Possible reasons why Kane is back to his mask...

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Main Eventer
Dec 12, 2011
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Phil said:
There are a lot of really good responses here. Wowza.

Concerning the whole "PG sucks!" mind-set, I would ask a question: Why?
Quite right about all the good responses...

As for your question, I would address it this way:

Firstly the whole idea of a PG anything that is primarily based on violence seems a contradiction in terms. A spectacle of two (or more) people attempting to render physical harm to one another (scripted or not) can hardly be classified as good 'family entertainment.'

For the WWE to attempt to portray it as such seems utterly preposterous.

This leads me to my primary objection, namely that the so called PG-era seems to be aimed mostly at kids. The story lines strike me as highly repetitive and perfectly designed for a youngster who has no difficulty sitting down and watching the same DVD over and over and over... Ad nauseam.

The stories are comfortable, the endings are predictable and the good guy almost always triumphs. Plus the face gets to do all the cool stuff (that was once the private domain of heels).

Add to this the fact that heels are almost never allowed to sustain any kind of heat and you have a program that is tailor made to making sure young kids don't cry.

That being said, I agree with you about TNA and the importance of not overdoing blood to keep it memorable. Giving us more of the past is not the answer, but what we do need is an infusion of the uncertainty of the attitude era where you never quite new what might happen next.

IMO, we lost something special at the end of the Monday Night Wars. Vince is older now, and without any legitimate competition, he seems to have grown way too comfortable to mess with his formula. There's no need to take chances anymore, so we end up with basically the same angles year after year. What we really need is a breath of fresh air.

To be honest, I have very little hope this is ever going to happen until WWE gets new leadership. Until then I'll keep dreaming of a balanced era where the monster heel doesn't have to job out to John Cena on a regular basis.

Wishful thinking I know, but I can always dream... ;)


Nov 10, 2011
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When you talk about monday night war,i remember the montreal screwjob,the greatest and unforgettable moment in professional wrestling of all time.......and now many promoter,including WWE and TNA want to recreate montreal screwjob at some of their match,including john cena VS alberto del rio for WWE championship.

man i miss the old era :hi


Nov 27, 2011
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<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>AKI Man</dt><dd>Dec 17 2011, 08:20:41 PM</dd></dl><div> They just need to build storylines for longer and get the fans more intised into a angle instead of killing it within a matter of weeks!

[/quote]To do that they have to hire as writers people, who know what pro-wrestling is about.
There are many things to be done. Just look at at some NJPW, AJPW or NOAH shows, or mexican shows - they have exactly what WWE novadays hasn't. I have seen currently 2 last big japanese events - it's stunning! The whole athmosphere in the arena burns with excitement! And all the gimmicks are not great - awesome! Even the Killer Rabbit. :cbv2: And Muta's entrance - 15 minutes of excitement - and that before the match itself begins! And his last attire - probably the best one in his whole carrier!


Oct 31, 2010
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nadimmania said:
8 years ago,Kane was being unmasked by triple H after he lost a match again't him.and last monday,kane back to his masked form and attacking john cena(good job,kane :celebrate: ).........people are speculated why kane back with his mask.......here is the reason why kane back to his mask:

Kane has being weak since he was unmasked.he was no more kane in the eyes of WWE fans,and he has only 1 major feud (with the corre only)

Glenn jacob(kane) has once say in 2009 that he feel the audience has no more idolize kane and always boo him.he feel that the masked kane is the way so kane characther can become idol and feared by WWE fans

3.Championship Title
When kane is still masked,he was won many champion like hardcore championship,intercontinental championship,and WWF(WWE) championship.when kane is unmasked,he only win world heavy weight champion.
you have no idea what you're talking about

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<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>Quote:</dt><dd> </dd></dl><div>Firstly the whole idea of a PG anything that is primarily based on violence seems a contradiction in terms. A spectacle of two (or more) people attempting to render physical harm to one another (scripted or not) can hardly be classified as good 'family entertainment.'[/quote]

If I didn't live in the United States, I would completely agree with you. This is the biggest thing in family entertainment we have:

<iframe type='text/html' width='250' height='250' src='
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Even Little Jimmy!!!!!

