<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>Blue Warrior</dt><dd>Aug 10 2011, 09:56:07 AM</dd></dl><div>OK, something's really wrong with this save. Hulk Hogan is a woman with The Rock's face and a funny yellow hat on. Not to mention other things, every wrestler's effed up. I guess I did something wrong. I tried to load hi-res textures, but nothing. Could you help me?[/quote]Here's the thing: The Rice Video Plugin used originally in this save doesn't put out the textures correctly, so here's what I did. I just found a WWF No Mercy Save folder that had the new Rice Video Plugins(you could probably use the plugins from Loco's World Tour save) and just copied all the plugins from the Plugin folder from that save and pasted them onto Icco's Save's Plugin folder. Or, you could find the plugins online (the ones I used are Rice Video Plugin 6.1.1 beta 10) by searching them on Google or whatever search system you use.