
Main Eventer
Aug 10, 2011
Reaction score
no words..i'm gonna think to leave OSR..the new skin now it's indecent..i think osr was a serious forum..we 're gonna laugh all the web.
when i came here i found a serious place..now it's a circus full of clowns


Main Eventer
Aug 10, 2011
Reaction score
no words..i'm gonna think to leave OSR..the new skin now it's indecent..i think osr was a serious forum..we 're gonna laugh all the web.
when i came here i found a serious place..now it's a circus full of clowns


Main Eventer
Aug 10, 2011
Reaction score
no words..i'm gonna think to leave OSR..the new skin now it's indecent..i think osr was a serious forum..we 're gonna laugh all the web.
when i came here i found a serious place..now it's a circus full of clowns
Mar 10, 2014
Reaction score
Oh c'mon. No need to be serious all the time. It's funny. Our work talk for us. They can see the banner, but if they came here it's because someone has talked about this community. After the banner there are a lot of topics about mod. They show what we can do when we are serious


Main Eventer
Jan 4, 2011
Reaction score
my opinion is that the latest banners look embarrassing :(
i suggest we consider using the old one:



Main Eventer
Nov 2, 2010
Reaction score
Well there ARE a lot of people who technically judge a book by its cover. And there are people who know about OSR.
But its all fun this time with the banner, let there be comedy for a while :)


Deleted User

Crowd Member
My opinion is the community acted shitty for a long time and now there's a banner reflecting their crappy behavior.

However, there's still admins with the ability to create a new theme and banner, but none of them seem to want to do it.

I certainly have zero desire to finish work I started on this new theme because of how crappy the community acted towards me even though they were already informed none of it was permanent.

Don't blame me, blame the shitty members who wouldn't shut up and let me finish what I started, because now I find no incentive to finish it.


The NekoMancer

Jun 17, 2011
Reaction score
You guys suck.


Since this is the attitude you guys are taking, I'll tell you this.

Since the board's theme changed every single one of you could have sent Keson and the rest of the staff a PM or contact them however you wanted and suggested a new banner.

You still can do it now. You can always do it. But instead, you choose to bitch about it.
There's plenty of active members here that have a lot of time and skill to make a new banner and send it to us, so we can decide if we use'em or not.

The theme was changed in the first place because it made a lot of people's browsers lag a lot (Especially Keson's and mine).

So... In the end, you want a high class banner, show a high class attitude and suggest or make one yourself.

Want it to stay a low quality banner, then show a low class attitude and become the new OSR guy. Bitch about it and just sit in there.

Champion Gamer suggested a new Idea (as a joke, of course) and Keson and I liked it. So we pulled it.

You can all do it, go ahead.


Main Eventer
Aug 10, 2011
Reaction score
it's the world gone crazy ...we can mod games but we can't do a serious and good banner..ok, it could be funny..but i think it's not a good presentation for OSR. new comers here can have a no-serious-picture about this forum ..so, if they don't read rules, starts topics about things discussed hundred times ,etc. it's normal..they see a fool banner as this ,what they can think about us? there are a lot of forums about wrestilng ..see their banners, see their looks..OSR seems a child's forum about cartoons...
Mar 10, 2014
Reaction score
If a newcomer come here it's because he has seen our work on SVR games, No Mercy, WWE' series, 2K series. Nobody finds a forum by accident. If he is looking for mods and he finds good mods from here he won't think that this is a forum for children. The banner doesn't make the forum

The NekoMancer

Jun 17, 2011
Reaction score
If you judge a forum by its banner, then you have quite a poor critical way of thinking.
@honkytonkman: If you have a better idea of a banner, please communicate it to us. Don't just complain. Kay? Kay.

Topic closed.

Deleted User

Crowd Member
I'm opening up this topic to retort what eri and honytonkman said:

You guys want this forum to be taken seriously, and yet neither of you give a shit when members don't read rules or disrespect the staff.

Maybe... just maybe..... the staff are sick of the juvenile behavior of the community and decided to have a laugh at it.

It was already said: The banner doesn't make the forum. If that was true this place would have been a graveyard after I made "SLurm" the official theme, remember that? It was nothing but Futurama references and people got MAD when I trashed it.

Long story short: Read our rules and then tell me which one of those rules applies to your complaints. No one is stopping ANY of you guys from making your own forum, but I've noticed as soon as any of you realize how much sheer work it takes to make a decent forum, maintain it and keep it active you all quit and come back to our place.