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<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>Quote:</dt><dd> </dd></dl><div>This leads me to my primary objection, namely that the so called PG-era seems to be aimed mostly at kids. The story lines strike me as highly repetitive and perfectly designed for a youngster who has no difficulty sitting down and watching the same DVD over and over and over... Ad nauseam.

Yup. I can see that. :eek:k

That would have happened, anyway. Even before the company went full blown PG, we were gonna see Super-Cena no matter what. It may have been interesting if he actually had some realistic competition, which he really hasn't. Cena vs Orton just isn't as exciting as Austin vs Rock. Even now, Cena doesn't have much to do. I'm hoping he puts Kane over.

Hogan didn't really have a whole lot of competition. Post Andre, the only really huge hurdles he had was Warrior and.... uh..... ya see? Macho doesn't count, and neither does Slaughter. Hogan was the man, as has been Cena for the last few years. Austin didn't really have much in the regards of stiff competition beyond Rock, Trips and Taker. Oh wait, that's a LOT more top dogs than they have right now.

Orton is there (whether I like it or not), same with Cena (whether I like it or not), Punk has gotten there... but they have to build for something in order for these new guys to have a chance. Shemus is getting a push, Ziggler and Rhodes are, as well. Wade Barrett is showing some honest promise, and even Bryan seems to be in the phase of being prepped for great things.

This last year in the WWE has been one big experiment, and they've learned from it, believe. I honestly expect Wrestlemania to be one of the best in a long time, since there are more than a handful of guys worth watching, now. I think a guy like Wade is important, as well. Since Batitsta has been gone, that slot of a big, intimidating guy really hasn't been filled. He's got the tools, and has really done nothing but improve since he's been with the company.

That will definitely add a great amount of uncertainty. Cena seems more than comfortable without the belt these days, and so do the people writing a lot of the stories, it seems. If a few of these guys get wins over Cena, not only will it build a lot of groundwork for a more secure future, but I will be fun as hell to watch.

I feel bad for Cena, these days, honestly. The guy gets booed out of his own hometown. He's.... getting really interesting to watch. I keep watching and waiting for him to turn on the hecklers. I really do.

I guess I'm trying to say that though the product isn't anywhere near what it could be, it seems to be making the right choices at the moment to getting there.

I'm for it.



Lower Midcard
Aug 15, 2011
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Kane interferes AGAIN In Cena's match at Live show!!!!!! OMG He's a monster again!

<iframe type='text/html' width='320' height='250' src='
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UPDATE: Here's another clip of the same thing with whole ring view. It's rotated for 1st 10 secs, then it get's fine.

<iframe type='text/html' width='320' height='250' src='
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Lower Midcard
Aug 15, 2011
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Well, hope WWE dosen't screw him at TV taping's. This was a live show, so it's fine.


Main Eventer
Dec 12, 2011
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Phil said:
I guess I'm trying to say that though the product isn't anywhere near what it could be, it seems to be making the right choices at the moment to getting there.

I'm for it.

I hope you're right. And I mean that sincerely.

Sometimes I get a little carried away in the criticism department, but it doesn't come from bitterness or a desire to tear down. Rather it comes from a passion to see it the best it can be.

If you're into it, awesome. Hang in there and enjoy. I just hope they make the right choices and build for the future instead of sacrificing everything on the short-term altar of Cena.


Feb 7, 2011
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I approve of building up new guys to feud with the already established stars. But it simply can't work if the established stars keep burying them as they are being built. Who cares how many mid-carders someone can beat if they still can't pose a threat to the main-eventers?

Week one: Defeat Christian or Kofi Kingston.
Week two: Defeat Tyson Kidd, Heath Slater, Jack Swagger or Santino Marella.
Week three: Lose a tag team match to Orton or Cena.
Week four: Superstars.
Week five: Defeat Christian or Kofi Kingston to continue push.
Week six: Defeat Kidd, Slater, Swagger or Marella.
Week seven: Lose a singles match to Orton or Cena.
Week eight: Defeat Christian or Kingston to continue your "streak".
Repeat as nessesary.

