Recent content by WaylonMercysHands

  1. WaylonMercysHands

    JDX "Help Me" Thread (Ears at the back of the head)

    I'm not sure what the "real" solution is, but if I recall correctly, when I have cropped the texture to remove one half of it (either the right half or left half), it has fixed the ear problem.
  2. WaylonMercysHands

    Royal Rumbles Start With Two People

    This will cause the Royal Rumble to start with two people.  This code is meant to be used along with the two-minute intervals code; if you don't use that, then some strange things happen (such as the 3rd entrant entering twice). There are still a few minor quirks, though, that I hope to fix in...
  3. WaylonMercysHands

    Two-Minute Intervals Between Rumble Entrants

    I added a new part to this code that will cause the eliminated wrestler to disappear. Before, you could see the wrestler awkwardly lying on the outside for up to two minutes. I also included some slight camera adjustments to make sure that you don't see moment when he disappears.
  4. WaylonMercysHands

    Using AI Codes to encourage submission specials

    Your code looks right. It should work.
  5. WaylonMercysHands

    Lives are gonna Waylon Mercy's hands

    Hi, all, I'm WaylonMercysHands.  I've been into No Mercy hacking since around 2009.  My biggest contributions are the Game Cheat Generator, the WWF vs. the World compilation mod, the VPW2-to-No Mercy moveset converter, a few other tools, and various gameplay-related codes.  I'm semi-retired...
  6. WaylonMercysHands

    Using AI Codes to encourage submission specials

    Wow, nice!  I hadn't seen that before.
  7. WaylonMercysHands

    Wldfbs attire specific moveset editor

    Here is the link to the OpenOffice version: I can't find the Excel version at the moment.  Maybe someone else has a link to it.
  8. WaylonMercysHands

    Using AI Codes to encourage submission specials

    I'm just glad that I could be of help. We were all noobs at some point.
  9. WaylonMercysHands

    Using AI Codes to encourage submission specials

    No, the D12E641A isn't related to a character.  Remember that since this is universal move damage, the codes are already in effect before the match begins, so there wouldn't be anything character-specific. WldFb was using D12E641A 0A02 for every universal move damage code.  What that activator...
  10. WaylonMercysHands

    Using AI Codes to encourage submission specials

    Great! I'm glad to hear that it's working. One additional note: When WldFb would make universal move damage codes, he would always have the activator "D12E641A 0A02" before each line. I think the reason for that is that that activator makes sure that the move damage values are currently in...
  11. WaylonMercysHands

    Using AI Codes to encourage submission specials

    You have to put the 80 prefixes into the memory editor.  So 8015B178 and 8015B180.  The 81 prefix used in codes just indicates the length of the address. The value would be four digits long and would be that address and the one after, so the body health is in 8015B178 and 8015B179, and the legs...
  12. WaylonMercysHands

    Using AI Codes to encourage submission specials

    I don't know off the top of my head how to find the address for part 2, but you could always go to player 2's body part health addresses and see how fast they decrease while the move is applied.  Assuming that the body damage is still 02, the legs health should be decreasing faster than the body...
  13. WaylonMercysHands

    Using AI Codes to encourage submission specials

    Oh, wait, nevermind.  800ACBE9 would have the value for part 1 of the Sharpshooter.  So ignore what I said earlier about checking that value.  I'm not sure what the in-match address would be for part 2 of the special.
  14. WaylonMercysHands

    Using AI Codes to encourage submission specials

    Is the code you're using for the Sharpshooter 802F8F21 0005 (without activators)?
  15. WaylonMercysHands

    Using AI Codes to encourage submission specials

    802F3BCC is the base address for the figure four (2); the address in the first column is the first in the long series of addresses for that move, and depending on which move attribute you're editing, you would add some offset to that base value to determine the address you want.  802F3BE1 is the...