OSR was originally NOT suppose to host mods, it was about a bunch of friends talking shit and making jokes while talking about the 80's and 90's.

You might not remember that because neither one of you are an OSR Original. You'd do well to remember who IS around here.


Sep 25, 2011
Reaction score
Keson said:
I'm opening up this topic to retort what eri and honytonkman said:

You guys want this forum to be taken seriously, and yet neither of you give a shit when members don't read rules or disrespect the staff.

Maybe... just maybe..... the staff are sick of the juvenile behavior of the community and decided to have a laugh at it.

It was already said: The banner doesn't make the forum. If that was true this place would have been a graveyard after I made "SLurm" the official theme, remember that? It was nothing but Futurama references and people got MAD when I trashed it.

Long story short: Read our rules and then tell me which one of those rules applies to your complaints. No one is stopping ANY of you guys from making your own forum, but I've noticed as soon as any of you realize how much sheer work it takes to make a decent forum, maintain it and keep it active you all quit and come back to our place.

OSR was originally NOT suppose to host mods, it was about a bunch of friends talking shit and making jokes while talking about the 80's and 90's.

You might not remember that because neither one of you are an OSR Original. You'd do well to remember who IS around here.
<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>Quote:</dt><dd> </dd></dl><div>You guys want this forum to be taken seriously, and yet neither of you give a shit when members don't read rules or disrespect the staff.[/quote]

I didn't deserve to hear that.I'm one of the most active members of this forum and one of the big reasons why the SVR section is still active.I've been around here since 2010 when this forum started.I don't even have a proper internet connection but still i recharge my SIM card just to contribute to this forum.The only sites which i open are OSR(Most frequently opened),Facebook and Youtube.And i do give a shit when either members don't read the rules or disrespect a staff member.I'm one of the few people although not part of the staff lead the new members to the following of the forum rules and provide any help they need.I'm one of the very few guys who speak against the idiots who disrespect staff.
You should ask The Reverend or 80las how i go about my business.

Deleted User

Crowd Member
Point taken. That first bit you didn't.

However, you've been a member sine 2011, and no, you don't count as an OSR original.

Not even Rev and Neko count. Out of the original squad to come here are myself, Psychogirl, Armando, and Rain. We had our accounts reserved the day it was made, and with the exception of PG we were all staff then (I hadn't even joined yet, I was on a mountain without internet the first month of OSR), but my account existed from day 1, it was activated as soon as I got home and was told about it from TNAFAN. THAT'S an original, son.

And OSR has always been juvenile. It was supposed to not take itself seriously.

The originals from the SvR squad (which happened long after OSR was established)that are still around are 80las, WIldforce, and Hardyx along with one or two, but they are still people that came later because caws.ws wouldn't host mods anymore.

As far as I'm concerned the SvR section has been, and will always be it's own place. You guys even have the power to specifically create your OWN banner AND theme specific for the SVR forum.

You have admins in that section. Talk to them and leave us sleeping giants alone. Armando doesn't give a shit and he's the ONLY person I answer to here.

So get there and google harder. I did.
Mar 10, 2014
Reaction score
Keson said:
OSR was originally NOT suppose to host mods, it was about a bunch of friends talking shit and making jokes while talking about the 80's and 90's.
WOW. Really? That's why its name is "Old Skool Reunion". I've been wondering why that name to a forum which hosts mods (and now I discover it was not supposed to host mods)



Sep 25, 2011
Reaction score
Keson said:
Point taken. That first bit you didn't.

However, you've been a member sine 2011, and no, you don't count as an OSR original.

Not even Rev and Neko count. Out of the original squad to come here are myself, Psychogirl, Armando, and Rain. We had our accounts reserved the day it was made, and with the exception of PG we were all staff then (I hadn't even joined yet, I was on a mountain without internet the first month of OSR), but my account existed from day 1, it was activated as soon as I got home and was told about it from TNAFAN. THAT'S an original, son.

And OSR has always been juvenile. It was supposed to not take itself seriously.

The originals from the SvR squad (which happened long after OSR was established)that are still around are 80las, WIldforce, and Hardyx along with one or two, but they are still people that came later because caws.ws wouldn't host mods anymore.