It doesn't help when literally every single SmackDown show ends with Orton RKO-ing the heels AND Babyfaces. And then ending every RAW show with Cena delivering an Attitude Adjustment to all of the heels. It is pretty sad when John Cena has to kiss up to Zack Ryder in order to keep some popularity.

Now that Dolph Ziggler is no longer United States champion, maybe now he will get a main event push! (i.e. lose repeatedly to BOTH Orton and Cena).


Main Eventer
Dec 12, 2011
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It's the 'repeat as necessary' part that gets me. Orton and Cena don't need the build, so why suck the heat out of some poor mid carder as soon as he gets any kind of streak going?

Does the WWE universe (myself included) suffer from short term memory loss to such a degree that we have to be constantly reminded just how awesome Orton and Cena truly are? Give it a rest, I get it already. If some mid-carder puts together a modest winning streak there's no danger I'll suddenly start thinking he's more awesome than Cena. So please don't bury the poor guy on my account. :p


Oct 30, 2010
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Cena in his OVW days was way more a wrestler than he is now. Once you get into the WWE you become a "Marketing" project. If you guys remember. When Cena debuted on Smackdown his was "green" as my lawn and though he did get a good reaction, he could have been another has been! WWE then repackaged his a "The doctor of thuganomics" and had feuds with Taker, Angle, that awesome "Stephanie, slap my ass" moment that I hold fondly lol. He was given a lot of support by the WWE and time to develop his character, but a lot of him back then was actually him. He is a fan of rap music and was much more cool to watch! Its all about what sells, and whether you love him or hate him! He deserves a huge amount of credit and is a huge star. I can't stand him now, but respect him. He can have a good match, just look at his match with Punk at MITB. RVD at ONS and Jericho at SS 07.

I think that WWE are trying to push the new wrestlers too quick and don't tend to have the patience anymore if they don't get over. But the wrestlers themselfs also must get themselfs over. Look at Zack Ryder! He has been smart and used the internet to get the fans behind him with his youtube shows and Vince as took notice. He is now US champ and another wrestler to look out in for the future.

Some gimmicks will never be accepted as World Title credentials, but you gotta start somewhere.

Poor Ziggler was apart of the Spirit Squad.


Nov 10, 2011
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If you see last night when kane interfere john cena and mark henry segment,most old fans were boo cena and cheer kane,and young kids and girl cheer cena and so crazy when kane attack cena

Compare this: Kane=old fans cheer him when he come,crowd become fantastic,and says "Chokeslam cena" :"":
John Cena=heavily boo when he activate super cena mode and clothesline kane into the outside of the ring,girls and kid are become crazy when cena being attacked by kane on commentary table :wall:

This should be battle between Kaneninize(old fans,adult,17 up male fans)and Cenation(young boys and kid,girls,and 0-13 male/female fans) :star wars:


Oct 30, 2010
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nadimmania said:
If you see last night when kane interfere john cena and mark henry segment,most old fans were boo cena and cheer kane,and young kids and girl cheer cena and so crazy when kane attack cena

Compare this: Kane=old fans cheer him when he come,crowd become fantastic,and says "Chokeslam cena" :"":
John Cena=heavily boo when he activate super cena mode and clothesline kane into the outside of the ring,girls and kid are become crazy when cena being attacked by kane on commentary table :wall:

This should be battle between Kaneninize(old fans,adult,17 up male fans)and Cenation(young boys and kid,girls,and 0-13 male/female fans) :star wars:
Huh? :unsure:


Nov 10, 2011
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I mean after Kane-John cena feud last night on monday night RAW,there was a new feud in WWE Universe: Kaneninize-Cenation feud

Or should i say: Kaneninize(Kane fans)-Cenation(John cena fans)feud


Jan 1, 2011
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nadimmania said:
I mean after Kane-John cena feud last night on monday night RAW,there was a new feud in WWE Universe: Kaneninize-Cenation feud

Or should i say: Kaneninize(Kane fans)-Cenation(John cena fans)feud

Magic News Lady

Main Eventer
Nov 13, 2010
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I think he means kanenites.

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