring. Christian kicks Cole down and Swagger runs towards Christian but he lowers the top rope and Swagger flies out of the ring, giving Christian the win! The crowd goes crazy. Edge comes down to the ring and hugs Christian. Alberto stands on the commentary table and stares at Christian and Edge as Smackdown ends.


I'm glad to see Christian finally in a one on one world title match.


Oct 30, 2010
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Me too bro. If it does not happen now, it never will. Please let Christian win the World Title. Its too early for Del Rio to win IMO.


Nov 11, 2010
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Nov 11, 2010
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This is amazing. Can't stop the broskis

Deleted User

Crowd Member
After RAW.

This is what happens when you let people who can't wrestle in the ring.



Main Eventer
Aug 13, 2011
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Don't know man if just me but in the first picture of Beth Phoenix vs. Alicia, Beth looks a little purple at a side of her right eye

Deleted User

Crowd Member
This was taken after RAW. If you saw her match you would understand.



Oct 30, 2010
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Beth is actually really pretty. Just dumb ass fellow divas don't know how to work.

I know Kelly Kelly is considered more for her looks than wrestler, but when she was on ECW, she was useless. She has improved heaps and bounds and can actually work. Feeling for poor Beth. Once Kharma returns, I think things will get exciting!

WWE really need to ditch all that glamour. TNA does have the glamour, but atleast the females can work a match!



Main Eventer
Dec 12, 2011
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<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>AKI Man</dt><dd>Dec 21 2011, 06:45:58 PM</dd></dl><div>I know Kelly Kelly is considered more for her looks than wrestler, but when she was on ECW, she was useless. She has improved heaps and bounds and can actually work.

[/quote]I agree with your comments concerning Kelly. As stunning as she obviously is, it'd be pretty easy to just sit back and cash in on her looks alone. Much to her credit, she hasn't gone that route. Full marks for working hard and actually trying to improve her in-ring skills. :eek:k