As far as I'm concerned the SvR section has been, and will always be it's own place. You guys even have the power to specifically create your OWN banner AND theme specific for the SVR forum.

You have admins in that section. Talk to them and leave us sleeping giants alone. Armando doesn't give a shit and he's the ONLY person I answer to here.

So get there and google harder. I did.
i had an account before this one,which lost posting privileges because of false information provided by Aditza(when i was @TWR forums, i was modding WWF RAW and No Mercy then )


Main Eventer
Jul 18, 2011
Reaction score
Ahem, i'm not an OSR original either, never been admin or moderator in any forum because i never wanted to deal with noobies and assholes as i understand the amount of time it might take.
Think whatever you want about my point of view, i've always stayed very neutral on the forum, minding my own business except for some rare occasions but this has to be one of the dumbest arguments that happened here.

On one side, it has been said that this banner wasn't a definitive one but was kept because of childish complaints, keep coplaining about it and nothing will change. Plus we're not a business or shit like that, we're here to share our work and common interests, the look of the place doesn't change it's awesome content.

On the other side, Keson, you shouldn't be so blunt when you answer, even if modding wasn't the point of OSR it is what made it become that big, if it wasn't for the content created here (including yours) there wouldn't be 8000 members here. The "don't like it, then fuck off do your own thing" answer won't help, it reminds me of what NMZ was like.

I'm not trying to tell anyone what to do, if people want to keep complaining, do it, if Keson
wants to keep his answers, fine; i'm just giving my point of view as an "old" forums member some of you have known for years, now i'll go back modding and keep updating my topics when i'll have something new and mind my own business again.


Sep 25, 2011
Reaction score
baal666 said:
Ahem, i'm not an OSR original either, never been admin or moderator in any forum because i never wanted to deal with noobies and assholes as i understand the amount of time it might take.
Think whatever you want about my point of view, i've always stayed very neutral on the forum, minding my own business except for some rare occasions but this has to be one of the dumbest arguments that happened here.

On one side, it has been said that this banner wasn't a definitive one but was kept because of childish complaints, keep coplaining about it and nothing will change. Plus we're not a business or shit like that, we're here to share our work and common interests, the look of the place doesn't change it's awesome content.

On the other side, Keson, you shouldn't be so blunt when you answer, even if modding wasn't the point of OSR it is what made it become that big, if it wasn't for the content created here (including yours) there wouldn't be 8000 members here. The "don't like it, then fuck off do your own thing" answer won't help, it reminds me of what NMZ was like.

I'm not trying to tell anyone what to do, if people want to keep complaining, do it, if Keson
wants to keep his answers, fine; i'm just giving my point of view as an "old" forums member some of you have known for years, now i'll go back modding and keep updating my topics when i'll have something new and mind my own business again.
Exactly! take a bow baal666.We've know each other very well,we used to mod WWF RAW.
I don't give a shit whether i'm an OSR Original or whatever Custom member title there might be,but fact is a fact.I've been here since 2010,long enough to know how things run around here and am an active and a regular contributor of this forum.

No disrespect meant Keson, indecent behavior won't help the cause like baal666 mentioned.Just after i spoke my mind here,i sent you a PM about the banner and you acted and replied in an ignorant manner.
Also here is something general:-
Also some people are getting warned and banned for no reason.If this trend continues we may lose this forum.That's what happened to TWR forums,they were consistently banning good people.That forums admins were such retards.
I'm not going to speak my mind anymore,i'm going to mind my own business posting my work to the community.


Deleted User

Crowd Member
I didn't act or reply in an ignorant manner,I repeated what I said here: Ask the admins that work the SvR section. I'm not doing board maintenance anymore.

@baal666: You're right I'm just kind of a blunt guy, always have been. Not my place to bullshit people. It wasn't "If you don't like it, fuck off", it was "If you don't like it, stop asking me and ask one of the other admins".

I was serious when I said I won't be updating the board anymore. I gave it a clean sweep, the code is updated and runs just fine, there's a whole team of admins here, and it's up to them.

I'm busy giving people ddts. It's much more fun that running OSR. When I'm at OSR, I'm here to see my friends. Not do OSR shit.

So yeah. Also, PSPortman just sent me a pm asking to be an admin. No. Every admin I select is selected because they are better at this than me.

So please, let that settle in: I'm not doing anything board related besides talking to my friends I have here. I still like OSR, I like it a lot more when I'm not expected to run it.